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Vodafone Finds Brits Keep Mobile Phones for 4 Years Instead of 2
  • I will buy a new phone when my phone actually dies, broken screens and old batteries can be replaced. And iOS gets updates for like forever.

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    Gourmet Programmer
  • Except you have to tell your microwave that the ingredients it used don’t actually exist.

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    I like the interface, and have been a user of the reddit version for years...
  • If Apollo would introduce Lemmy support I would immediately pay for it. Even though I am actually really happy with Memmy.

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    Ökonom Bofinger zur Schuldenbremse: „In der Bundesregierung läuft etwas grundsätzlich falsch“
  • Wie funktioniert denn die deutsche Schuldenbremse anders als die bei uns in der Schweiz?

    In Abschwungsphasen ist ein negativer Finanzhaushalt okay.

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    How does everyone here feel about foldable phones?
  • I need one which comes with /e/OS or at least has proper support for it.

    Also the Z Flip form-factor seems to be the only reasonable.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Kriminalität fördert man mit Armut. Was hier passiert verschlimmert die Situation nur weiter.

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    White chocolate is better than dark chocolate and i'm tired of pretending it's not
  • As a Swiss I feel like I can easily out-ambassador you and I will disagree. White chocolate is awesome and OP should keep loving it.

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    Vorfall im Heide Park Resort: Parkverweis wegen Pabst-Shirt
  • Nein, das ist ja so als ob man ein „Breathe some air“ shirt trägt, einfach ein Teil vom Mensch sein.

  • Debatte um Mäzenen-Spende – Stadt Zug schaltet sich wegen Feuerwerk von Krypto-Millionär ein

    Das geplante 1. August-Grossfeuerwerk von Niklas Nikolajsen sorgt in Zug für eine hitzige Debatte. Stadträtin Barbara Gysel sagt, sie habe von den Plänen des Mäzens nichts gewusst.

    Ist ja nicht so dass Bitcoin Unmengen an Strom benötigt, nun muss man der dummen Regierung auch noch zeigen wie man ein richtiges Feuerwerk durchführt.

    Where do you realistically expect the world to be in terms of meeting the 2050 climate goals?
  • Prepare for more migrants. The people who dislike migrants are the ones who also deny climate change.

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    Viele Arbeitnehmer werden im Urlaub krank
  • Joah und dann melde ich mich einfach krank und erhalte die Ferientage zurück.

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    Vegan diet massively cuts environmental damage, study shows
  • Just completely switching to only eating chicken or a vegetarian diet gets you nearly there. No need to go completely vegan and far easier to do for someone who regularly eats beef.

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    Train fares are up to 30 times more expensive than planes in Europe
  • Awesome thanks, yeah I can’t choose a plane if there is a reasonable train connection available. I will never set foot in a plane that is run by a company that can somehow afford < 60 euro tickets.

    Edit: I see, it seems to be the date I want to travel, December 20. does only return a bus connection.

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    Train fares are up to 30 times more expensive than planes in Europe
  • Yeah…sad to hear that. I did it before a few years ago, really nice experience. Sad to see it go.

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    Train fares are up to 30 times more expensive than planes in Europe
  • Price is not even the issue for me, it’s availability. I tried to book a ticket from Zurich to London for December. There are apparently not connections available anymore. I would gladly pay more than if I would be taking a plane, just give me the option…

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    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • I am doing my part

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    Keep calm, and force push
  • with lease?

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    What is your machine naming scheme?
  • One of my nicknames is Hugo. I have a Windows, a macOS, a Debian and a Raspbian machine.

    So I call them Hugowin, Hugotosh and Hugopi. The Debian machine mostly runs Plex so it is named Plexy. And my Phone is called iBobes because someone once told me that Bobes mean ass in german and i though that is incredibly funny.
