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After 20 years, World of Warcraft will now let players do solo raids
  • That reminds me, I haven't experienced a MMO that was successful at fostering a community since asheron's call for the reason you describe.

    The game didn't have any of the "quality of life" features you can find in modern games, no fast travel, no markets, no difficulty indicator, if you wanted to travel to another region, it was a quest in itself or you'd have to beg top levels players to escort you there or open a portal for you, and since you could only hold a single portal to a location if you were a high enough level mage (I think) it wasn't that easy to find.

    Death was punishing, you'd lose most of your gear and you'd have people begging for help to retrieve it on every village square and because that actually mattered, it's something you could do out of good will or for a fee.

    The only way to get good gear was to get it from player who could craft, and since crafting was bitch to level up, guilds were the only one who could afford it.

    Oh and that's not really a part of the game, but internet was young and games didn't yet have hords of people dissecting game and dumping every possible details on wikis or at least not as fast. So actually discussing quest, place and strategy with people mattered.

    PVP was rough, no level limit, barely any zoning, a level 60 could camp your noob spawn and grief you forever, until you asked your guild for help and it turned into a week long manhunt to punish the griefer.

    To be honest I don't remember if the game has quests, a few I guess, mostly forgettable, most of the good memory I have from the game were from player induced adventures.

    The game did eventually end up having all the tools you'd expect a community to build including XP allocation optimiser for cookie cutter built and a large database, which fucked it up, people would race their glass canon to level 60, kill a couple of the highest level monsters and get bored.

    I wonder how you could build a game like that nowadays without the community ruining it with a wiki.

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    hmmm 😈
  • All the people I've met who did that also happened to be irritating douchebags. Now whether there is a causal relationship and what is the direction of that relationship, I can't say.

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    Hackers Using Supershell Malware To Attack Linux SSH Servers
  • root credentials, including common passwords like “root/password” and “root/123456789,”

    Elliptical curves ain't gonna fix user stupidity...

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    Anon gets a new phone
  • Same. Drove a teacher nearly insane. I stopped just before she threw the TV out of a window.

    Eventually someone must have figured it out because they masked the IR receivers of all TVs with electric tape.

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    Vhélio - Tricycle électrique a fabriquer soit même
  • Avec leur config il faut un peu plus de 3 heures de plein soleil pour recharger la batterie donc entre 3 et 20 selon la saison je suppose.

    Si on a des prises électrique là où on va, c'est sur que c'est moins cher et plus efficace. Si on part camper dans la brousse en été, pourquoi pas.

  • Vhélio - solide, solaire et solidaire

    Vélo solaire électrique pour au moins deux adultes, avec un panneau solaire. Projet non lucratif, collaboratif et libre (opensource), mené en association.

    Proxying torrent traffic to homeserver
  • A) Set up a wiregard VPN server in your remote instance. Or better, get a VPN provider, the VPS is kinda pointless.

    B) Assuming you're using docker as you should to run your home server's service, use gluetun to connect to the VPN and route your docker traffic for the instances through gluetun. This will ensure that you have a dead man switch when/if the VPN goes down.

    C) set-up a reverse proxy to access the various instance from the outside if that is something you need.

    Here's a fully developed config, you can use a jumping point.

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    Why is UI design backsliding?
  • I prefer the ribbon. It makes everything easier to discover and use.

    It's also entirely configurable so i was able to tailor it specifically to my needs, even include button for my macro, logically grouped and not thrown together with no heads or tail in a "macro" submenu.

    It also allows widgets with much richer informational content than menus.

    The ribbon is also entirely keyboard navigable with visual hints. Which means you can use anything mouse free without having to remember rarely used shortcuts.

    And if the ribbon takes too much space, and you can't afford a better screen, you can hide and show it with ctrl-F1 or a click somewhere (probably).

    It's actually a much much better UX than menus and submenus and everything hidden and zero adaptability. At least for tools like the office apps with a bazillion functions.

    Most copies of the ribbon are utter shit though because the people who copied didn't understand the strength of the office ribbon and only copied the looks superficially.

    It's funny to see people still hung up on the ribbon 17 years later.

    It's because of people like you that we still use qwerty on row staggered keyboards from the mechanical typewriter era. ;)

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    YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads
  • You're joking but infinite growth is the broken basis of our financial system. Shareholder are legally entitled to request growth.

    YouTube has cornered the earth market, they have practically no room to grow, the only thing they have left is to increase the revenue per view, so ad stuffing will get worse quarter after quarter. Eventually they'll have to put ads in the ads and play them 5 at a time.

