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I just found who offer LLM inference for quite cheap. Without rate-limits and unlimited token generation. No-logging policy and they have an OpenAI compatible API.

I've been using previously but that's a whole different service as they sell compute and the customers have to build their own Docker images and run them in their cloud, by the hour/second.

Should I switch to ArliAI? Does anyone have some experience with them? Or can recommend another nice inference service? I still refuse to pay $1.000 for a GPU and then also pay for electricity when I can use some $5/month cloud service and it'd last me 16 years before I reach the price of buying a decent GPU...

I love the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, even though it can't fix the same old foldable foibles
  • Sure. I'm not against people buying it. Including for novelty or be an early adopter. I've had a look at all the foldable phones in the store and I didn't really like them. I mean it's a nice idea, and I can see how I'd get some good use out of that large screen. But at least the Samsung one had a pretty noticable fold in the middle. And I can get a rusty used car for that kind of money. Or a mid-range gaming PC new. Maybe I'm just not the target audience. I never got why people buy expensive phones. My $350 one can do pretty much the same tasks in everyday life and also the camera and everything is decent enough. And I spent the extra money that'd get me to $2.000 on a laptop and other things. Yeah, but I know different people make different decisions and that's fine. I'd be in for something like a Nokia N950 if we want to change the form factor (and operating system for more diversity). But that's not happening. Or just a regular uninspiring Pixel with the price point of the 4a, just with the current (extended) update timeframe. That's something they don't do very often. Probably because of the smaller profit margin. But I also consider it an achievement and challenge to design and sell a device close to high-end specs, just for a fraction of the price.

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    Deutschlandticket: Streit um 49€-Ticket – Sozialverband mit drastischer Forderung
  • Stimmt. Ich bezweifle aber erstmal die Zahlen. Außerdem ist hier eh alles kaputt und man müsste das erstmal reparieren bevor man sich überhaupt um langfristig kostendeckend unterhält...

    Ich bin sowieso nicht dafür alle (Dorf und Stadt) über einen Kamm zu scheren. Also es ist schon nett, dass das Deutschlandticket jede:n gleich viel kostet. Aber abgesehen davon sehen die Lebensrealitäten im dicht besiedelten Ruhrgebiet und aufm Dorf schon anders aus.

    Und ich würde auch 20€ mehr bezahlen, dann soll die Bahn aber bitte auch pünktlich kommen. Man kann schlecht einmal pro Woche zu spät zur Arbeit kommen, weil irgendwie die Bahn nicht kommt, das interessiert den Chef/Kunden recht wenig. Und immer 'ne halbe Stunde früher losfahren ist auch verschwendete Lebenszeit.

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    Why we need an AI safety hotline.
  • I like than everyone seems to think we're days or weeks away from a ChatGPT 5 release. I've read that claim for months now.

    But I agree with the premise of the article. Whistleblowing should be legal and appreciated. I wouldn't rely on the government however. They've done far worse things than just fire someone who calls them out, in the past.

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    Deutschlandticket: Streit um 49€-Ticket – Sozialverband mit drastischer Forderung
  • Oh man, die hessische CDU will es abschaffen, die Bayern teurer machen... Aber wenn die doch jetzt ausgerechnet haben, dann man für 64€ kostendeckend arbeiten kann... Hört sich doch 29€ gar nicht so schlecht an? Für mit dem Auto zur Arbeit fahren gibt es ja auch Steuererleichterungen. Oder den Umweltbonus für eine E-Auto gab es zumindest mal.

    Außerdem wieso kostendeckend? Wieso hat das Ticket2000 dann vorher die Pendler 150€ im Monat gekostet?

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    Would it be legal to crowdfund a licensed private detective to investigate a public figure and publish their results publicly?
  • I seriously doubt that. I didn't read the law but I'd be surprised if it contains an exception for PIs. And I think I read about some private investigators and paparazzi getting into trouble with the law. I mean downvote me all you want, but I'm pretty sure it's a delicate matter not to cross any lines in such a job. And probably more so if you lack a legitimate reason and do surveillance on some person's private life.

