Antarctic sea-ice at 'mind-blowing' low alarms experts 36
It's happening so fast now... I always thought we would have more time
TIL of "feedback" where the pork industry intentionally feeds dead disease-infected piglets and their feces to adult breeding pigs 5
I am sooo glad I did a few years ago, just sorry I didn't do it sooner
Weatherule 24
Americans will use literally anything but the metric system
"They need us. We don't need them:" The fall of Twitter is making the trolls and grifters desperate 1
there's a tampermoney script to block whole instances
"Block The Rich" is like an ad-blocker, but for obscenely wealthy people with overinflated egos. 29
I really like it but if I could make one small suggestion, a small x in the corner to un-blur, sometimes I want to enjoy the dunking they are getting
The only political map I need 28
No, it's because Wyoming doesn't exist
Reddit kills awards and coins 5
yeah I've had awards hidden in RES for about a year now
Everything has LEDs now and they drive me nuts 12
sounds weird
Advanced pirates, whats a tip others might not know? 2
me too, but not many