Vahvasti vasemmalla oleva nörtti, joka tulee paremmin toimeen tarinoiden ja vieraiden maailmoiden kuin todellisuuden kanssa. Viihtyy myös pelien parissa.
@Odo The first half of season 5 is probably the low point of the series, but the final episodes are a very worthy wrap-up for the story, covering plot threads that were left hanging by the previous seasons.
I very much share this experience with the series. Book 5 and 6 were the low point. I was more interested in the world building and everything related to it, and less so in the human conflicts. Final three books were great again, and eight probably my favourite in the whole series.
@wisdomchicken Currently reading! Only about one third in, but I really appreciate it so far.
@asperoth Also many of the special effects were not re-done, but simply scaled up from the regular versions to HD. As you can imagine, that’s not a good look.