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    why does some mastodon influencers mislead their followers?
  • It's the internet. Lots of people write silly stuff and blast their uninformed opinion around. That also happens on the Fediverse. They do it for various reasons. And it's easier to do it pseudonomysly than in real life. Also you'd expect some left-wing people to pop up on Mastodon, since they've left Twitter and Mastodon is the number one alternative.

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    verunsichert, wie mit meiner Chefin umzugehen, die gedutzt werden möchtet
  • Stimmt, ist etwas anstrengend aber häufing kommt man mit so billigen Tricks aus, jefenfalls in E-Mails. »Sehr geehrte Vorname Nachname, ... hier ist mein Stundenzettel...« Löst jetzt das Problem nicht direkt, aber da kann schlecht jemand meckern.

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    Is there is a watermark free resources list?
  • For AI training? Or why would someone specifically pay attention to watermarks? I believe there are curated datasets out there. And watermark detectors to weed out watermarked pictures from a pile of data. I don't think the general public sorts by presence of watermarks...
    And I'm not sure about games and webcomics. They all have some logo somewhere, because they've been made by someone. If you don't want that, you're looking for white-label products. I think in the realm of privacy, and those product types, that's a small to non-existent niche.

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    How to login to Davx5 with certificate?
  • Do you install the CA certificate or the client certificate? Because both aren't the same. The app needs to authenticate with a client certificate file. The server has a server certificate that is checked against the CA certificate. So you'd install that (CA) in the android system certificate store and additionally give a client certificate file to the app.

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    verunsichert, wie mit meiner Chefin umzugehen, die gedutzt werden möchtet
  • Naja, für die eine Seite ist Duzen nicht gewünscht, für die andere Seite ist Siezen nicht gewünscht... Auf irgendwas muss man sich aber einigen wenn man zusammen arbeiten will/muss. Klar weckt das irgendwelche Gefühle so oder so angesprochen zu werden. Und halt unterschiedliche Gefühle aus unterschiedlichen Gründen bei verschiedenen Personen... Vielleicht muss man mal offen miteinander reden und eine Lösung finden. Oder erstmal sich gegenseitig Verstehen wieso man da unterschiedlicher Meinung ist.
    Ich persönlich finde duzen sowieso okay. Ich wäre damit einverstanden wenn man wie im Englischen einfach immer ein und dasselbe Wort für die Anrede benutzt und sich das Siezen schenkt. Höflichkeit und Respekt drückt man dann einfach mit dem Rest vom Satz aus. Dann müsste ich mir nicht immer so viele Gedanken machen. Und unter jungen Leuten und im Internet und so ist das ja praktisch auch gang und gäbe. Und in ganzen Berufen. Im professionellen Umfeld in Deutschland oft aber auch nicht. Aber man muss sich unbedingt gemeinsam auf etwas einigen, sonst macht man aus einem kleinen Wort irgendwie unnötigerweise eine persönliche Auseinandersetzung.

    Ich kann mir auch gut vorstellen, dass die Chefinnen meinen es arbeiten alle für die gleiche Firma und da sollte man direkter miteinander umgehen. Und Sie wollen auf Distanz gehen weil es hier einen Unterschied zwischen körperlicher und Schreibtischarbeit gibt.

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    Is "retard" a slur?
  • It's derogative and ultimatively looking down at people. So not acceptable.

    And I mean in what context would you call someone a "retard" and not mean it as a slur? I don't see any situation. Either you say that to insult someone. Or you say it to a person who it applies to... But it doesn't really help in most situations. They probably already know. And they can't change it anyways. And you could phrase it differently. So in most cases I'd say it's insulting and not constructive.

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    Don’t ask if AI can make art — ask how AI can be art
  • Long article with some nice thoughts. And I'd add: Art is about exploring, communicating, ... And that includes current events and technology. I mean not every picture is art. But as AI is part of the world, art has to deal with the subject. And art has methods to do so. And I see some potential in AI's ability to be interactive.

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    Meta fed its AI on almost everything you’ve posted publicly since 2007
  • And since it wasn't ever a secret that these services are for data harvesting, they got next to nothing from me. I mean does it make a substancial difference if they sell your data or use it to get to know you so they can do targeted advertising... Or train an AI with it? I'd say the latter isn't even that bad compared to the other business model. But yeah, be cautious about these tech companies. Generally speaking they're not invested in your privacy. On the contrary. If you value that, use other services. And it's been that way for quite some time.

