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Border standoff between Texas, feds intensifies as governor defies Supreme Court ruling
  • No, you see I do know. I was able to get many people to go searching for some examples because they were so sure but came up empty handed just like you. Throwing around terms of murder and racism in here like they lost their true meaning.

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    Extremists Call for ‘Civil War’ and ‘Secession’ Over Texas Border Ruling
  • Who said screw them? I’m not rich. Hard work and sacrifice is what allowed me to do it. They aren’t crazy expensive and buying used is always an option. I’m sure others of modest means could do it too.

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    Border standoff between Texas, feds intensifies as governor defies Supreme Court ruling
  • No but I’m shocked by how many people want to just throw open the border doors. Have you seen the numbers flowing in? It’s only going to get worse as the world economy crumbles. The money used to support it comes from our taxes. Do we need infrastructure? To take care of our own disenfranchised and needy? Provide services to tax paying citizens? The states have limited resources as well. Unmanaged immigration is not good. Immigration laws exist for a reason. I should know, I went through the entire US immigration process legally myself and even sponsored an immigrant while providing support for them. Open borders are no bueno.

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    Alabama completes first execution by nitrogen asphyxiation
  • I can understand what you are getting at. Ideally, the burden of proof should be absolute. If not then the death penalty should be off the table.

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    Border standoff between Texas, feds intensifies as governor defies Supreme Court ruling
  • Can you explain how managing legal immigration is evil? I’m sure Texas would be happy to bus them all to your house. I trust you have the resources to take care of them.

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    Alabama completes first execution by nitrogen asphyxiation
  • That made me chuckle. However it seems to go against the premise of your argument. Kill more to prevent the killing of one? I’m afraid there is no good solution. Maybe neuralink will one day allow us to read the memories of those accused for definite convictions.

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    Alabama completes first execution by nitrogen asphyxiation
  • I would not say executing innocents is a good thing. I understand your compassion though. It speaks well to you. Unfortunately there is usually no being made whole when it comes to tragedy. I believe the bar for proving guilt when the death penalty is involved is quite high. I have seen the cases of the few exonerated from death row and I am thankful for that. There are people out there fighting for those wrongly accused. However, there are many more clear cut open and shut cases of those not deserving to exist among their fellow man who have done things to the innocent that are hard to even read.

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    Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to ask lawmakers to make community college free for all high school graduates
  • I can see where you are coming from and do not disagree. However these decisions have to be made in aggregate and proportionally, the “geniuses” that failed or dropped out of highchool, are most likely a small minority compared to the overall population.

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    Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to ask lawmakers to make community college free for all high school graduates
  • My guess is it has to do with effective use of resources. The tuition is free to the student but not the taxpayer. Teachers and administrators don’t work for free. If you can’t get through state funded education up to high school then the chances probably aren’t great for college. Those seeking a second chance could always complete a ged and get the benefit, hopefully.

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    Alabama completes first execution by nitrogen asphyxiation
  • Any suggestions for alternatives? The poor unfortunate souls on death row salute you. Can’t cause them any distress now. I’m sure their victims got the same consideration.

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    Trump Says Anyone Who Donates to Haley Is 'Permanently Banned' From MAGA
  • My point is people dying of disease does not attribute blame to someone else, unless it is a targeted infecting by a bad actor. The disease is the killer. There is no bad faith here. I wish you well.

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    Extremists Call for ‘Civil War’ and ‘Secession’ Over Texas Border Ruling
  • By your methodology, should we also take away seat belts in cars? I maintain my ac so it is always in working order and ready to handle extreme heat. Also a generator on hand to back it up just in case. Not pathetic my friend, just ready.

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    Extremists Call for ‘Civil War’ and ‘Secession’ Over Texas Border Ruling
  • Hey person I am against corruption as much as anyone. All human systems are corruptible and we need to be realistic. To think that “they” are being malicious is probably not correct. I don’t think the many thousand of people involved in the power industry laugh about people dying in extreme weather. Nor the ones at the top. They believe a free market for energy has benefits that outweigh the negatives. If anyone has evidence of real corruption I will gladly pick up my pitchfork and join the party. There are bad apples in almost every bunch and should be rooted out.
