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What is the worst experience you've had reading a book?
  • With Dune I had no problem. One of my favorite books, actually. But Ulysses... oh god. That was a hard book to read (and not finish).

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    As the Elden Ring DLC beats the snot out of players, Hidetaka Miyazaki says toning difficulty down would "break the game itself"
  • One could accuse Elden Ring of many things, but clunky controls is definitively not one of them.

    It's probably one of the best combat systems I've ever played. When you die, you know it's your fault (usually because of greed), not the system cheating you. It's very fair, unlike many others.

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    The battle for the heart of next-gen handheld gaming PCs: AMD's Strix Point versus Intel's Lunar Lake
  • But being an ARM SoC it wouldn't run your Steam library, which is what most people want in a handheld gaming pc. And if you use it to emulate x86 you lose efficiency, which is the main thing these other chips are competing for.
