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Paris mayor targets SUVs after electric scooter ban
  • I'm making an assumption based on my experience in a smaller American city but they are a nuisance and left anywhere and everywhere. People like to throw them in bodies of water too.

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    Apple will no longer fix the $17,000 gold Apple Watch
  • Mine are pretty specific but:

    1. I'm a bartender. I can get messages if the door person/security is having a problem customer while I am elbow deep in an ice well (plus phones are dirty so I'm not touching gross phone and then your lime wedge even if I am super religious about washing my hands with everything I touch behind bar.) I don't wear it all the time but it is a useful tool.

    2. I monitor my heart rate cos I'm having health issues

    Butttt.. I don't feel bad for these folks, mine came with my phone.

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    Air travel has gotten more violent. Flight attendants want training to fight back.
  • I'm in the service industry, specifically a nightclub setting, and these folks are feral now. I have a lot more fear of getting shot or stabbed than I ever did previous to covid.
