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US aid group admits Gaza convoy was taken over by unvetted people before IDF struck them
  • If that is simple to you, then you really haven't done any research into the subject. Would you call the native tribes of Oklahoma colonizers after they regained much of their land from the state? Of course not, because it's not as simple as I've described it - imagine a non-native Oklahoman calling the Chickasaw colonizers because suddenly they are in the jurisdiction of that Nation? That's what extremists sound like, using charged words that evoke emotions from other situations unlike the one described.

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    US aid group admits Gaza convoy was taken over by unvetted people before IDF struck them
  • I understand that a line has to be drawn somewhere, and frankly it doesn't matter how far back either's claim goes - there are significant numbers of Palestinians and Israelis who have only known the current boundaries and any changes fundamentally alter their identities. Sure, we can go into the genocides committed against the Jews in the region over the past 2000 years that expelled them from the area and gives cause to antisemites that call Jews "white", or violence perpetrated by Europeans when breaking up the Ottoman Empire and stoking ethnic violence over the past 100. But those claims only matter to the extremists as wedge issues used to divide.

    Extremists shouldn't get to determine the future of millions who clearly want to live peacefully together. No one can bring back the murdered, but Israel, regional powers, the US, and European countries owe it to humanity to rebuild the destroyed cities in the same fashion that we intend to rebuild Ukraine.

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    US aid group admits Gaza convoy was taken over by unvetted people before IDF struck them
  • Israelis and Palestinians aren't monoliths and both groups generally want to coexist peacefully in a region they both have legitimate historical ties to. Yes, to stop the current fighting a ceasefire is needed. However, a ceasefire is not going to solve the problem of the IDF's unrestricted killing of civilians as bystanders in response to Hamas directly targeting civilians as part of their genocidal aims towards Jews (in general).

    Just because the Israeli government has more power doesn't suddenly make Israelis the "baddies." There's a reason why Palestinians, and other regional groups, want Hamas gone and look to the West Bank for the PLO to lead the future of a Palestinian state. Hamas takes actions without caring what happens to the people of Gaza as long as they get to kill some Jews (and inspire their killing globally) and provoke disproportionate retaliation from Netanyahu to feed back into their system of civilian oppression.

    The moment lasting peace settles in the region, Netanyahu can't continue to avoid his personal legal problems, Hamas can't reach their goal of a global Jewish genocide, and Iran can't continue to destabilize the region and avoid its own internal instability. The fact that weapons manufacturers don't get to profit from this stability is also a global win.

    The goal is to prevent the killing of Palestinian civilians and to restore their self-governance where they're settled- also to rebuild. It should be fairly obvious that Hamas is the biggest roadblock. The IDF can then focus on right-wing settlers breaking Israeli law and restore those settlements back to Palestinians in their new state.

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    US aid group admits Gaza convoy was taken over by unvetted people before IDF struck them
  • carried out by apartheid settler colonialists who want to kill every single Palestinian on this planet

    This is the kind of hyperbole that makes it real easy for others to label critics of the actions of current Israeli leadership antisemites.

    No, Israelis are not trying to exterminate all Palestinians; Yes, Netanyahu does not care about limiting collateral damage when targeting suspected Hamas militants.

    If you're passionate enough to comment, be passionate enough to communicate unambiguously.

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    SpaceX accused of dumping mercury into Texas waters for years
  • I'd rather NASA be funded well enough to not need private, profit-driven, corporations dictating how we explore space. That and Musk's stench sticks to all his companies, for good or bad.

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    Trump calls Harris a "bitch"
  • Be angry at the person leaving out "Report: " from the article in this post, not Axios. It's very clear that Axios is reporting on private conversations from its title and contents.

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    Bloomberg apologizes for premature story on prisoner swap and disciplines the journalists involved
  • Russia could've turned the aircraft around and scuttled the deal. The government wanted the news of the exchange to only take place after the prisoners touched US soil and couldn't be kidnapped back to Russia.

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    No, really, Republicans are getting weirder
  • Kindly explain how a parent has a greater stake in our nation's future. A tangible stake - not some metaphysical "blood ties" or "descendants" stake that they have no tangible relationship with. Make sure that your explanation also doesn't accidentally give slaveholders additional rights for the extra "property" they have.

