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Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • Typically parking lots are filled with cars, and I need to drive between the parked cars. If a cart is in the way it makes it harder for me to leave, just saying

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  • This was a great learning tool! Using the actual map data to find a lot of new designations and techniques! Good stuff here.

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    Street-Complete, like Pokemon Go but for good.
  • Interesting.... If you tracked groups by "different quest number" you could potentially group them that way... Even more hacky lol

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    Street-Complete, like Pokemon Go but for good.
  • If there was some way for the app to create teams trying to fill out details like in Pokemon Go, that would be crazy exciting. Would be difficult to balance that so it didn't incentivize adding junk... Maybe having a third party keeping players in check? Not sure, but the possibility is tantalizing!

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    Street-Complete, like Pokemon Go but for good.
  • This is the most fun app in the world. I hope they keep building on top of this, it's amazing! Plus, being able to see new "quests" popup as you edit on OSM/edit? Amazing!!

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    'This game is going to easily—and I mean easily—take over': Major streamers, early fans, and esports players share their Deadlock hype after Valve opens the floodgates
  • The new mix of moba and fps elements is handled really well. You've got to be good at shooting and building your character over time, which leaves a shitload of space for interesting gameplay. Positioning, planning, adapting, experimenting, it's all here and the game is early beta. There were puzzle games before Portal, and there were shooters before this game. Deadlock is extremely well made like portal so far, and I'm excited to see where it goes.

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    Existing California solar customers may get blindsided with net metering cuts
  • It's a win-win. Those batteries are thousands of bucks.

    It fully fucking misses the point, we should own the power we produce from our own fucking homes.
