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Pray they don't alter it any further
  • I bailed on Netflix when I realized that damn, I'm going like a month with this on my phone and haven't really watched much, maybe one anime? Can I get something other than shitty anime, Netflix? Fun action flick from the last 5 years maybe? No? Never the good one, always the knockoff, the shitty sequel, nothing at all? Canceled Mindhunter? Because of course. Okay, no more pay money, and then I didn't miss it. That decision took a shameful amount of time to make.

    This was way before the password share thing. I don't know what the rest of you are even doing. Stuff for the kids I guess.

    I guess I do this bullshit, now, for entertainment, but this Suuuuuucks with a capital S, so the next step is to find the government chip that makes me scroll and metaphorically remove it. Fuck socials, too. Fuck all this shit anymore.

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    It's kinda wild that still exists
  • I got to thinking about IRC some time ago, and how much creative time we spent solving the fundamental problem of how, exactly, to use the internet without needing some sort of middleman, like a crazy person hosting a server for no clear reason, so that we could all communicate together.

    That and designing the thing so that even if the hardware in your closet got hammered with a bajillion visits it wouldn't stutter because it was all too light weight for that. But also, fuck no I would rather throw myself down the stairs than arrange it so that I have to maintain it a lot. That type of thinking defined an era, and that's why still works.

    I have to put more maintenance into my Gmail account than the zombo guy does into the entire website, is what I'm saying. Return to monke, is what I'm saying.

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    Psychology Today in Michigan, Montmorency County Edition
  • Yeah, and I've heard plenty of "Biden sucks but I'm voting for him I guess I suppose since everyone's twisting my arm FREE PALESTINE" type shit so what?

    It's that type of election.

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    AI or DEI?
  • Please note that the prompt says "queens of England" very clearly, which turns it into a glorified Google image search, so the results are unacceptable trash, and vaguely leftist language about people being angry for the lack of racism are your problem, only. Fuck off, troll.

    The real issue is that even with a handholding, direct and easy prompt, the tech cannot simply hand over pictures, even generated ones to avoid copyright issues, that come from easily discovered answers on Wikipedia and who knows how many other credible sources. The lineage of the British Royal Family is all but open-source data - probably is, literally - and your mom can probably name three Queens offhand though she's Canadian. This thing completely ate shit on an easy, easy prompt.

    I don't know how many times now I've seen some YouTuber use "evil Jerome Powell" as a prompt for a thumbnail, and get a clear picture of him complete with devil horns, copyright be damned, so what the f? The AI isn't this stupid, that means they're nerfing it and screwing it up. You best believe they're still selling it, though.

    What other results will it comically fuck up, but you don't have the knowledge to critique? You won't see the results, either, somebody else will use them to judge your resume; IS using them, now. Fucking lazy hiring managers are going to just plug your name into this thing and ask for a synopsis of your life so they don't have to work. It will just fill in missing information with lies, and they'll eat it up. I guess you shot two people a couple of years ago and didn't know about it. I wonder why you didn't get the job?

    People have been crazy dumb with this AI, meaning young, smart, tech-savvy people with heavy internet backgrounds who should know better than to trust keep treating it like an oracle, because they have some weird blind spot about this technology. Ignorant executives who think math is for slurs are going to make it do everything.

    They're going to use this technology to decide who gets an apartment, who gets arrested, and a bunch of other shit, save your leftism for that.

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    Data contamination expert 👌
  • Try out Shreddit, it's a web app for exactly this. It even lets you filter by post karma so you can keep your hits. I've never used it but that's the name that came up over on Reddit from everyone talking about the announcement.

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    Data contamination expert 👌
  • This announcement is just "oh by the way, the horse is now out of the barn. He left like 10 years ago but this is the announcement."

    Shout out to whoever dismissed the first AI writings with "It's like a perfect Redditor. Totally confident and completely full of shit, doesn't even know that it's lying."

    That doesn't happen by accident. That happens when everyone was already scraping the shit out of the site, at the very least.