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    Thomas Matthew Crooks: The registered Republican and gun lover who shot Trump
  • Bro, you inserted yourself into a conversation where someone claimed that the shooter was cosplaying a Republican and, inexplicably, defended them. The only person you should be getting butthurt with is yourself instead of dropping the inevitable "both sides" shit 🤣

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    Thomas Matthew Crooks: The registered Republican and gun lover who shot Trump
  • I'd point you to the assassin of John Lennon - he is/was a big Beatles fan but murdered John anyway because of who John became. That still doesn't have anything to do with the parallel argument, in this case, of the likelihood that Mark was pretending to be a Beatles fan or not.

    Actions do speak louder than words - this would-be assassin registered as a Republican. The conspiracy theory that he was trying to affect a Primary makes no sense based on timing alone, let alone there not being an iota of evidence indicating he wasn't a Republican. Republicans created the environment for this kid to do what he attempted to do and they should own up to their culpability rather than rely on bots and useful idiots to blame everyone but themselves for this problem.

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    Thomas Matthew Crooks: The registered Republican and gun lover who shot Trump
  • Apparently it's not uncommon

    You know what's incredibly more common? Being an actual Republican and voting in a Republican Primary.

    Everyone loves a harmless conspiracy theory, but this theory is anything but. Unless the shooter specifically admitted to this conspiracy theory, peddling this bullshit is reckless. About as stupid as child molesters in pizza place basements that don't exist.

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    Do you think there are any beliefs which makes a person believing them a horrible person, or is it *always* 'hate the belief, not the person'?
  • But you are making a choice: you're choosing to only let observable facts influence your beliefs. Everyone is an atheist by default, and most of them are then told to believe what they're told from birth, but at some point people make a conscious choice on how information is prioritized. Humans aren't read-only and I would say it's a safe bet that most people have the opportunity to influence their own beliefs and act accordingly. Obviously if someone is abused and doesn't develop mentally, then yeah, don't hate the person but don't necessarily give up on helping that person develop, either

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    Please vote
  • Sounds like you've never socialized with others who have a stutter. Instead of understanding how different mental/physical impairments affect people, you'd rather just make assumptions and baseless claims that confirm your own biases. Biden's stutter is a well documented ailment that has affected him, in similar ways, for a long time - we just got to see it when he was clearly under the weather.

    You can factually disagree with Biden's policies, but to create this elaborate scenario out of whole cloth and purposely ignore Trump's own verbal missteps just tells all of us all we need to know about why you commented.

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    Please vote
  • It's always fun when people suddenly forget that Biden has a stutter. I'm not even 40 and, perfectly healthy, sometimes can't finish a fucking sentence and just move on to the next point. The only reason people don't say I have dementia is because I don't look old enough to hurl the accusation.

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    Trump claims credit for Biden’s insulin price cap
  • Biden did not "strike it down", he halted all EOs not in effect so their administration can review them (see: the first paragraph of the linked article). Instead of re-issuing an EO, something that can be withdrawn on a whim (see: your post), Biden did the actual hard work of working with Congress to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act. The $35 cap is now backed by law rather than by diktat. Trump took the lazy path and issued the EO in the last days of his Presidency - a Presidency he spent quite a long time using to try and repeal the Affordable Care Act.

    Try understanding the issue instead of spamming MAGA talking points.

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    How ‘Zionist’ became a slur on the US left
  • I guess the point wasn't clear enough: Israelis and Palestinians both claim the land due to ancestry. Reasonable people understand the issue is complicated; displacement was a friendly replacement for massacred, forcibly removed, and slavery. You can clearly see that the intent of the creation of Israel was to redress a wrong perpetuated over millennia, regardless of the reality that it caused another migration of peoples.

    Like you said, Zionism is just the belief in a divine ancestral claim (core, even, for Judaism) to the region. You can be flippant about it being based in religion and dismiss it from your position of privilege behind a keyboard, but there are radical religious people that believe the land is their birthright just as strongly as some Palestinians and are fighting over that. The religious extremists on both sides of the conflict frankly don't care about your opinions. A two state solution offers the best course for peace in the area, but the extremists from both sides need to be isolated and dealt with. Most Israelis and Palestinians are good people such in the middle of a shitty situation.
