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Dutch sailor 'displaying' the Belgian method (not an actual method) of disposing of sea mines, 1939/1940?
  • The Dutch and the French both have many Belgian jokes (all along the lines that Belgians are dumb), but the funny thing is that many of the jokes actually originate from Belgium itself. They are jokes by the Flemish and Walloons making fun of each other that are then generalized to Belgians as a whole by the Dutch and French.


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    I don't think this meme is funny but I like maps
  • Say that to the English, (or rather to all of their victims). A boat has historically been a pretty effective medium for spreading negativity.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • At first I was at least impressed that it came up with such a hilarious idea, but then it of course turns out (just as with the pizza glue) it just stole it from somewhere else.

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    How capitalism works
  • Yes, and don’t forget to donate to be extra sure. Donate that little money you safe from your three sharing economy jobs (after you payed your rent to Blackstone) to the Democrats, so they can pay a consultant ghoul a six figure salary to think of a new way to market genocide denial.

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    How capitalism works
  • And the way to change it is to Vote Vote Vote! Vote for the Democrats! This time they are really gonna do it.

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    TIL about William Phelps Eno. He invented traffic regulations, the stop sign, the crosswalk, the roundabout, the one-way street and pedestrian safety islands. He never learned how to drive.
  • You could word it that way, or you could say: man who was driven everywhere by a chauffeur formalized the taking over of shared pedestrian spaces to car only spaces.

    Also I have yet to learn of a member of the skull and bones society that was a good person.

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    Wealth tax on super-rich could raise £1.5tn globally, campaigners say
  • I’m not in favor of gunboat diplomacy, but if the US is doing it anyway (to enable genocide) I would rather have them do something useful with it.

    And using a military to enforce policy does not equal conquering the world, it’s at the end of the escalation ladder, diplomatic pressure then sanctions, embargoes, support regime change, militarily blockades, limiting military operations, and finally full on invasion. These are all things the US is already doing but then for nefarious reasons.

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    Wealth tax on super-rich could raise £1.5tn globally, campaigners say
  • Here is an idea, how about the US uses its military to enforce a minimum wealth tax worldwide to end tax competition, instead of to enable its proxies to commit war crimes.

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    Todays Mission
  • Why?

    Edit: atheism debunked question mark. Nobody wants to have a discussion based logic and reason here? Very sad…

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    In these new Catskills homes, no fossil fuels are allowed | The all-electric, solar-powered homes are designed using passive house principles.
  • Judging from the picture: single-family home with no access to public transport. I’m guessing my emissions from a small apartment close to urban rail is still lower than theirs, even if I heat with gas.

    I’m not saying it’s a useless project, but the root problem in America is urban sprawl, making almost every aspect of life overly wasteful, in material and energy.

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    What if?
  • A party is indeed the time and place where no jokes are made ever, no alcohol is involved, no cheesy flirting techniques occur, and everything is meant a 100% seriously always.