  • Biden administration picks airports for nearly $1 billion in terminal upgrades - Ohio Capital Journal

    The Biden administration will send close to $1 billion to airports across the country to upgrade terminal facilities, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced Thursday.

    Painesville, Cleveland, Gallipolis, and Dayton will all see some of the money.

    Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News
  • This sounds like the battery and the charger's problem to handle, not mine.

    All this tech, all this automation for every damn thing, and people keep coming at me like I'm supposed to do everything manually with my fingers and eyes and maybe an alarm or something to keep me on schedule. No. Stop it.

    Make the charger handle it, or shut up. Make the phone, the charger, and the battery handle it together, you know, with digital automation. Do not even mention it to me.

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    Being emotionally available is underrated
  • This type of relationship is pretty common in war. You and the squad end up "in the shit" and now you have all crossed the boundaries of what civilians call "manliness". You are free, unimpeachable, the manliest thing, a real warrior, a soldier in battle. The things you do now define manliness, you are writing the rules. They can call you whatever, you will reply with the sort of laughter that silences fools.

    People die around you. The sound of another man's voice becomes poetry to you. How much longer will you hear his voice? Who knows, tell him a shitty joke. Sit on his lap for a gag, do whatever. Drink in his presence, press his flesh against yours, be alive together, try to keep him in your memory, tomorrow we all may die. Has anybody seen those pictures of soldiers from the American Civil War all hanging out and mugging for the camera? Acting all "gay" with each other? That's what war does to men, sometimes, probably not that often, I fear.

    Somebody online with a military background once remarked about the safest he's ever felt, including in civilian life, was when he was in some tent in a war zone with the rest of the platoon, everyone in their sleeping bags, crammed in the tent together like a litter of kittens in a box. Sure, they were in the death zone, for real, but he was warm and snug, surrounded by armed badasses who would come to his aid at once if anything nasty went down. He said he slept like a baby, that he's never felt that sense of security since, not even safe in bed as a civilian, later.

    It means a lot to me that this book, TLOR, was pretty much written by the Great War. Tolkien went to that war, against his own will, compelled by shame campaigns, not even the law, in spite of his own convictions, and he did not have some safe posting at the base, no, he was at the Somme. He saw the worst of it, probably missed death by inches several times, saw mud and blood, was deafened and battered, only to survive at last, coming home as changed as Frodo.

    He watched men charge into machine guns like mice into a blender, watched them die of trench foot and the stupid ways war kills you without even glory or honor to show for it, saw that sometimes courage is just hiding in your little hole and not screaming when the tanks roll over. He saw Mordor in person. No man's land.

    Then he came home, and did he write some edgy darkness? No. He wrote this thing, this fantasy, with its message of hope that evil can be vanquished, and that men can be good, yes, even when they seem utterly lost to goodness. This is somehow the lesson that the War to End All Wars had taught him. He had nothing left to prove, so he made a pretty, frivolous thing, for children, but couldn't help it, he couldn't help making something bigger than that. He knew how intimate men become with each other under fire, and it ended up in the book.

    That is the only thing he wanted to remember, that unexpected love when suffering and death are right on top of you. I wonder who Legolas was to him? Somebody young and beautiful, who deserved to live a thousand years, but didn't, probably. They shall not grow old.

    We shouldn't need the machine guns coming at us to hug our friends, that's probably what he wanted the world to know.

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    Mongolian. Like the barbecue.
  • So are they aware that they're trying to shame a joke account that's already doing a bit?

    Do they think they're winning? Are they in on the bit? What sort of cataclysm has to happen for Twitter people to wake up and go "oh my god, I WAS THE ASSHOLE THIS ENTIRE TIME, WHAT AM I DOING HERE"?

    I'm glad I get to wipe my ass with what's left of them without having to touch their vile community, I'll call that a win.

  • fade into u


    This is the face of transwoman lust, for reasons I do not understand, this is the goldfish flakes that drives women mad, I post, this is your problem now


    Check your registration and see if it's still okay.

    I find that while the Secretary of State website still offers registration through a web form, my local County Board of Elections is talking about some sort of paper - not online - form that you have to turn in to their office to get registered.

