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Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing?
  • I'm trying to find these places that a single person can afford because God damn, I can't imagine that conversation being any less awkward with a roommate. "Like, hey bro, I know this is your place too and all, but you mind leaving for a bit so we can fuck for a while?"

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    Hearing people talk about their passions is one of the best things in life
  • Far better to keep the ol' mask on and say as little as possible until I get to know someone better

    I've done this as well, but it did lead to more of a solo type of life for me (something that I personally want). I'm not saying that it'll work for everyone like that, but just to keep an eye out for it if you're someone who needs companionship.

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    The game is still twelve days away
  • That may work for normal people. Not so much for those unhinged enough to actually hate someone who has different characteristics than them. Unfortunately Twitter is filled with the unhinged.

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    Banks need it /s
  • What's funny is that it looked odd when I read it, but I just quickly brushed it off as a "well you don't see it written often."

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    Got Promotion
  • The gall of some managers. They're going to lose that person anyway - might as well be on good terms where the potential of working together in the future is still a possibility.

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  • Thank you for expressing your thoughts out on to public text. Query has been cataloged for future use.

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    I'm tired, Boss
  • Someone made a filter for that and it works well. It's in one of the posts that talked about YouTube doing that (I think the one in the Technology sub).

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    Fry cooks
  • In a similar position, I'd consider myself a skilled worker in an unskilled role. I do work with hazardous stuff though, so maybe it is defined as skilled even though I didn't have to go through hours of training.

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    YouTube's Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge
  • I was, but they stopped appearing once I completely cleared browsing history and cookies. I also did another purge and update for good measure.

    The only pain in the ass was that I ended up changing the username of some of my accounts but forgot to update them in my account manager, so it took a bit to find and log into them. But that was completely on me and won't happen if you're not being an idiot like I was.

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    Petition Calls on Microsoft to Extend Windows 10 Support | PCMag
  • Well, looks like it may be time to try and see what Linux is all about. Any good recommendations for a relatively Out of the Box experience?

    I mostly just browse the web and play games (both single player and multiplayer, mostly AAA but also the occasional indie). On occasion, I also like to do some video editing in Davinci Resolve.

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    What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?
  • Never really thought about it. I suppose I would prefer a woman to do it, but wouldn't necessarily mind if a man did it IF I wasn't completely creeped out that they did something purposeful and unnecessary to me while I was knocked out.

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    The paths not taken rule
  • I've accepted my past mistakes and, for the most part, don't get get bothered by them anymore. However, what does bother me is really not having an identity and passion to know where I want to take my life. It feels like I'm just living day to day until I eventually become dust.

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    Super easy, barely an inconvenience
  • A surprising reference to be sure, but definitely a welcome one. Actually watched some of his content earlier today, though it was his personal channel and not Pitch Meeting.

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    Windows 12 May Require a Subscription
  • Right now, my Windows 10 installation is pretty bloatless and is easily revertable when an update wants to change things. However I'm definitely looking for a more mainstream Linux solution because I know these times won't last.

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    Sure, post this to your klik klok
  • That was my exact thought process.

    "Wait, why is he spelling it wrong. It's M- oh, he's doing it on purpose. You dirty fucker."

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    Over 60 percent of Gen Z have an anxiety disorder
  • Is there like some middle ground. Like I want to be prepared for what could happen, but don't want it to control me where I don't do anything. Kind of struggling with that right now, to be honest.
