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2 mo. ago
  • ProStreet got ignored in my circles because it was different, but maybe it was a mistake, that looks fun.

  • She's actually the real spammer?

  • I really feel bad for whoever is in these pictures.

  • I had a friend with burnout 3. A lot of time was spent on crash mode. Also have paradise on PC, but I didn't play it that much.

    Have to install paradise again and get into it properly.

  • Is that mouth just a texture with the camera angle painted on it?

    Honestly that's just great.

  • Might be Midnight Club. PS2 is where I got in.

  • It wasn't a remaster, and not really a remake either, as the games are completely different. I think it would've been better off released with its own title, or even in a different series as it was very Burnout-y, being made by Criterion.

  • 2012


  • I wouldn't call them my favourites, but I will call them a perfect fit. The licensed soundtrack in MW has exactly the correct feel for the game.

  • Oh cool, I kind of got interested in this stuff last year and read a short book about it.

    A track is a series of challenges (corners), separated by straights, which give you a breather to recover and prepare for the next corner. In a circuit, you get multiple attempts to learn and improve your execution of those challenges. I've been thinking about ways to incorporate that into other genres as well.

    The author also wrote some 500-600 page breakdown of Wario Land 4, which I also bought, but haven't dared to start reading yet.

  • I have it on loan. I recall being told this one wasn't that expensive when bought a few years ago, so it was an instant decision for someone looking for a ps2. I'd have done the same.

  • Are you spying on me mate

    Posting that while I'm going at it with this setup

  • I'm surprised they survived this long, being a crappy imitation brand that also committed fraud.

  • Get yourself a pussyphone

  • Some weirdos write decades as possessive. Writing "90's" implies that there's a 90 that owns something.

  • In GD09, the front is solid and the sides are intakes. There's 2 120mm fans directly feeding CPU and one for GPU. I could probably easily cut a hole for a second GPU intake at front left, but it might not be necessessary in my case.

  • Buildapc

    FLP01 and custom front panel

    I just learned about this cool PC case a couple days ago (, and I kinda want it over my boring aluminium and glass box. I like both the idea of an old looking sleeper and the horizontal pizza box form factor (or pizza box adjacent as it's whole 4U thick).

    So I started thinking about possibilities. The FLP01 is just an off-white version of silverstone's normal HTPC case with a different front panel. So what if I got the case and modded it in a similar manner?

    I could 3D print this, and probably post-process the surface finish to look as if it were legit. It will

  • Attack

    To me this looks like defense. If the site asks you to not to scrape and you do it anyway, you are the attacker and deserve the garbage.

  • I also host my stuff on oscilloscopes.

  • Fediverse

    Standardize the sort icons!

    Hi, I tried a new Lemmy app yesterday. I was already kind of annoyed by different sort icons when using Photon and Voyager, but something snapped when I opened the menu in Interstellar. The third meaning of this arrow was too much.

    Voyager Photon Interstellar

    Here's a table of all sort icon


    Matkahuollon kuningasidea

    Menin tilaamaan kirjan. Matkahuolto toimittikin paketin valitun kaupan kassan sijasta vähän matkan päässä sijaitsevaan automaattiin. No, mikäs siinä, ei matka paljoo kasva. Automaatin edessä tarkastelen tekstiviestiä vähän tarkemmin. Ei lokerokoodia, pelkkä käsky asentaa joku appi puhelimeen. No en asenna. Tarkastan sähköpostin, sama sisältö. Matkahuoltolaiset meni näköjään keksimään takuuvarman keinon kasvattaa käyttäjämäärää: asenna appi tai paketti jää saamatta. Perkele.

    Panttivankitilanteen pakottamana asennan Matkahuolto Paketit-sovelluksen. Eijjumalauta, appi aukeaa rekisteröitymislomakkeeseen. Vitutus kasvaa odotellessa sähköpostin vahvistuslinkkiä ulkona noin viiden minuutin ajan. Sovellus kaatui kerran, mutta hyväksyttyäni tietojen jakamisen saan paketin ulos. Keskimäärin 1,6 tähden arvosteluissa joku sanoi, että soittamalla maksulliseen palvelunumeroon voi pyytää paketin siirtoa muualle.
