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How many communities are you subscribed to?
  • I have so many of these blocked lol.

    I blocked so many meme communities which helped my ALL feed look better, but then it was filled with political shit. The problem is, any time something controversial happens regarding someone the broader community doesn't like (elon musk, trump, republicans in general), you have thread after thread after thread of this shit popping up. I don't care to hear why republican bad, because I already know republican bad. I'm an intellectually curious being with better things to do with my time than hear about the latest political thing.

    And then finally as you said, the technology communites can be a bit tiresome, like when there's a post about every single time a frickin' library updates.

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    Recent Ipsos poll shows that most people in western countries think that their country is headed in the wrong direction.
  • Can you explain what makes this "Ipsos" report different than the "World Happiness Report" ? I wanna steal this graphic for later uses if I can understand how to defend it.

    Do you think that the Ipsos report is a better measure of happiness?

    I'm a bit surprised how Mexico and Brazil show high levels of happiness. But I do understand that (from what I know) it seems like family connections have higher importance in these countries so there is a bigger social safety net.

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    Exam Answer
  • The first language I tried to learn as a kid was Batch scripting...

    (edit: and then some VBScript along the way! Eventually worked my way to C++ though)

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    Sleep scientists reveal how often to exercise to reduce insomnia risk
  • Great findings - as someone with ADHD I feel like I've noticed this correlation on a personal level and glad to see there is research to back it up.

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    California Cop Who Shot 18-Year-Old Had His Bodycam Off, But Surveillance Footage Captured Him Shooting Suspect in the Back as He Fled
  • It's like people can't comprehend that two things can be true at once:

    • Is this cop looking for an excuse to perform a fatal shooting? Based on his prior scandal? Most definitely.
    • Would this guy be alive still if he didn't run away from a cop? Most definitely.
  • Example:

    If I'm on, I'd like to be able to view's "front page"

    Likewise, if I was on, and I find a post I wanted to comment on, is there a way I can get a link to that post localized to
