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Share your homelab uptime! mine is 30 days again!
  • root@sw-core> show system uptime
    Current time: 2023-11-30 12:31:41 UTC
    Time Source: LOCAL CLOCK
    System booted: 2023-04-01 10:08:51 UTC (34w5d 02:22 ago)
    Protocols started: 2023-04-01 10:14:36 UTC (34w5d 02:17 ago)
    Last configured: 2023-11-12 12:38:21 UTC (2w3d 23:53 ago) by root
    12:31PM up 243 days, 2:23, 1 user, load averages: 0.16, 0.08, 0.08

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    Share your homelab power usage and energy cost! mine is ~50W and less than $3 USD a month!
  • my apartment recently had some renovations done and the worker today asked my if my electric bill was high.. yea .. kind of.. I replied.

    . "well your apartment was much warmer compared to all your neighbours..." go figure.

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    HP Microserver Gen 10 Plus Raid
  • I have also had issues with Microservers and even HP PCI cards. Can you in BIOS disable firmware on the PCI slot? Dont remember if the microserver bios have that feature.

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    Can you easily bond two 2.5GbE ports?
  • Most ppl might even have spinning drives, they can do ~100 Mbyte/s..
    Some have upgraded to SSD, that can do up to ~500 Mbyte/s.
    And a few have upgraded to NVME, most are in the range of 1000-2500 Mbytes/s

    All these numbers are for fresh new drives.

    3 Gigabit = 375 MBytes/s. Yes I can do the math!

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    Can you easily bond two 2.5GbE ports?
  • yes and no.

    you might be able to bond two connection but it is preferable to use LACP and that is normally not available on standard windows drivers / NICs.

    on top of that you're internet speed won't go beyond 2.5G for a single session. lets say you download games from stream = you will be limited to 2.5G. But you might be able to download a game from steam at 2.5G/s and another one from EA at 2.5G.

    also bear in mind that no HD will be able to save things at 3G/s and a SSD might be able to saturate it f you're lucky.

    if you decided to get a 3G connection you must have been thinking about 10G all the way?

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    Mikrotik CRS317: Actual throughput in L3/managed mode?
  • The hardware Mikronik has does not do L3 on-chip so it will be CPU based, and will be horrible. I also find RouterOS really hard to use compared to things like JunOS. I'm bias here.

    Why can't you use OPNsense if you for some reason dont want to sit in the same boat as PFsense? I have not followed whatever happens there as I left PFSense years ago.

    Having L3 at the access switch layer have other benefits.

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    How to configure an Nginx reverse proxy host that points at a webserver subdirectory?
  • without seeing your Nginx.config it will not be possible to help. you can also run curl with -vv and troubleshoot. I assume you just get two re-directs that append the path based on existing path, so you are doing the re-direct twice somehow. I don't know what Daminion or NPM are.

    however its possible to route traffic in nginx with location and a normal proxy_pass.

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    HPE DL380 Gen10 w/ 6132 Gold idle power consumption too high!?
  • Even then, idling (no OS,

    And how would power management work without a proper OS? If you buy enterprise hardware honesty you need to educate yourself first.

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    Best Tape Device for Homelab
  • a good backup strategy should follow the 3-2-1 rule (I recommend google it so you understand the concept)

    I use tape for the pure purpose of easily having a backup offsite. Even if we don't foresee [insert your worst nightmare] happening it might, and having your data save outside of your house is for me a must.

    Now its quite easy to store pictures and documents in the cloud and its fairly safe, but storing a lot of virtual machines, databases etc. in the cloud can be expensive. Storing the data on hard drives might be easy, but in 10 years who knows what interfaces your computer will have, that will be compatible? Also hard drives are clumsy.

    Tapes allows me to take a backup every night, every week, and a monthly backup, as well as one quarterly backup without having to having to buy 10 hard drives.

    I can easily store each tape at remote locations. Currently I only have tapes at work and at a family place, but all in the same city. Backups have saved my life 10+ times due to hardware issues.

