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What is the best concert you have ever been?
  • Bela Lugosi is a great tune, but there are plenty of others. Check out the dub inspired She's In Parties, the gloomy Passion of Lovers or the post-punk Dark Entries.

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    Anon enjoys hot chocolate
  • I can't even manage one whole mug of jot chocolate before I start feeling physically sick. There's just way too much milk.

  • cross-posted from:

    > This cartoon was printed 110 years ago today on September 1, 1914. > > World War 1 was in progress, though it wasn't called that yet. On the Western Front, Imperial Germany's invasion was underway and the French and British armies had been in retreat for almost a week. Among the engagements of this day was a skirmish near Néry, where a dismounted British cavalry division fought a dismounted German cavalry division. The outnumbered British forces prevailed, and three British soldiers were later awarded the prestigious Victoria Cross. The French and British forces continued to retreat, but they were doing so in an orderly manner, and in a few days they would be ready to counterattack in one of the most significant battles of the century. > > Meanwhile, in rapidly-urbanizing America, Everett True was beginning to wonder if cars were a good idea after all.

    What is the best concert you have ever been?
  • This is a really hard question, so many gigs to choose from. I'd probably choose a VNV Nation gig I went to in Slimelight, London. They were famous (in the goth scene, at least) at that point but did an intentionally small gig for the old fans.

    A close #2 would be The Dead Milkmen at a gig in Marburg back in the 90s. Was the first time I heard the grunge sound, and I thought it was excellent.

    So much good music, so little time...

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    What is the best concert you have ever been?
  • I saw then a few years back and not only was it a good show, it was one of the longest gigs I've ever been to. Great value for money.

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    What is your "I could have been rich" story?
  • OK, it was a basic pattern recognition model, nothing nearly as sophisticated as we have now, but I think it would have performed significantly faster.

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    What is your "I could have been rich" story?
  • I had the idea to offload machine learning to GPUs back in the early 00's. I was working for a company doing number plate recognition back then, so I was even in a position to act on my idea... but my boss thought I was nuts.

    I'm not sure how much money I would have made, but it's got to be better than this!

  • Kent: Short-eared owl chicks spotted for first time in five years

    Short-eared owls have reared two broods at Elmley Nature Reserve, on the Isle of Sheppey.

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    > A species of owl which usually breeds in Scotland and Russia has produced a brood in an area of Kent for the first time in five years. > > Short-eared owls have reared two broods at Elmley Nature Reserve, on the Isle of Sheppey. > > The birds often stay at the site for winter before heading north during summer, but weather conditions and food abundance has seen them stay put on Sheppey.
