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We have been played for fools
  • The Wall

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    One to make your knees hurt
  • I can’t tell if you’re just taking a lie way too far, or you if you’re actually delusional.

    But dude, you are wrong. Very wrong. And you have taken this way too far.

    Take a step back and think about what you’ve done here. You took a personal grievance and had an entirely juvenile reaction that is not befitting of either yourself or this community.

    Shame on you.

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    Christian conservative leader wants federal law to sue teachers who "groom" kids with "sodomy"
  • What’s going on in her house…?

    Every accusation is a confession…

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    Biden says ‘we did well,’ no concerns about debate performance [Brett Samuels | 06/28/24 | The Hill]
  • Trump bloviated and lied while Joe stuck to the facts.

    This will change nobody’s mind, but let Fox News shit themselves over their delusion…

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    A major pause in relations between Russia and China, economist says
  • And Taiwan is much better positioned to defend itself against China than Ukraine was to defend itself against Russia.

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    Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • C A K E

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    "I believe in 1 God, 2 Genders, and 100 reasons to own a gun."
  • They worship their own bigotries, selfish wants, and desires. They worship hate and the suffering of others.

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    Judge orders Trump company to tell financial watchdog about efforts to get appeal bonds
  • Not before the state of New York gets a bite

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    Trump's invite to major donors prioritizes the committee paying his legal bills over the RNC
  • I wonder how long the donors are gonna put up with this

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    Unpatchable vulnerability in Apple chip leaks secret encryption keys
  • It sounds pretty bad, but, fortunately, it’s able to be mitigated with software patches. for now, anyway. Also, fortunately, it’s in older–series chips and won’t present a problem moving forward with newer series chips.

    Still, not good.

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    New York Attorney General takes initial step to prepare to seize Trump assets | CNN Politics
  • Better if his apartment in trump tower is the only place he has left to live, lol

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    Judge orders Trump company to tell financial watchdog about efforts to get appeal bonds
  • No more sniffing around for dirty money, Donnie. Now they’re watching you, and you have to prove to the court you can’t cough up the money— which will make the whole sad, sorry begging of yours public record!


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    Psychedelics are about to become a casualty of Oregon’s opioid crisis
  • The facts prove you’re wrong. Your own links prove you’re wrong. The link I provided prove you’re wrong.

    At this point either you’re completely diluted or you’re lying. At least lying to yourself. Frankly, you seem to be the one who needs help.

    I’m blocking you. So don’t bother replying.

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    Psychedelics are about to become a casualty of Oregon’s opioid crisis
  • Because they knew that there was no real help available.

    The more you keep relying on that single point, the more you prove that you have no understanding of this bill, what it was supposed to do, and how it failed the people.

    All you’re doing is using circular logic based off your own ignorance, and you have already cited sources and I have already cited sources that debunk your one and only claim.

    You can keep asserting this false claim over and over, but all it does is prove that you’re both wrong and ignorant of the matter at hand.

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    Psychedelics are about to become a casualty of Oregon’s opioid crisis

    Oregon hardly has enough support to handle the volume for the pre-legalization need. 110 was supposed to build out a massive infrastructure to deal with the existing need and more, including legal off-ramps for those who do get arrested, and a lot more. NONE of this got implemented as it was supposed to be. And there was a massive increase in need. Of course nobody asked for it— IT WASNT AVAILABLE. What about this is so hard for you to understand?

    Yet, you keep pretending like it already existed before, and that none of it being implemented had zero effect on the outcome. This is a flat out misrepresentation of the facts.

    Saying that nobody wanted help is just a flat out lie. You can’t ask for help that isn’t there. And no, there isn’t help available if no one implements the systems. All you have to offer is circular logic, and I’ve laid out the facts. Even your own article proves you wrong. I’ve linked a podcast that explains it very simply for you to understand. At this point, you have known to blame but yourself for ignoring the truth.

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    Psychedelics are about to become a casualty of Oregon’s opioid crisis
  • True, but they also have specific support systems for drug users that were set up to handle the sudden influx when they legalized drugs. Of course, the universal healthcare definitely helps!

    But you’re kinda making my point for me. Oregon simply didn’t follow through with the “support” part of 110. If they had set all of that up and made it available when they actually made all the drugs legal, the outcome would’ve been very different.

    Edit: this The Daily podcast from March 12 breaks it all down in great detail. I encourage you to give it a listen. I think you’ll find it in enlightening.

  • Sonarr and Radarr seem to be pretty simple “set it and forget it” apps, but Lidarr seems to be a bit of a pain in the ass. Does anyone have an good tips for working with it?
