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Heart rate sensor for Wahoo Elmnt Bolt
  • I pair my bolt with a garmin watch for heart rate. I already owned the watch when I got the bolt, not sure if it makes sense paying for the whole watch when all you need is a heart rate monitor, but they are compatible.

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    Suggestions for General Public
  • Not the intent of this post but that’s a great indirect recommendation for Consider Phlebas, I just placed a hold at my library for it.

    The Expanse series might be a good fit, it’s pretty PG-13 if memory serves, and the narrator is excellent.

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    Columbia University community 'shattered' after police raid
  • If someone is politically engaged enough to get arrested at a political protest, it seems like a reasonable assumption that they would be registered to vote

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    What's a good online (globally available) human therapist or therapy service?
  • Can you narrow it down to a specific country? Licensure and regulation will likely vary on a per-country basis. Assuming you’re not in the US based on the global availability stipulation, but if you are, is a good place to start.

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    Time has changed
  • Fear and Trembling is an extrapolation of details surrounding the story of Abraham traveling up the mountain to sacrifice his son, this meme does the same only through a modern lens

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    Steam Deal: Save 75% on HELLDIVERS™ 2 on Steam
  • Wrong release date, marked down from $50 not $40, not able to find this when I search the game directly in the store…what exactly is this link?

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    Would like to learn Mandarin, what are some good free/cheap places to start?
  • Duolingo is great as far as a free learning option. There are ads that you can pay to remove.

    The Knockout is a great detective/organized crime story. It’s on the longer side, but the pacing is consistent throughout and the time spent developing characters is justified by high quality writing.

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    Waiting mode for work
  • Are you able to structure your day so that when you wake up you immediately go to work? That way when you finish work, you have the rest of the day to shift gears and more fully engage with any hobbies or other non work things that you want to pursue