    Do I need it? Or am I already covered from last time? Maybe the piece of paper is only required for new voters in the county? Who knows, so check your own situation. I suspect the fuckery has been ramped up since Republicans in office got results on marijuana and abortion that they didn't like when the voters showed up last November and August.

    I am a guy who glanced at the Secretary of State and local County Board websites, and not an authoritative source, you'll need to research your specific situation in your county.

    I close with a reminder that they sneak all kinds of stuff onto the primary ballots, they are never just about who is going to end up President.

    For example, my local ballot will have a vote on it to refresh the funding for the developmental difficulties program, and the local public parks. This is why I show up, I'm looking for this stuff, it's not going on other ballots, so you have to get at it during primaries.

    We still have mail-in voting, and early in-person voting, both of which start on February 21, a day after the last day to register, which again is February 20.

    The official Primary Day is not until March 19, but the voter registration cutoff is 30 days earlier, that's the important date, one more time, February 20.

    Keep using these rights as much as you can stand, because I don't think they intend to let us keep them if they can help it.

    0 Cape Verde reaches malaria-free milestone

    Cape Verde becomes the first sub-Saharan country to get rid of the deadly disease in 50 years.

    Cape Verde is an island nation off the coast of Africa. They are malaria free.




    Reminder that I do not represent Daily Chartbook, I am only a subscriber passing info along.


    JP Morgan data, via Daily Chartbook.

    0 Historic ruling in Ecuador returns ownership of ancestral land to the Siekopai people

    The Ecuadorian justice system has recognized that this Amazonian community is the rightful owner of 42,360 hectares in Pë'këya, an area that contains the tribe’s most important sacred places

    Credit to the newsletter Future Crunch

    "A court in Ecuador has ruled in favour of the Siekopai Nation’s claim to their ancestral homeland, Pë’këya, on the border of Ecuador and Peru, restoring property title for 42,360 hectares of some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet, and mandating public apologies for centuries of violence, racism, and conquest" - Future Crunch




    Daily Chartbook is a Substack channel who appears to have access to several research channels such as Goldman Sachs and Bank of America. Daily Chartbook offers a paid service that does what it says on the tin, you get about 30 charts every day in an email, which are intended to support the investor in their decisions, especially if that investor is a professional.

    This service was available for free, but transitioned to paid. However, you can still subscribe to DC Lite, for free, which sends you the top 5 most interesting charts of the day. It's probably all the retail investor needs.

    If the charts interest you, and you wish to subscribe:

    Their charts are offered with minimal commentary, much of which comes from X, formerly Twitter.

    I receive these charts as an email, and pass one or two along, here. I have no association with Daily Chartbook beyond being their subscriber. It's a good way to keep this subLemmy active with appropriate content.

    Problem for the researcher seeing these charts:

    It would appear that unless you are subscribed to the research channel, that is, unless you are a direct subscriber with the expensive sources of Daily Chartbook, you will not be able to view these charts properly in order to investigate the methodology that creates the charts. These charts are not published publicly on the websites for their various sources.

    I present these charts as education and entertainment, only. Please remember that I am showing a few charts, only, and that introduces bias. I make zero promises to do this daily or on a clear schedule, expect at least one post per week for now.


    August was just the preamble, this is the big show. If you managed to drag yourself into the booth for that August thing, don't leave us hanging, now.

    Here's a Columbus Dispatch article breaking down the situation a bit more professionally.

    There is a constitutional amendment to protect the right to an abortion in Ohio on the ballot. It's a pretty big deal, so if you Voted No on Issue 1 a bit ago, get your booty in that ballot room for this one. All that was about this, so don't drop the ball.

    Legalizing recreational weed is also on the ballot, I get the impression that it's an acceptable enough law, not like the previous one that was so bad that NORML was telling stoners to vote it down. This will NOT be a constitutional amendment, just a new statute, and can be tweaked later on, it's not as big a deal as Issue 1, abortion. If it wasn't for Issue 1 it would be the biggest deal on the ballot.

