There is no record of this bio
Sure, but the cited 12% only took results from men.
If I am delusional let it be known that its in an overwhelmingly uncommon way.
"contributed to" vs "killing me instantly"
I wish I had the reading comprehension to find the obvious difference between these two statements, but alas it is impossible no one is that comprehensive.
You're the one who decided to go with personal attacks. If you want to insult someone at least give them the courtesy of reading their username.
Also you're on the silly meme community why are you taking this so seriously?
blank page hmmmmm
If you actually had the reading comprehension that you claim you would have noticed that only men were surveyed.
Tennis isn't played one game at a time. It is played one match at a time. Any point is one point in a game.
If you want to make that shirt I'll buy one. I don't think I'm quoting someone by accident. Have at it if you're inspired.
Winning a point is a very low bar. You don't have to beat her. You don't have to win a set or a game. You just have to score a single point. All it takes is a single mistake from your opponent to win a point. With enough time even the best will make a mistake, and tennis matches are long.
The shortest possible game is 4 points. A set without a tie breaker has 6 games. A women's tournament match is best 2 sets of 3. So at minimum a match of tennis has 48 points. You only need one.
If you're passible enough to return the ball some of the time, and do a valid serve you will probably win a point at some point. She may be one of the best tennis players of all time, but she's not infallible. Its really unlikely she wouldn't mess up at least once.
Whenever a headline is written to imply something without saying it, don't trust it.
The words in the headline are not false, but they chose to cover this story nationally because they can write a headline that strongly implies that there was an attempt on the president's life because they know that will entice a click.
If there was evidence of the exciting implication that would be the headline.
A depressed person attempting suicide by cop isn't something relevant to a national audience, but people will click because of the headline.
This is a transcript of a meeting. Those are words that trump did say, but this screenshot is cropped deliberately to hide that fact.
This is one of the typical lies that trump is known to make in speeches. This isn't a whitehouse staff member publishing those words as a written statement the office stands behind.
This proposed law is very narrowly tailored to the handling of records about court proceedings. It is unjust the way you are treated by this country, but this bill is not that, at least not in the ways you describe.
If ice or any other law enforcement agency wanted the documents at issue, they could only get them through a court order. This would be unchanged.
If you need these records to defend yourself in a court, both you and your lawyer are entitled to that information with or without this bill.
This bill will not change your state ID. The process for changing names and gender markers on state IDs is unchanged.
If you want to change the name on your ID, you have to submit the court order yourself. You also have the right to not update your IDs. None of this would be changed by this bill.
CA allows for birth certificate gender marker changes by self declaration. For $52 and a notary you can get a copy of a new birth certificate with a different gender marker.
Name changes require you to attach a court ordered name change document.
Different parts of the government handle different things. Courts don't do birth certificates.
I don't see how this law would do that.
Existing law requires the court to limit access to these records to specified individuals, including, among others, the minor, the minor’s parents, and their attorneys.
the records currently are very restricted. this law would make it even more so. This would allow minors to change their name without their parents being entitled to that information.
If you choose to share that information about yourself this law won't effect you. This law will stop some people close to you from having access to your records through the court.
Unless I'm missing something this bill won't invalidate passports, but it will protect trans people from transphobic relatives or others.
Only you and your lawyer can access those if this goes into effect.
The rich have more assets and income sources and have staff who do a bunch of financial chicanery to try to hide their tax evasion. Auditing the rich requires significantly more work than the poor.
These decisions are not about doing what makes sense. The IRS is a revenue generator. Spending money on the IRS brings in significantly more money in unpaid taxes than it costs.
The goal is not to do what's best for the government's budget. Its really about ensuring that their criminal friends can continue to get away with it.
You are going to change slowly and gradually once you start HRT. That's the most important thing. Get that started as early as possible.
I would advise you to freeze your sperm before you start HRT, unless you are sure you don't want children. The informed consent documents listed two irreversible changes, sterility and breasts.
I'm about 3 and a half month on HRT. I barely have breast shape at this point. My measurements have not changed enough that my old clothes no longer fit comfortably. You'll have time to adjust to the changes. You'll have plenty of time to gradually upgrade your wardrobe, and learn makeup, there's no need to work these things out in advance.
Delay is fine for everything except the HRT and cryopreservation if applicable. Get that E, sis!
The doctrine is called force majeure. Most contracts have a force majeure clause.
If an external factor makes a contract impossible as agreed, the contract can be made void under force majeure. This is very common, and suddenly applied tariffs would likely be covered by a force majeure clause because neither party were responsible for them.
They make bad small phones that people don't buy because they're bad, then conclude its because people don't buy small phones.
They make phones like the palm palm, the second phone you have to pair to your other phone, for those days when the big phone is too big. Also the battery didn't even last a day. When it doesn't sell they say its because it was small, not the everything else.
What heat source are you using? In my experience induction about matches electric kettles.
Yes, but...
Cooking itself also does this. If you are searing or frying that will also release dangerous particulates. Make sure you have and use a vent hood that vents outside the living space when you cook regardless of fuel.
I can say from personal experience of using every kind of home stove, that gas is both the worst and slowest. Boiling water for my morning coffee is fastest on induction, which takes about half the time as resistive or radiant electric, and gas takes nearly three times longer than that.
Though it might just be the american style of burner that directs the flame away from the center of the pan. I've not yet tried any other kind.
You're either going to have to get one custom ordered or make it yourself. You are not alone. There are other trans christians out there. I've met a few.
People like you do exist. If there are no trans crosses listed for sale, its because there's not enough demand to cover the cost of a production run. Even you admitted you wouldn't want one.
Don't let capitalism get its tendrils so far into your mind that you think that you have to be a customer to exist.

Things that feel different on HRT
I have been on HRT for a little over two months. I am taking sprio and sublingual estradiol.
These treatments have pretty much cured my depression, but otherwise I feel pretty much the same. I kind of expected estrogen to feel actively different most of the time, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case.
However, today I felt my nerves for the first time on HRT, and it felt very different. I get stage fright on occasion. This time wasn't worse or anything, but it felt so very different. Like the nerves were in my body instead of my head.
Has anyone else had similar experiences with performance anxiety before and after HRT? I'd also love to know if are other experiences that feel distinctly different that I can look forward to.
Thx in advance. Love you all <3