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What brands/styles/types of protective gear do you like for activities that are dangerous?
  • Honestly the best thing is to learn how to fall without getting hurt. And how to bail safely if you lose control of the horse. That's some of the first things you should have been taught when you were learning to ride.

    Best thing to do when falling is tuck and roll. Keep limbs from getting stepped on, get away from the horse, and prevent a hard landing.

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    Never finished degree and I feel stuck/suicidal over it
  • Try not to be so hard on yourself. A therapist can help with that if you feel up to it.

    My dad went to several schools and dropped out of them after high school. It took 8 years in the military and meeting my mom, who encouraged him, for him to graduate. He ended up graduating from an Ivy league school with a degree in chemical engineering. He was 34 when he graduated, and had a kid the same year.

    It is possible if it is something you want. Medication for your ADHD and depression can help. Talk to your doctor and don't get discouraged if the first thing you try isn't the right fit. Finding the right meds at the right dosage can take some time. If you want to go back to school, look into what is available for students with disabilities. You may need to get some testing done, depending on policies, to get some extra help at school. Where I live I qualified for extra time and a separate room free from distractions to take tests.

    Motivation is hard when you are depressed, and ADHD just makes it even harder. It sucks, and it will be a struggle, but you can do it. Don't forget to breathe. 💙

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    It's our turn now
  • Wait till they retire and have even more time. Them you can get videos you've already seen but that are 10 year old reposts.

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    This Is the Most Detailed Map of Human Brain Connections Ever Made
  • That's not true at all. Essentially every time you have heard of any disease linked to a gene its because of the Human genome project. 23 and me, that is also thanks to HGP. Lots of cancer research has also been done, identifying markers for cancer.

    You might not be aware of it, but has been vital for anyone genetic advancement.

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    Drax Pumps Out More Pollution than Any Other Company, but Climate Protesters are the Criminals?
  • If grown as a crop I can see that. But taking from forests changes the forest permanently. I see your point, I guess I'm taking issue with what I associate with a renewable resource when talking about energy. That is is "green" and not bad for the environment.

    Saying trees are carbon capures so its carbon neutral just seems crazy to me. Burning wood emits more carbon dioxide than coal for every unit of electricity produced. The older the tree the more carbon it can store, which is in its wood. Mature as in 35-75 years. Cutting down mature trees out of forests and planting new ones isn't carbon neutral. But I can see an argument for planting tree plots in already cleared land to get a system set up for rotations.

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    It's not going so good for DonOld
  • I simply do not know what you are talking about sir. Such nonsense certainly never comes out of my mouth. Good day to you I say, GOOD DAY!

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    A cruel irony
  • That's terrible! Thankfully I've never had a Dr give me a hard time for ADHD meds. Is there any chance you could see a different Dr in your area? You don't deserve to be treated like that.

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    A cruel irony
  • NY has a weird rule where 90 days is fine for children but not adults. At least for Concerta, which works best for me. 🙁

  • I don't usually like country but damn is this good.


    Mrs. Snail with Accessories

    I made this lady for my friends daughter. This is the pattern I used.

    I just made some more flowers and a little hat. The flowers are removable on her hat. I made her necklace from some old play jewelry and added a clasp.