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    Ex-wife in rape trial says she feels 'humiliated', accuses lawyers of implying complicity.
  • In English hero is mixed and heroine is exclusively feminine.

    I tried to find "usage" stats on the word, but all I got was listings for substance abuse helpline. :D

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    Ex-wife in rape trial says she feels 'humiliated', accuses lawyers of implying complicity.
  • Based on what criteria ? By legal definition, all the clients of a defense lawyer are initially innocent until it's proven to be otherwise during trial.

    Even the worst piece of shit is entitled to a defender, that's one of the few things that keeps a small amount of fairness in the judicial system.

    What you're saying amount to saying that anyone accused of rape should not be entitled to a lawyer or that you think there's some kind of good rapist that deserve a defense and bad rapist that don't... Which is weird.

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    Ex-wife in rape trial says she feels 'humiliated', accuses lawyers of implying complicity.
  • IANAL. <-- disclaimer.

    Consent is not part of the definition of rape in France.

    Currently it is defined as any sexual penetration act perpetrated by « violence, coercion, threat or surprise ». Court have also ruled that trickery falls under "surprise". So I can't tell you I'm a astronaut to get laid either (HIMYM was basically a TV show about a guy in a suit raping women). This was ruled during a case where a serial rapist used a model's picture on dating apps to invite woman to have sex in the dark with a blindfold at his place. Turned out he was a 60y old average dude and not Chris Hemsworth and the charge were initially dropped before reaching our higher level of court. (Yes that case was fucked up on too many level...)

    There's currently a long standing debate in France, which predate that trial, to include consent as part of the legal definition and a commission has been mandated earlier in the year to study the issue. It's probably not going to happen for a while since we have other political issue at the moment and the right wingers currently clinging to power aren't exactly feminists.

    The pro argument are relatively simple to imagine. Rape is when someone does sex stuff you don't want. So it seems to make perfect sense. That's what the Belgian law has and what the EU is pushing.

    From what I understand from the people against it, it is more technical. In our legal system, you need to prove that a crime has been committed (innocent until proven guilty) but somehow they think it would shift to burden of proof to the defense because the only way to include it in our legal system would be to assume "non consent" by default and the accused would then have to prove consent.

    The other anti argument is that absence of consent is impossible to prove and that the current definition is build to cover the case of non consent with provable definition.

    There are probably as many lawyers on both side of the argument and as I said, I am not one of them, law is complicated I'm not qualified to have an opinion on what would be better.

    Either way I'm just not really sure adding consent would change most of the outcomes as the main issue to convict is usually the lack of proof and witnesses and most cases ending up deadlocked by a "he said - she said" scenario.

    From a purely legal standpoint "consent" isn't required in that case. It falls under "surprise".

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    YouTube Hype gives smaller creators a place to shine
  • Even the biggest YouTube stars represents nothing in terms of views compared to YouTube overall and they don't have any alternative places to go with the same reach if they left YouTube.

    Mrbeast does ~500M views a month, Google has 2.5 billions active users generating between ~5 and 10 billions view a day. He represents 0.002% of Google total views. Would you bother negotiating for 0.002% of your salary ?

    People who made a carrier of YouTube videos are Google's prisoners, they have literally zero negotiating power.

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    Mini PC for Jellyfin
  • Can't answer your question but I got a refurb corporate m715 for 60 bucks, I haven't bothered upgrading the 8Gb ram^* and it runs a full dockerized arr stack, vpn and jellyfin without any issue. I don't reencode and I don't use 4k media, so I can't talk about that either.

    But if you're looking for cheap that works, it's not a bad little machine.

    ^* The system actually run on 6Gb since 2 are reserved for video and by the time I realized that everything has been up and running fine for a while, so I didn't even bother rebooting in the bios to change it, I just added a bigger swap 🙄

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    South Korea removed 1,300 cameras from its military bases after discovering they're designed to feed back to a Chinese server
  • I remember when, I think, Sony was hacked because of the movie « the interview ». It created enough of a news cycle shitstorm that our corporate overlords became excessively generous with our infosec budget and made it a tier 1 priority.

    It went for measly .5% to a whooping 25% of IT expenditure.

    On the other hand to really show they didn't understand anything about it they recruited an experienced CISO and fired him a month later because an accountant's workstation was hit by a ransomware. The guy barely had the time to start building a plan and launch a bunch of audit but still got the full blame for decades of neglects. (He eventually sued them and settled).

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    Looking for a recommendation of a glove80 like
  • This one:

    Note, that I don't know what it's worth.

    Also, it's about the same price which isn't too surprising since in the manufacturing cost the led are definitely not a big ticket item.
