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Plasma 6 Release Candidate 1 has landed.
  • As silly as it sounds, the new taskbar modification pop up. Dragging the taskbar from one side of the screen to another was a point of jank that took away from the polish of the desktop. The floating panel retaining proper proportions upon maximizing windows is also a nice fix.

    I think I’m most looking forward to Plasma becoming more polished overall. I like that this release isn’t completely revolutionary like 4 to 5 was. It’s about removing things that don’t work that well and tightening up what does.

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    Why don't you donate (or donate more) to KDE?
  • I honestly intend to but haven’t gotten around to it. I’m more comfortable with a one time donation but might look at recurring donations for KDE and Asahi when it makes sense for my budget. I use both daily and both projects are killing it as of late!

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    Plasma 6 Release Candidate 1 has landed.
  • Very excited for this release!

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    Fedora Asahi Remix Officially Released for Apple Silicon Macs
  • Sorry a bit let to reply, but I’m running on M1 Air and Mini. Off the top of my head, built-in microphone doesn’t work and external displays don’t work through USB/Thunderbolt. Was also having trouble getting my audio interface to work even in class compliant mode. Otherwise it’s a very polished and easy experience.

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    Fedora Asahi Remix Officially Released for Apple Silicon Macs
  • Been daily driving Asahi (first ALARM then Fedora when they transitioned) and it’s been exciting to experience in real time how far the project has come. When I first installed, audio didn’t work, the graphics driver was incomplete, and battery life left a lot to be desired. Skip to today and it’s evident how committed marcan and other contributors are to not just porting, but making everything feel right. Highly suggest following him or Lina on Mastodon.

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    Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email
  • Bring back anti-trust regulations. Microsoft has been trying to acquire anything they can get their hands on, and really should be dismantled on principle.

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    Elon Musk Says He Might Put X/Twitter Behind A Paywall
  • Who in their right mind would pay for a dying social media platform? This reeks of desperation from a man trying to convince himself of his own supposed public image.

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    [KDE Plasma] Solarized Dark - First Try Ricing KDE Plasma
  • I miss the depth of gui elements from 2000s desktops. Flat UIs look good, but I’ve been noticing lately some things are just easier to distinguish from the GUIs of yore.

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  • This meme is centuries old.

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    Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
  • Still scroll reddit for certain communities, but the conversation here is refreshing and I find myself participating more, that's a good thing. Lemmy needs sustained engagement more than a honeymoon phase. We will see once third-party apps shut down.

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    Reddit: open /r/pics or else. Mods: OK but you didn't say how
  • Wow, I totally forgot about CompUSA. I used to love going there as a kid, back when Apple had that underdog appeal. Now I'm a FOSS maxi (just don't look at my iPhone...).

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    What are some of your LEAST favorite game mechanics?
  • Stealth. I hate hiding and creeping around waiting for an NPC to move. It's like, "oh, you want to play the game? How about not playing the game instead?" Infuriating.
