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'I lost my appetite': Cheeseburger served with waiver at Toronto restaurant
  • @deft Okay, that’s an “ew” from me, then. 🤷‍♂️😅

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    Canadians worry U.S. democracy cannot survive Trump's return to White House, poll finds
  • @PenguinTD @sik0fewl Anyone on Trump’s “enemies list” faces death-threats for themselves and even their families, from MAGA cult members. The GOP is acknowledging this, but not trying to do anything about it.

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    [Article] If I’m at a crosswalk, do drivers have to stop even if the lights aren’t flashing?
  • @burntbutterbiscuits @NarrativeBear I always told my kids, as they approached driving age, that the laws of physics trump the laws of man where cars are involved.

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    Saskatchewan legislature passes pronoun bill in special sitting
  • @baconisaveg I (a straight guy) had crushes on girls in grade 1. Are you saying no one realizes at that age that they’re attracted to people? Or that only straight people can be attracted to people at such an age?

    And what’s this “you people” bullshit? Where does that come from, in this comversation?

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    Saskatchewan legislature passes pronoun bill in special sitting
  • @baconisaveg @jadero My daughter began wondering whether she was trans at around nine or ten, because she realized she was attracted to girls and thought that this must mean she was meant to be a man. Spoiler: No, she’s just gay. 😉

    Our culture is the straight, cis-gendered water in which everyone swims. When you’re old enough to recognize that you’re different, of course you’re going to worry about why, and what it means.

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    Canadians divided on talk of sexual orientation in schools, poll suggests
  • @Voroxpete @sik0fewl Many probably would. Many “parental rights” people view their children as more akin to property than people.

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    Pierre Polievre doesn't understand the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • @Rocket @Mereo Unless the apology is demanded by us, with guns drawn? —American speaking
