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Armed nazis in Springfield, Ohio
  • Centrists like you who gave fascists like them an inch is how they murdered millions upon millions. Never again. There are all sorts of mind virus cults, but Nazis are a the most dangerous, destructive, industrially homicidal cultists that have ever lived. Compassion and empathy is lost on them because they'll take advantage of that to murder us. I say shoot them because it's quick.

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    I wonder what they smell like.
  • A batch of shrooms never has byproducts or laced drugs.

    A classmate and friend of mine died in 2004 from mushrooms that were laced. Ask with caution if you want to know more, it could fuck up your day.

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    I wonder what they smell like.
  • I think the issue with LSD for beginners is how long it lasts. Mushrooms lasts a 5-6 hours on a full stomach, 2-3 hours if you blast them powdered on a empty stomach. LSD even a small dose is a 12 hour commitment, add another 12 hours per 1000ug. Source: Took a lot of psychedelics and even more trip sitting.

    EDIT As for trip potency, they're both too different and too similar to judge. Similar in terms of visual distortions, different in terms of colour, both very colourful. LSD has a stimulant-like MDMA body high, mushrooms has a body high that's hard to describe. One is an emotional rollercoaster, the other is a different emotional rollercoaster. One has you speak to aliens, the other has you speak to God.

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    Exploited rule
  • I'm sorry but people are already doing that and it's not working. Billionaires get richer, temperatures get hotter, people get poorer. The masses will tolerate literal shock collar enslavement so long as it "pays the bills" and keeps them alive, otherwise we'd actually be doing something by now. Never underestimate how much people will tolerate things getting horrible, and being that we've blown past the 1.5C limit this year we're basically already fucked. Anything short of a viral trend to burn down gated communities and humiliating public executions for any and every CEO or billionaire until they get the message, to get people to understand that society functions better without them (because we do all the work), anything short of that is not enough. I'd we can't do that to save our species and countless others, so be it.

    We tolerated the dust bowl when they poisoned fruit with kerosene and the ones responsible faced zero justice. It'll only get worse.

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    Exploited rule
  • We deserve to all die in 5 years because we as a society suck so much billionaire cock for the right to eat that we "don't have time" to stop sucking and fucking because we're happy enough with what comes out if their dicks we fight eachother for the privilege. The fact that there aren't viral videos of people killing them is proof we don't deserve this world, we can't even do it to save our species, so fuck it, let us all die.

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    Efficient distribution of labour my ass
  • ...That there are people who make the decisions to let millions starve, yet we as a society happily throw people in jail or the chair for much less. If some wild gunman were shooting up the neighborhood, the way to stop them is simple. But if some wild suit lets millions starve artificially, "grr I'm so angwy!"

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    Outrage after French MP says Israelis 'not welcome' at Olympics
  • 5 hours later... Nope. SpaceCowboy probably just rolled their eyes and continued jerking off to 15,000 dead children thinking it's a smaller number than 12.

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    Listen to a genius, kids.
  • We've been in these situations before, albeit in smaller scale, the formula still works the same. And it never ends up well for the "ruling class". It'll probably take a lot of fuckery before the world unites in the class struggle, but when that happens we'll know what to do. Just look at what human nature does in natural disasters - we collaborate, cooperate, and rebuild. We will do the same in the future.

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    Why Would He Help Putin?
  • Maybe not FIRST but when it becomes cool to firebomb banks and oil infrastructure i'd probably be among the many.

  • Video footage reveals ‘Kill the Jews’ remark used to explain police intervention made by pro-Israel counterprotester in provocation

    Footage taken late Friday night of a tense confrontation between pro-Palestine demonstrators and pro-Israel counter-protesters at the encampment revealed it was a pro-Israel student demonstrator who said “Kill the Jews,” asking the pro-Palestine demonstrators “anybody on board; anybody on board?” Ho...
