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Physics rule
  • Well that’s my point. The answer is correct in this specific case, because it’s already “built-in” so to speak.

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    Physics rule
  • You want to figure out distance per second. One way to do this is calculate distance apart at t=0,1,2…

    The difference between each point would be the average speed over that second.

    Using sqrt(b2+g2):

    t0 = 0 t1 = 1.554m
    s1 = (1.554m-0m)/1s = 1.554m/s t2 = 3.108m
    s2=(3.108m-1.554m)= 1.554m/s

    As you continue this you will see they travel at a constant speed apart from each other. The reason this is working is because you need to divide distance by time. Dividing by 1 second won’t change the value of the number after you subtract. If you notice you can do (t2-t0)/2s and also get the same answer.

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    Physics rule
  • My mistake, I didn’t check his math. I thought he was saying if you take distance apart at t(n) and subtract distance apart at t(n-1) you will get distance/sec.

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    Physics rule
  • It’s the difference of distances apart over time. Aka how fast bf is moving away from gf, aka what the question is asking for.

    Yes, if you want to be pedantic, velocity a vector with direction, so I guess you’d have to frame the question relative to either the boyfriend or girlfriend, but I don’t think the difference between speed and velocity is part of the question.

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    Harris campaign releases new ad to highlight plans to build 3 million homes and reduce inflation
  • All I’m saying is that people absolutely know why they want their own house. Pretending otherwise is a little ridiculous.

    If people want to live in an apartment that’s great, but it should be a choice.

    There should always be suburban and country living.

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    YSK to lose weight, fill up with foods low in caloric density and high in fiber, like fruits and vegetables. This can trigger satiety without the overload of calories and beats going hungry long term.
  • Feeling full is about volume of food. With high calorie dense foods like fast food, that’s going to be a ton of calories. With low calorie dense foods you can eat the same amount of food, and eat substantially less calories.

    The only thing that matters in weight loss is calories in, calories out.

    I get that it’s harder for some people, but finding less calorie dense foods that you enjoy will go a long way towards helping lose weight. Also, don’t drink pop unless it’s diet.

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    ‘Bumble fumble’: online dating apps struggle as people swear off swiping
  • Different strokes for different folks. Been on many dates with strangers, it’s almost always enjoyable. Turns out 99% of people are just normal people. The 1% of crazy people are the stories you hear that make people not want to go outside. Id just rather not live my life in fear.

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    ‘Bumble fumble’: online dating apps struggle as people swear off swiping
  • There’s no one I know that could be a potential partner. I’m assuming many people are in a similar boat. We have to date strangers anyways, app or no app.

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    What are those signs?
  • It’s almost like things aren’t black and white.

    Canada is officially a metric using country. Metric is everywhere. That doesn’t mean we can’t use imperial for anything.

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    What are those signs?
  • You clearly don’t live in Canada. Imperial units are very common for measurements. You ask nearly anyone, old or young, their height or weight, you’re getting an answer in feet/inches or pounds respectively.

    Tons of baking is done using cups, tsp, tbsp etc.

    Golfers use yards.

    I’m sure there are more examples I am forgetting, but you get the idea. It’s not just people who grew up before 1985. It’s everyone.

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    14 August 2024
  • I guarantee a large portion of the people upvoting you fantasize about this happening, so they can come back with their “witty” remark.

    I’ve seen this exact thing all over here/reddit and trust me, it’s rarely a joke.

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    14 August 2024
  • It’s really no surprise so many people on here complain they can’t get a girlfriend. Imagine being so butthurt over a simple question.
