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Steam adds more functionalities to demos. Demos can now have their own page and reviews
  • I don’t know, but this feels like a step back. I haven’t downloaded/played a demo since, like, 2005. There’s usually a gameplay video or review on YouTube that suffices before I purchase something. Ymmv :/

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    Dragons Dogma 1 and 2
  • Me as well. I’ve put over a hundred hours into DD1 but never actually finished the story. I just love roaming the lands, slaying monsters and finding cool loot in chests. Absolutely love the game, and I’m more excited for DD2 than anything GTA.

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    What is the goal of FOSS?
  • Look at Blender and MediaWiki (the software running Wikipedia). They’re both FOSS and are developed and maintained by volunteers, backed by the end users. They’ve become such a big part of people’s lives, both professionally and privately, that they’ve become the mainstream choice.

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    Smash Mouth’s Steve Harwell in hospice care with only a ‘short time’ left
  • Not entirely unexpected; his health has made the news quite a lot. Unexpected, however, that it'd be so soon.

    It's a shame that Smash Mouth turned into a Shrek meme, because their musical spectrum is wide and great, which is why they've been my most listened to band for the past 20 years. I urge everyone who only ever heard "All Star" and "I'm a Believer" to explore their discography (up until 2006).

    Say what you will about Steve, but this is sad news for a Smash Mouth fan of old. Greg Camp made Smash Mouth, but Steve gave it a voice.

    The lyrics to some of their songs will hit harder from now on. "Fallen Horses" will never be the same again.

    Edit: And there it is. He’s passed already, hopefully reunited with his son. RIP, Steve. You’ll forever be an All Star.

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    Close enough
  • It’s even worse in real life, because somehow it gets worse with every angle you look at it from. It’s also got a name. They call it Leo. I call it cursed.

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    Who is your most trusted designer?
  • Sadly, no. It seems like SoB has become their money maker. LNoE isn’t going anywhere, though, and I’m kinda happy with where it is. That being said, a new IP would’ve been nice.

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    Who is your most trusted designer?
  • I don't know about a lot of designers, but Jason C. Hill, I guess. Last Night on Earth is my favourite board game series, so I'll try whatever he puts out there.

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    Recap Monday week 31 - what did you play last week?
  • I played Azul. I've owned it for a few years, but never felt like trying it out. It was great fun, both with 3 players and 2 players! I'm not usually into euro- or abstract games, but Azul is easy enough that it's basically like scrabble. You rarely see a new mechanic that's both this simple and well executed; I can see this becoming a staple in my collection. I guess that's why it's top ranked.

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    You can make top LLMs break their own rules with gibberish
  • Oh, I’m not saying there aren’t innate risks. You’re bringing up great points, and I agree we mustn’t throw caution to the wind. This is slightly besides the point of my initial comment, though, where I was merely stating my belief that the “hack” described in the OP might be a non issue in a couple of years. But you are right. Again, I’m sorry about my ignorance. I didn’t mean to start an argument. It’s great hearing other points of view, though.

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    Which super popular game were you utterly disappointed by?
  • Yeah, I see your point. My group could only meet up once every so often due to differing work schedules and adulthood responsibilities, which I guess contributed heavily to the slow progress and the fact that we wanted to cram as much progress as possible into a single session. We were going on 2 years when I dropped out, and had made it halfway or two thirds into the campaign. The sad thing is that we could've exhausted several other games by that time instead of barely finishing the one.

    Despite my rant, I'm not trying to put people off Gloomhaven entirely. It might be the best thing ever for some people. Just know what to expect when getting into it.

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    You can make top LLMs break their own rules with gibberish
  • Good point! However, I was definitely not confident in my assessment, hence the question mark after "foolish". I guess seeing all these "A.I. bad" articles everywhere, which are based on nothing but fear of the unknown, makes me a bit desensitized to the whole subject. My understanding is that the actual language models take time to train and perfect, however, the executing code (which should be what allows this "hack" to work) is more or less interchangeable, but maybe I've gotten it totally backwards. If so, please forgive my ignorance.
