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Harris builds 13-point lead over Trump with women: Poll
  • Eh sure, though only number 20 in the world when it comes to national legislation. But when it comes to quality of life or even life expectancy, the US could do so much better given its wealth. Mostly I'm just trying to point out the automatic patriotism you see so often in Americans, even the progressive ones.

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    Harris builds 13-point lead over Trump with women: Poll
  • More women as state leaders you say? So we might finally see female leaders in countries like India, Argentina, the UK, Pakistan, France, Turkey, Bangladesh, Ukraine or Germany if only the US would be the shining example to the world?! I'm sorry, but when it comes to social progress, the best the US can hope for is finally catching up. Any option to be exemplary was definitely gone by maybe the 1970s

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    Can I assume orthoimagery is the best for tracing buildings?
  • In some places there are government basemaps available as well. These can be extremely accurate, up to centimeter precision. Of course they can be outdated or have mistakes too, and not all are as precise. So it's hard to answer the question without knowing the location. Always vest to consult with local mappers about things like this.

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    Global population density
  • Basically all countries that started having some economic growth since 1950 will have this spike effect. The countries that were already rich had a slow population transition, the other ones a fast one. The short version of that story is that in the latter child mortality went down slowly, and in the the former it was a quick proces. People take some time to adapt to this new reality, which means that for a shirt period of time 10 of 10 children will grow up to have kids of their own. After a while, the amount of children goes down to 2 or less, and growth stops. In Europe, this lade population multiply by two or three, in North Africa for example it can be up to times five or more. And in modern societies, this kind of growth tends to concentrate in cities.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • As someone who lives under representative representation, I totally agree that FPTP should go. But being against that system doesn't have to ve a leftist strategy. I think everyone who does not feel represent by the two big parties can get behind a change there. Pushing that idea across the spectrum could be helpful. It might even be an idea to start an alliance party with as only program point an overdue constitutional reform. You wouldn't need other policies: simply reform & hold new elections as soon as possible afterwards

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    What you need to know about America’s shockingly good economic report
  • Do as the other poster said. The Benelux is also a place where you could probably work with just English. Bonus points if you manage to get a job where you're allowed to work from, say Portugal (for the weather and the low living costs) Good luck on the job hunt!

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    What you need to know about America’s shockingly good economic report
  • Have you looked into the European job market? From what little I know, I have the impression here that kind of profile can pick among any number of jobs.

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    If Clinton, Trump, and Did Not Vote were presidential candidates in 2016
  • Just having the vote on a non working day or giving (almost) everyone obligatory paid leave that day is way easier and could already have quite an impact.
