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An old (old) commission that's no longer in use so I think I can share now.


From a "Chaotic Draw Along" session.

Sleeping tricks
  • This has been working for me, so here it is:

    1. When you’re ready to fall asleep, pick a five to seven letter word (it can be longer if you can keep track of the letters). (e.g. - “Candle”)

    2. For each letter, pick an animal. (e.g. - “C is for Cat”)

    3. To the best of your ability, try and picture that animal in as much detail as you think is appropriate. (e.g. - “It’s seated but not laying down. It has cinnamon-colored fur, short. Its nose is pink, etc.”

    4. Move on to the next letter and do steps 2 & 3 for each letter.

    5. If you finish a word, pick another word, and repeat the same process.

    Apparently this mimics the random-ish thought pattern that precedes sleep, and supposedly signals to your brain that the environment is safe enough to sleep.

    I forget where I picked this up. This was just one of those things where you go, “Oh - that sounds interesting. I’ll guess I’ll give it a shot if I happen to remember it when I’m trying to fall asleep.” It wasn’t something that I ever really expected to work for me.

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    During Antitrust Trial, Exec Admits Kroger Jacked Up Milk and Egg Prices Above Inflation | Common Dreams
  • TL;DR - They’re bringing this up cuz Kroger’s trying to merge with Albertson’s. Other than that, it doesn’t seem like the FTC’s seeking any punitive measures, or seeking to curb any sort of profiteering.

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    Avengers: Doomsday, starring Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom. May 2026.
  • I don’t think it’d be confusing if they either never show his face, or only show his face as heavily disfigured.

    I did worry about his voice though, as RDJ has a pretty distinct accent and way of speaking, but then I reasoned that he’s a good enough actor to put on an accent, and that Latveria, being a fictional country, could justify a strange accent and mask his speech, no pun intended.

  • Found a couple more, and thanks to those that contributed. RIP to Kabosu; she was indeed a good girl.

    A link to the previous one if you missed it or just want another look.


























    I like to collect what I call "Good Boy" comics. Anybody know of any that aren't already in here? The comics should include the phrase "good boy" or at least allude to the idea.

    Thanks in advance if you find something to contribute, but if not, I hope you enjoy this little collection! :)





















    Have a safe 4/20, y’all. <3


    Practicing skin colors. Added some tiger.


    A sticker I made for a Stitch-obsessed friend that works at a pharmacy to accompany her birthday gift package. Candies to keep it PG for the workplace. :)


    Haven’t done figure drawing in a long time so it feels real nice feeling out the musculature and inventing poses. ☺️


    Cleaned & resized an old sketch to use as my lockscreen wallpaper.


    Thanks for giving me new art to look at and appreciate. Happy New Year, y'all! :)


    Got "wolf priestess" from


    Doing this has taught me how much time you save when you skip linework and go straight into painting.


    Practicing hard surface stuff.
