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Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • You mean the president's puppet who insults the feminist movement at every opportunity? The one who used misogynist insults against her opposition during the campaign? The one who cheated to get her title? A progressive agenda that includes to keep destroying the jungle, burning fuel oil instead of leaning into green energy and destroying the private property so they can discretionally pick and choose? The one who defends Ana Guevara who keeps stealing and insulting the athletes? The one who decided to completely ignore the LGTB+ movement and supports to keep neglecting the CNDH so they no longer can be heard?

    Wow... She's so progressive that she is going backwards, just like her puppeteer.

    Also, really cool when you move the post because the things the goverment does hurt your propaganda.

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    Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism,[4][5] fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum.[6][5][7]
    Here, learn what fascism means, then check it with what morena and the president have been doing, the powers they've been giving to the militia, their acts against the separation of powers and their disdain/neglect against human rights and the common people.

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    Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • So how would the judges be appointed under this system

    The state will pick the candidates (currently under the facist control of Morena) and the civilians will be used to validate their picks, regardless of studies, skills, ethics or morals.

    and why is it better than having them chosen from the people?

    It's not, it's a revenge because the magistrate has blocked illegal reforms over and over

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    Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • Pssst, your ignorance is showing.

    The civilians won't pick the candidates, the state will (different parts of it, but all of them under the control of Morena) and then they'll use the civilians to vote for them and then frame it as if it was the will of the people. You know, populism.

    Also the narcos are REALLY happy about this change, because the candidates are going to need money to campaign and they could always use a hand in higher places (even if the president protects the narcos already).

    It doesn't touch the police problem at all or the security problem, but it allows Morena to fill the magistrate with their people regardless of their studies, they can even put criminals in there (search for the history of any Morena member, they have murderers, thiefs, pedos and rapists).
    Now tell me... What does this change fix? Besides "now people can vote for Morenas picks!".

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • I said the same for some instances and some communities waaaaay back during the reddit exodus, because they couldn't deal with the fact that Lemmy is a public thing and they acted like it was a private forum (like those instances that disabled downvotes).

    And I don't mean they can't belong, just that they can't expect a positive reaction from everyone. But if their idea of a community is an echo chamber, then move to a forum, host a whitelist instance, create a private revolt/matrix server instead of making a fool of themselves, it will also be EXTREMELY easier to moderate.

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    Swedish minister responsible for the agency countering misinformation retweets Russian propaganda channel - stands by it
  • I mean... Here in México, the most fascist political group keeps yelling they are the left while sidding with Trump, Putin, the CCP and Maduro, and attack everyone who dares to question or criticise them with thousands of bots who throw those projections into others.
    And it worked, there are idiots who drank the koolaid and they got an even bigger win in the past elections.

    If it keeps working they'll keep doing it.

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    Kotaku being Kotaku
  • The movie was great because it managed to do what movies should, entertain and (in this case) be fun.
    I liked it a lot, I've rewatched it quite a couple of times and the dub cast is my only real complain, because they weren't really picked to fit the voices, just to sell the movie... And that was not needed, the movie would have been a success without those big names either way so they could have chosen better voices instead of big names.

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    Microsoft's 'Recall' feature can't be uninstalled after all
  • Every time someone asks for a VLC replacement it gets recommended in here, xitter and some of the top results on google, I can easily pitcure someone searching for an alternative and finding about it or it getting recommended to someone trying out Linux.

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    Microsoft's 'Recall' feature can't be uninstalled after all
  • Tell the average user to configure MPV and tell them to look at the documentation every time they ask for help.
    See how fast they go back to Windows.

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    Mexico puts relations with US and Canadian embassies 'on pause' for slamming judicial overhaul plan
  • It's implicit since there's no mechanism for the citizens to choose the candidates or to propose themselves; the state (generally speaking) will pick the candidates and since they did what the Republicans did in some parts of the USA, they have a majority and control of everything hence why they will be aligned with the kks, we'll be used to only vote who of their picks we want so they can say «see? the people picked them so this is democratic and totally legitimate».
    We have no say in this or a way to say «fuck these picks, we want someone actually capable and better», people are making protests as we speak but the president only has to say they are neoliberals, the right, conservatives and insult them like he has done every single day and tell his cult to just approve it (they control the congress and the senate) and they will.

    Edit: memory fails me, but I think it was written in the document which organisms were going to pick the candidates, non of them were civil organizations or independent, you'd have to look for it because the goverment keeps piling up problems here and there's just too much to keep up.

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    Mexico puts relations with US and Canadian embassies 'on pause' for slamming judicial overhaul plan
  • If you think citizens would pick who the judges could be, then you are poorly informed.
    They would be picked by the state (fully controlled right now by the president and his party) and the citizens would just vote who of those they would like, but at the end of the day all of them would be aligned with the presiden's cult. Then in comes the corruption, because they'd need money for the election and boy let me tell you... The narcos are just salivating the idea.

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    Mexico puts relations with US and Canadian embassies 'on pause' for slamming judicial overhaul plan
  • And you'd be terribly wrong.
    This change is just revenge from the Kks (the president) because most of his illegal amendments were blocked by the judges, since he doesn't like being called out this is his way of getting revenge on them.
    Also it would be his own party who would cherry-pick the candidates, so all of them would be under the president's control and the citizens would be just used to validate this charade.

    So in a way, yes, it's a complain from rich people, which would be the president and his party who became filthy rich during his administration.

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    French authorities arrest Telegram’s CEO
  • are they going to arrest Mark Zuckerberg?

    GOD, I WISH!!!

    But yeah, the charges just seem like an excuse because this happens on every platform, sometimes they get moderated fast and sometimes those groups/users can last months or years. Telegram's support and moderation is abysmal, but I've seen accounts and groups get banned after I report them, but sending him to prision seems an overreaction or they are after something else.

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    It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation
  • I've been looking for a game that fills the void left exactly by Super Monday Night Combat, so for me... This might be it (altough i'll miss the style).
    Haven't played it yet because I don't have an invite, but I'm carefully hyped by it.

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    Wouldn't have it any other way
  • Yes and no, Goemon is a niche franchise and its N64 games are (just like you said) hidden gems, both might be great games but they only live in the memory of the few who played them (I only played GGA).
    On the Internet I've seen people give praise to niche franchises (Goemon, Mischief Makers, Kirby Air Ride), but I've never met someone in person who knew about them or played them before I played with them.
    The recompilation project might give them new life for us, but I doubt most people would drop whatever overhyped game that they are playing right now just to try and find a rom to recompile it... I hope they do, because they are fun games, but I doubt it.
