Skip Navigation Under Lula, Brazil is walking on the financial wild side

Investors have started to worry about deficits and debt

In the year to mid-June Brazil’s currency, the real, fell against the dollar by 17%, the worst performance of any major currency over this period. The São Paulo stockmarket lost 8% of its value even as other emerging markets rallied.


"Investors have started to worry" Why is that? From what i've seen (i live in Brazil) the economy is going from bad to worse, the spending is always growing and there's no intent to reduce that...

92% of the reason why it sucks to be brazilian
  • Onde eu mencionei o nome do bozo? Olha aí quem prega a morte dos outros, aí acusam o Bozo de genocida, belo exemplo de amor seu militonto

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    92% of the reason why it sucks to be brazilian
  • You must thank to the new president and his policy of spend money as were no tomorrow and create ministries and secretaries for other parties in order to approve laws. Ah ask to DiCaprio and Greta if this is good for them, bacause they supported this candidate, and the environment got no improvement so far

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    Brazil: Amazon deforestation drops 34% in first six months under Lula
  • That is a way to tell the story, but isn't the thruth You can check this link In the amazon, the deflorestation slowed a bit, but in another region, was worse...