    As always, the ballot will be full of little nobodies to vote for, except those little nobodies will end up controlling the situation in your literal backyard, so get a ballot and make sure the head of your local Klan isn't running for anything, vote him down if he is. Keep an eye on your school board elections. Look for "Shall we fund the local library?" type stuff. Expect variety.

    Some of you will find yourselves, oh, choosing between 1 of 4 Republican sheriffs and similar situations. I don't want to hear the teenaged logic, vote for the least of 4 evils if you must. Next year, know their names better. One of those guys will be least likely to tell his troopers to shoot first, so try to vote for him.

    Head straight to your county's election board website for a proper example ballot that YOU can expect to see, so you can do research. The state website will just end up sending you there, since each ballot is sorta personalized with stuff specific to your county, like school boards, funding measures and such.

    It's not too late to send in your application for an absentee ballot, the cutoff to send the application is Oct 31, but don't quote me. It does take weeks to get a ballot in your hand, though, with lots of back and forth through the mail.

    Early vote is the move, in my opinion. On a good day, it's a ten-minute process on a Tuesday afternoon. Done. Lookin at you, person with a service job and weird weekdays off. Go for whatever works, though.

    Best of luck out there. Tell your friends to vote.

    https:// /5073

    At roughly 3:15 pm EDT on Monday April 8, Northwest Ohio will experience a Total Solar Eclipse, this is where the Moon completely blocks the Sun plunging the local world into darkness for a short time during a period of normal daylight.

    The phenomenon should occur in full in Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, and Dayton, including all the smaller towns around and between those. If you have people in Indianapolis, they'll very much see it too.

    You can view the eclipse with the proper equipment, including special glasses, expect to pay about $15 for a pack of 5 glasses. Here is a link for a list of reputable suppliers.

    There are several ways to observe the eclipse, such as DIY pinhole cameras, and it is safe to watch anyone's livestream as well. The glasses will be nice to have, though. You have several months to prepare.

    An Annular Solar Eclipse will also happen on October 14 of this year, and we won't see it, since the phenomenon will pass through Oregon and Texas, plus the states in between, missing Ohio completely. In an Annular Solar Eclipse, the Moon is in front of the sun in such a way as to create a "ring of fire" from the Sun blazing behind the Moon. I'm sure it's going to be very cool for everyone who sees it.

    Solar eclipses happen on a regular basis, but because it is the angle of your location with respect to the Sun and Moon that creates the eclipse experience, that means that you will either miss most or all of them during your life. You need to travel a lot to see solar eclipses frequently.

    A total solar eclipse is quite a thing, and it is an exceedingly rare thing to be able to see from the comfort of your backyard, in Toledo, so heads up to everyone who even remotely cares.

    The eclipse should be fairly short, so you'll need maybe a half hour out of Monday to properly experience it before the Sun and Moon move and it's over. If you can get free for a bit, do it.

    0 Voter guide 2023: Everything you need to know to vote in Ohio

    Everything you need to know to cast your ballot in Ohio.

    Early voting has started for the November General Election, it's the way to go, probably in and out, if you already have a good idea of how you're voting.

    0 Brazil's top court boosts indigenous rights in landmark ruling

    The Supreme Court sets a precedent for land claims by restoring territory to the Xokleng people.

    "Brazil's Supreme Court has rejected efforts to restrict native peoples' rights to reservations on their ancestral lands.

    Six of the 11 justices on Thursday ruled in favour of restoring territory to the Xokleng people, from which they were evicted.

    The ruling sets a precedent for hundreds of indigenous land claims and is expected to have widespread consequences for indigenous land rights.

    The decision was met with celebrations and tears of joy by members of indigenous groups from across the country. " - BBC


    tie ne gal big music


    Hey truckers, today (9/16) is Mexican Independence Day, hoist a brew and act like you knew.

    I didn't know where else to post it, sorry. Hopefully the Canadians see this too. We should make sure to have a whole server post on this every year.


    I drink coffee, peanut butter sandwiches for work, fry an egg when I don't have work, I feel like I should be a bunch fancier about my food
