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Man sets himself on fire outside Israeli consulate in Boston, US
  • Nobody but republicans are voting for genocide. Everyone with a conscious and brain are voting for the lesser of two evils because that's the only choice we have. You're inflammatory BS does nothing but make you seem more fringe, less thoughtful, and therefore easier to ignore.

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    Why limit immigration?
  • Why does it need to be equal to population?

    Because I was responding to the previous commenter that cited specifically those numbers.

    I get what you're saying, that other cultures are not as tolerant, and when said culture pops up in a previously tolerant area, it can cause tensions. To that I'd say that we have a system of government enforcing laws in a uniform manner across a region precisely because not everyone agrees uniformly. You can't strip away the freedom to be wrong, you can only enforce rules that support equity, safety, and inclusion, and do so especially within local populations that seem to eschew it.

    But also, not all migrants are intolerant. So assuming that they 1. are, and 2. will stay that way, is a xenophobic dog whistle.

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    The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election was not due to any erosion in support for Donald Trump. Rather, not only did Trump’s raw vote total increase, but in the key states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Trump’s share of the vote actually increased.

    Still mind-boggling and a source of great personal disgust while being a national disgrace. One can only hope that enough people have soured on him since then, after countless displays of racism, xenophobia, sexism, authoritarianism, bigotry, and incompetence. A twice impeached loser felon grifter that's clearly a russian asset should not stand a chance, yet here we are. Makes me sad.

    Between the people trying to give you healthcare and secure your job, and the people trying to let your miscarrying wife bleed out in the parking lot of a for-profit hospital, some morons prefer the latter. Why? "because he's racist like me!" seems to be the deciding factor. Yes, that is why my parents are voting for him. and my mom is a poll-worker 🤦‍♂️

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    Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • I miss when conservatives tried to conserve things like national parks (i.e. Teddy Roosevelt) instead of using conservatism as a mask for racism.

    It's like, it seems appropriate for a two party system to have one party push for progress, while the other advises caution. But they dropped the euphemism and have been just blatantly racist/xenophobic/anti-other for far too long to pretend now that conservatism is anything else.

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    Chief O'Brien at Work #21 - The Future
  • I'm in this comic and I don't like it!

    Those moments of clarity, when your attitude towards some thing that was previously an overbearing negative force on your life suddenly abates... When the true meaning of life feels so firmly within your grasp, seems so straightforward and simple that the whole world looks less dark in the glow of your revelation. You know what's important, and for the briefest of moments, everything else slips away into obscurity allowing you to breathe like there's never been tightness in your chest, or stress in your shoulders.

    But then you have to go to work, or the trashcan gets flipped over, or it's time for dinner and you're out of that thing you need and someone says something mean, and someone cuts you off in traffic and then... you're back in your normal routine. Back to taking something, drinking something, smoking something, watching something, playing something, doing something to alleviate the stress from all the things you don't want to do but have to. And with all the pockets we recede into to get away from the stressful things, we forget we're also hiding from all the other things. Those things you previously determined were the true source of joy and fulfillment in life...

    But it's too hard to stay in the moment and reflect and maintain positive relationships with others and volunteer and pursue hobbies and passions so you sit down and find something to watch while you eat.

    It's hard to be mindful, so you gotta practice everyday!

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    What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean
  • my bong has a bunch of crevices/nooks that get gunked up with resin n' such. Put in some salt, a healthy splash of alcohol, and shake it up! you'll be surprised how much that gets.

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    Laura Loomer's response to Lindsey Graham urging Trump to ditch her? 'We all know you're gay'
  • It's hard, because the media is rightfully pointing a spotlight at her saying "wow, look at this racist dirtbag who's in drumpfs inner circle! This shit is disqualifying!" and then alt-right dicktater-lovers see that and say "that's our girl!"

    It's like... you can't fault the news for bringing attention to the appalling behavior of people in positions of power/influence. It's just that all the racists are mask-off now and drumpf is appealing directly to them, as opposed to trying to reach any moderate voter.

    Fortunately it seems that most alt-right racist opportunists only ever get a glimpse of success, as their base is one that is forever moving goalposts, and will eat their own at the slightest hint that they're not as racist as them. They burn brightly, and then fade away with their reputations forever stained, only ever gaining employment through attempts to re-validate their xenophobic/hateful credentials. It's a pitiful excuse for a life.

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    If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • For a bit of non-traditional men's fashion, I want a a cape/cloak made of nice cotton, one that is swooping with clean lines. You can wrap it around you for a bit of warmth on a brisk day, or let it hang open for a breeze.

    You can have informal, casual ones for out and about, or formal ones that have a rigid collar and can be affixed in front like a traditional jacket.

    They're comfy, protect your skin from sun damage, can be worn in layers, and if you're in a pinch for tourniquet cloth, plenty of fabric!

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    If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • I have an old, ripped up pair of work pants I use to do outdoor work like mowing the lawn. About a month ago a new rip appeared at the base of my buttocks that I didn't really notice until one day I went to mow sans underwear. Lemme tell ya, the brief breezes of cool air that would get me right in the nethers was so refreshing. Like drinking from a crystal clear and cool mountain stream, except with my balls.

    So if not short-shorts, perhaps some expertly tailored pants with breathable mesh in specific areas? or kilts? kilts would work great 👌
