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  • Exactly. Get the adapter and don't lose it. Now, if companies made it impossible to wire in audio, well that would be totally insane.

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    Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work [Update]
  • Dude, just admit you were wrong instead of breaking down like a child who keeps parroting back what the other is saying. You can do this, you can become a better version of yourself. Being stupid is a choice and rejecting that notion starts with you facing facts.

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    Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work [Update]
  • Instead of giving me one good reason why I should believe the headline you choose to double down?

    Btw this is the actual source of the article that spawned this article showing that they’re clearly discussing an internal issue that has nothing to do with singing:

    And before you tell me you don’t care or didn’t need that link…it’s not for you.

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    Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work [Update]
  • It’s not about believe Amazon you idiot, it’s about not believing the first and very egregious claim. Which I was right to doubt because apparently it’s an internal issue with how the system detects distractions and is being corrected internally lol. The workers coming on to complain and garner outrage over it are fucking babies and frankly disingenuous because they know there aren’t actually any rules against singing in the van.

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    Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work [Update]
  • You realize you’re just one predictable reaction after another right? The whole unquestionable outrage followed by the hot meme trend…do you ever originate an original thought?

    Btw, the system in place is looking for other distracting behaviors that aren’t singing but singing happens to trigger it:

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    Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work [Update]
  • Instantly buying up random unfounded rumors makes you fucking stupid. Instantly buying Amazon’s denial to a claim with zero evidence makes me not stupid. You can keep the added color. I won’t be bullied into believe baseless facts.

    Until another article comes out with some evidence, I’ll keep my pitchfork right where it is.
