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US woman died after abortion ban delayed her medical care: report
  • Justice Alito claimed that he and the court foresaw the legal and actual consequences of their decision and what impact it would have on state laws, existing and otherwise. He chose this. He chose to kill somebody by taking away their rights, and now he has.

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    Autocorrect Rule
  • Women are so cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and cute and...

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    Players be like
  • You can't roll a reflex save against elephant matter coming at you at the speed of light.

    Why the speed of light? Because the amount of pressure from compressing the elephants into that small area is the energy of a small nuke.

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    Despite economic growth, 70% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse
  • 10s of thousands of nothing. Hundreds of thousands isn't even enough that "economic growth" at the expense of increased costs and greater inequity would be a net benefit.

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    Treasury warns that anti-woke banking laws like Florida's are a national security risk
  • A complete Greenland slide-off would be an average sea level rise of about 7m, and is possible in our lifetimes as an extreme event (something like a fraction of a percent chance before 2100). If it happened it would be multiple events really, spread out across years or decades. Antarctic ice moving so its weight is no longer supported by the continent was too unlikely to include in models a few years ago, but the West Antarctic has been so active that I'd expect it to start showing up in estimates.

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    Bat Fact: Male bats perform cunnilingus on their partners
  • J. Maruthupandian and G. Marimuthu can't understand purpose of sex being rewarding for females.

    The bats spent longer performing cunnilingus after copulation than before, so licking competitors sperm out can't possibly be the reason, but it gets proposed.

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    And they say there's some sort of so-called mental health crisis...
  • Don't give them any ideas. Blueberries and sometimes strawberries are the only thing that's cheap anymore. Blueberries are cheaper than cereal by a factor of up to 10 (3 cents an ounce frozen or 6 cents an ounce fresh vs 20-30 cents an ounce for cereal). Sure, they're mostly water and cereal is mostly calories, but the cost of both is dominated by transportation and the blueberries cost more to grow, harvest and handle.

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    The Boeing saga has reached a new level of absurdity | CNN Business
  • No, terrible record keeping is exactly what caused this, according to the anonymous whistleblower: warranty work on the door was performed without any records being created for it due to boeing keeping two record keeping systems, one that was the system of record and one that was used as visibility for management.

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    The Boeing saga has reached a new level of absurdity | CNN Business
  • No, the NTSB said that Boeing hadn't provided them with the records, not that orders for the reinstallation hadn't been made. Boeing is now trying to blame the lack of records to follow-up on on employees, even though none of the work should have been possible without the records existing in the first place.

    Boeing absolutely shouldn't be trying to get out ahead of the NTSB investigation with their own deflecting interpretation of what the NTSB has uncovered and shared with Boeing, which is probably along the lines of the anonymous whistleblower from a few months ago who detailed failings in the record keeping process before the senate hearings revealed that Boeing hadn't provided the NTSB with the records (which according to the anonymous whistleblower didn't exist because they were never created)

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    Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • $5k?! A doctor's visit is $250 for me (insurance doesn't cover anything until I never reach the deductible). Also there were only like 2 tests totalling 20-ish questions. The hardest part was making an appointment, which I never would have done if I wasn't also making appointments for other pressing health issues.

  • The last couple days I've finally been able to work on some of the big projects I care about and have wanted to do for months. But wanting to do all the things I want to do and having lots of ideas is painful, like before I got anxiety, ADHD treatment (which my doctor interpreted as being more of an anxiety thing) but also stopped doing the big things.

    It's so tempting to ignore the things I really want and go burry myself in a video game or something.