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • Well, nothing lasts forever. I'd say distributing them on something that lasts 10+ years is better than doing noting. Otherwise they just get lost, buried in the attic or the next harddrive crash takes them.

  • tl;dr: Be excellent to each other, do something constructive here?

    I'm not sure anymore where the Threadiverse is headed. (The Threadiverse being this threaded part of the Fediverse, i.e. Lemmy, MBin, PieFed, ...) In my time here, I've met a lot of nice people and had meaningful conversations and learned lots of things. At the same time, it's always been a mixed bag. We've always had quite some argumentative people here, trolls, ... I've seen people hate on and yell at each other, and do all kinds of destructive things. My issue with that is: Negative behavior is disproportionately affecting the atmosphere. And I'd argue we have nowhere enough nice behavior to even that out.

    I don't see Lemmy grow for quite some time now. Seems it's now leveling off at a bit less that 50k monthly active users. And I don't see how that'd change. I'm missing some clear vision/idea of where we want to be headed. And I miss an atmosphere that makes people want to join or stay here, of all of the places on the internet. The saying is: "If you don't go forwards you go backwards". I'm not sure if this applies... At least we're not shrinking anymore.

    And I'm always unsure if the tone and atmosphere here changes subtly and gradually. I've always disagreed with a few dynamics here. But lately it feels like we're on the decline, at least to me. I occasionally keep an eye on the votes on my comments. And seems I'm getting fewer of them. Sometimes I reply to a post and not a single person interacts. Even OP seems to have abandoned their post moments after writing it. And also for nuanced and longer replies, I regularly don't get more than one or two upvotes. I think that used to be a bit better at some point. And I see the same thing happening with other peoples' comments. So it's not just me writing low-quality comments. What does work is stating simple truths. I regularly get some incoming votes with those. But my vision of this place isn't spreading simple truths, but have proper and meaningful discussions, learn things and new perspectives or just mingle with people or talk. But judging by the votes I observe, that isn't appreciated by the community here.

    Another pet peeve of mine is the link aggregator aspect of Lemmy. I'd say at least 80% of Lemmy is about dumping some political (or tech) news articles. Lots of them don't generate any engagement. Lots of them are really low-effort. OP just dumps something somewhere, no body text added, no info about what's interesting about it. And people don't even read those articles. They just read the title and react (emotionally) to that. In the end probably neither OP nor the audience read the article and it's just littering the place. Burying and diminishing other, meaningful content. (With that said: There are also nice (news) discussions going on at the same time. And Lemmy is meant to be a link aggregator. It's just that my perception is: it's skewed towards low quality, low engagement and random noise.)

    A few people here also don't really like political debate. And there's no escape from it here on Lemmy since so much revolves around that. And nowadays politics is about strong opinions, emotions and emotional reactions. And often limited to that. The dynamics of Lemmy reinforce the negative aspect of that, because the time when you're most incentivized to reply or react is, when it triggers some strong emotion in you, for example you strongly disagree with a comment and that makes you want to counter it and write your own opinion underneath. If you agree, you don't feel a strong emotion and you don't reply. And the majority of users seems to also forget to upvote in that case, as I lined out earlier. And we also don't write nuanced answers, dissect complex things and examine it from all angles. That's just effort and it's not as rewarding for the brain to do that as it is pointing out that someone is wrong. So it just fosters an atmosphere of being argumentative.

    Prospect ----------

    I think we have several ways of steering the community:

    1. Technology: Features in the software, design choices that foster good behavior.
    2. Moderation: Give toxic people the boot, or delete content that drags down the place. Following: What remains is nice people and not adverse content.
    3. The community

    I'd say 1 and 2 go without saying. (Not that everything is perfect with those...) But it really boils down to 3: The community. This is a fairly participatory place. We are the ones shaping the tone and atmosphere. And it's our place. It's kind of our obligation to care for it if we want to see it go somewhere. Isn't it?

    So what's your vision of this place? Do you have some idea on where you'd like it to go? Practical ideas on how to achieve it? Do you even agree with my perception of the dynamics here, and the implications and conclusions I came up with?