    A tapeloader might be better than having a single backup drive, but is more expensive and would require a tape backup software that can handle the loader.

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    Please help... what is a good way to establish a static IP for my homelab if the ISP doesn't provide it?
  • There are VPNS that offer public IPs, some more enterprise grade VPNs can offer static IPs as well. But its not cheap.

    Another way if traffic is mostly HTTP(S) based you can use cloudflare, seems to be the norm here.

    Why are you moving to an ISP that does not support your needs? are you moving?

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    Database servers using NAS as storage?
  • I don't need to worry about getting appropriate local storage for the computers that host these services

    not sure I understand, what OS should these computers run? should this also be NAS storage? Or is it just the database filesystem that should be on the NAS?

    honestly it looks like you don't have the knowhow to setup shared storage, it seems you are more a developer type of person, so KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

    run local storage, your databases won't be even gigabytes in size, get some cheap SSD drives instead (SATA) if you want I/O.

    also all your databased won't dive when your accidentally pull the power plug to your NAS or trip over the ethernet cable.

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    NetApp disk shelf questions
  • I have never used TrueNAS but I guess you could provision a separate volume and use iSCSI on top of that, and serve your very large database just to make things easier.

    you can in theory connect multiple hosts to the same JBOD with SAS, there are even "SAS Switches" that are built for that purpose.

    But if you do this incorrectly and initiate the incorrect drives your TrueNAS data is bye-bye

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    Supermicro 1U pizza box server fan noise
  • generally 1U servers are not loud in the datacenters, that's just a myth, the main reason might be misconfiguration, or a datacenter that does not have any cooling....

    if you control the fans your pizza boxes will run hotter, and might be throttling, or just shutdown completely.

    running customers in your basement seems to be a horrible idea, but its your business :)

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    Two Tesla K10s… And nothing else yet!
  • These are over 10 years old and are not really useful for anything, they are passively cooled. All this is quite easy info from google....

    So useless unless you really want to get your hands dirty on VDI but it seems a bit out of your league at this point in time. that's why the cost like $40 on eBay.

    the only good news is that they do not require a license to do vGPU / vVDI

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  • SQL server express is available even for Linux so that might be an interesting homelab setup.

    Otherwise you can use a trial license for (any) windows client or server to run SQL Express. This of course implies that you dont run any commercial stuff, but you posted in homelab

  • This bugs me a bit so just seeking out to see what you folks do here, at lest you who work in security or have a security oriented homelab.

    I do not generally allow any traffic between VLANs, all is isolated in the Switch, where different VLANs are in different routing instances (VRFs) and next-hop is my firewall. All traffic is L3.

    Now when I'm testing new things and I need to login to a random web interface, at a random port I normally create an application on my firewall for that port, and add that port to a "baseline" I have for traffic from my office network to my different server networks. This works as indented and means I will never have any traffic I'm not aware of.

    However this is also time consuming. So I'm thinking to allow all high ports (>1024) - for only one direction (office networks->server networks) but not sure this is a good idea either.

    I'm also thinking to force (web admin X) to use 443. I could also use a web proxy that would allow high ports and use that while testing, but yea. all have their pro's and cons..

    Stop the hate
  • Let's make this sub higher quality.

    6 years on reddit and not a single post in homelab, perhaps you can share your own homelab, or perhaps sign up to be a mod, or create your own sub? You can raise quality by contributing as well....

  • Hi,

    I have been using 10G for the last 6 years now, it has been working great but some workloads will require faster speed. This is not a normal homelab, more of an networking homelab for broadcasting

    So I'm looking at a numer of options, mellanox, brocade, Nvidia, mikrotik etc. they are great but the depth is troublesome, it needs to be <19" depth to fit in my closet. I also would like to have 8 100G ports.

    CRS504-4XQ-IN seems to be closest to what I want, but I'd like to get a few more port, to connect as much as I can with 100G.

    I'm also considering 2x25G to start with, but seems equally hard to find decent switches with above criteria. Anyone running >10G in your homelab?
