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Search: Software to automatically rename Movies and TV Shows
  • its giving me .mkv files (because i choosed to).

    filenames can be anything from just if it cant get the title correctly or episode 1 season 2 of any kind. but this can be messed up, thats the problem.

    because of the messed up part... i hoped to have a chance to analyse the video itself (like picard does with audio) and correct the titles.

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    Search: Software to automatically rename Movies and TV Shows
  • sadly its only looking at the filmename itself, there is no checking of the mediafile itself like musicbrainz does.

    but i guess this is not available for videos right now.

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    Search: Software to automatically rename Movies and TV Shows
  • thanks, thats working "ok" so far.

    Just googled a bit and found a modified version which is standalone mode and doesnt require a license :D
    its build out of the older source code when this project was opensource and is streamlined to newest updates.

  • Search: Software to automatically rename Movies and TV Shows


    i am searching for a fotware, preferred Linux CLI based to host on my Server. I am recording Movies and TV Shows from TV and via Audials. But Audials is not that great in naming the Files correctly.

    Is there a tool to rename a media File (Movie or Episode) to the correct Name including Episode # and Season # in case of tv show?

    something like radarr etc but only for renaming. i found but it needs a correct episode and season in the name already. something like musicbrainz picard for music but only for videos (movies / tv shows)

    Thanks for your help
