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  • Matrix and bridge to signal.

    There is also a xmpp-server around... (runs all at the same vserver)

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    data loss
  • Sorry, what is the story behind?.i don't know it

  • All these children are invisible to the driver...

    Fuck all those cars!!! Put them away to hell, not to earth. They are too big for all - except for small egos. But for small egos is therapy much better.

    Did we kill Linux's killer feature?
  • This should be added as hook to apt... as well.

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    Why has the world started to mine coal again?
  • What is safe on Nuckear Power Plants?

    It's enough for hundredthousand of years, if only one time happens a SuperGAU. Only once is enough.

    And the nuclear waste is dangerous as fuck for also hundredthousand of years.

    And you can produce 30, 40 or maybe 50 years electric energy, and it needs the same time to decontaminate and dismantle a nuclear powerplant. And before it takes 20, 30 or mor years, to build such a plant... This is not cheap, not safe and not sustainable.

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    Firefox Flatpak version crashes when trying to print, but apt installation works fine.
  • Today i faced the same Problem with Libreoffice... but on X...

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    Firefox Flatpak version crashes when trying to print, but apt installation works fine.
  • You use it with wayland?

    Here i have Debian stable on 2 computers. Behaviour is the same.

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    Firefox Flatpak version crashes when trying to print, but apt installation works fine.
  • I needs 3 times to start ff from flatpak. It crashrs after login twice.

    And ff from flatpak also loses its window-borders on wayland.

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    We should seriously start to promote a PeerTube migration everywhere
  • If you configure your instance to use as search-backend you find all on your instance, what you can find there.

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    What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?
  • really? Noooo!!!

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    If you’ve heard that people have problems with the head of mastodon (gargron) this recent little incident might be an example.
  • The real problem is: People use mastodon and are not willing to use other fediverse-software...

    But there are so many of them out:

    • #friendica
    • #firefish
    • #misskey
    • #calckey
    • #pleroma
    • #akoma and a plethiora more of them... you can have all the features here, which are you missing on mastodon... but people love to complain about missing features than trying another software... #mastodonisnotthefediverse
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    What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?
  • What is your biased opinion on having unbiased opinions?

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    We should seriously start to promote a PeerTube migration everywhere
  • Yes.

    In peertube you can setup your own search-instance (needs heavy ressources) an configure, which instances are searched. Or you can just configure your instance to use

    You can set to autofollow all this instances, or host your own instances-instance or just put in manually instances, you will follow.

    Peertube is very mature in this things. Much better than every other fediverse-service.

    But you have to know, there are so many propaganda/putin/trump/antivaxxer-instances out there, that you really have to curate your followings very well! That's the dark side of federation and selfhosting.

    Peertube is an ActivityPub-Service. The same as Lemmy, Mastodon, Friendica, Pixelfed and so on. It federates the same way as every other AP-Service too. And you can follow an peertube-channel from Lemmy as well as from Peertube, Mastodon or friendica!

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    what you think about funkwhale?
  • I run my own funkwhale. But i'm not happy with it. It has so many bugs and drawbacks. Searching for remote content does not work well. Sometimes it finds it, sometimes it needs 2, 3 or 5 tries of searching for. Sometimes it does not find it. Searching is inconsistent. The UI is also inconsistent. To find what you want to click, you have to search a lot... It's not possible to modify metadata from already uploaded music. Change mp3-tags locally an upload it again is the way... You csn not move audios between channrls and libraries. The permissions-concept is broken.

    And the devs want to discuss about how to write about bigs, not about the bugs.

    I will drop funkwhale. It does not make me happy.

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    We should seriously start to promote a PeerTube migration everywhere
  • People who can create a yt-channel an upload videos there should be able to do the same on peertube... whats the problem?


    On youtube, your account is your channel. On Peertube, you can create more than one channel with your account.

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    We should seriously start to promote a PeerTube migration everywhere
  • This belongs to your instance settings. Is your instance following other instances/channels, how is search configured and so on.

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    We should seriously start to promote a PeerTube migration everywhere
  • I publish some short videos from time to time. Watching a train, my cat or something else, the whole world should know. 😄

    So i selfhost my own peertube-instance.

    The main reason os, to know how this works to selfhost such an instance. Because i want to have the knowledge for. I believe in the future of this platform.

    And i use my peertube to make copies from youtube videos i want to have, in case they disappear from yt for some reason. Just to build my own comfortable videothek. Most of my videos are "internal" or "unlisted" in case of copyright-violences.

    Monetizing videoviews... hmmm... i know, creators get a life from ads... but i hate advertisings. I really hate them. And i think, if someone wsnt to life from creating content, they should place products. Srlfmade ad, reading a text, marked as ad... such as many creators do this. Get paid per video/ad, not per view.

    Streaming always comes from the original instance. (I know, p2p and assist hosting) so... if a creator hosts its own peertube, he gets the WHOLE amount of his sponsoring. For his work and for his hosting-costs too.

    Its another way of getting money. Creators have to learn a bit more than producing a video, upload it and so on. But hosting a peertube is not that difficult.

    Maybe is a managed service, a "one-click-hosting" the future for peertube. Just bring up a whole instance as easy as create a new YT-Channel... like hetzner do it with nextcloud (shared storage).

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    We should seriously start to promote a PeerTube migration everywhere
  • Do you know, you can follow a peertube-channel from lemmy? Just try it!

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    Killing ssh-agent deletes socketfile on one debian, on another debian it remains
  • I expect, it deletes the socket, which on which the process is listening. what if i rename the socket (for some reason). Then the socketfile should be deleted also.

  • Killing ssh-agent deletes socketfile on one debian, on another debian it remains

    I faced a strange problem. Give: 2 Debian 12, same updates done. When i create a ssh-agent with ssh-agent -a ~/.ssh/my-agent -t 7200 i get a ssh-agent process and a socketfile ~/.ssh/my-agent then i

    I asked on stackoverflow for my problem. And i will ask here too...

    Does anybody know, what the problem could be?

    11 Vestaxx - smart e-heating solutions

    Mit Vestaxx werden Ihre Fenster und Glasflächen zur smarten Komfortheizung 4.0

    Was haltet ihr davon? Hab das unlängst entdeckt... ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das nicht einfach nur ein Beschiss ist...

    0 Warum die "Letzte Generation" alles richtig macht | Übermedien

    Alle scheinen sich einig: Dieser Protest schadet dem Anliegen. Dabei kämpfen die Aktivist:innen erfolgreich gegen unsere kollektive Verdrängung der Klimakrise.

    Dass hier nicht die Kunst angegriffen wird, sondern im Gegenteil, wie die Aktivist:innen auch erklärten, ihr Schutz eingefordert wurde, würde man verstehen, wenn man ihnen zuhörte. Dass nur ein ökologisch intaktes System überhaupt erst die Existenzbedingungen – Wohlstand, Frieden, Sicherheit und so weiter – für Kunst und ihre Rezeption zu erzeugen vermag, scheint banal. Markus Lanz versicherte in seiner Sendung: „Ich kenne Plätze in den Dolomiten, da kommt kein Wasser hin, da parken wir die Kunstwerke zur Not.“ Dann sprach er der Aktivistin Rochel die Liebe zur Kunst ab: „Wer so etwas tut, kann die Kunst nicht lieben.“ Das fasst die Haltung des feinsinnigen Bürgertums gut zusammen: Mit Kunst und Essen spielt man nicht, mit eurer Zukunft schon.
