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Activision Blizzard settles sex discrimination lawsuit for £44m
  • £36.85m ($46.75m) will be shared between claimants who claim that they were unfairly paid, and £7.1m ($9.1m) will cover associated legal fees.

    That is a lot of money. Any idea how many they are?

  • International Students in Europe

    What percentage of tertiary students in Europe are international students?

    Percent of births outside marriage in Europe.
  • Turkish here! The reasons are the fact that we are poor as fuck to finace a newborn baby and the financial incentives of marrying. When you marry usually the tradition is like the bride side funds the ceremony and groom's side funds the house goods like dish washer, bed etc. You also get lotsa assets from your other relatives, colleagues, and friends. Moreover, both grandparents, being rich boomers, subsidise the cost of grandchild and take care of them. They wouldn't do so if it was outside marriage because of old school mindset (herritage laws play a big role here too).

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    According to a new survey, half of Germans believe that Germany will no longer be a leading economic nation in the world in ten to 15 years. In 2022, this was only 30%.
  • I think, with the government change, they have a higher chance now. I am a qualified workforce from Turkey. France is becoming too right wing for me (I escaped from Turkey due to extreme right wing). I already consider Germany as one of promising countries. Germany is still one of the leading countries in many research realms according to the numbers and is rising. Moreover, they are relaxing their immigration laws and putting more emphasis on internationalisation. Those will increase the brain gain for sure

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    Lobbying power of Amazon, Google and Co. continues to grow
  • I tried qwant as well. It is not very good but decent for a company which codes their algortihms. Try startpage as well or duckduchgo. Duckduckgo is also not very good but if you are not satisfied with results, you can type !sp to search on startpage

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    Fedora really needs a backup tool
  • I use deja dup because I have a lot of useless (unencrypted) storage from organisations. Deja dup backs up my data in an encrypted and easy to use fashion. It is a gnome app but I use it in KDE.

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    NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Performance For August 2023
  • A lot of things. It has been 6 months since I bought my laptop with rtx 3070. I waiting for the next AMD 8000 series gpus to replace my current laptop

  • [Solved] PyTorch Lightning is bottlenecked by the CPU

    When I train my PyTorch Lightning model on two GPUs on jupyter lab with strategy="ddp_notebook", only two CPUs are used and their usages are 100%. How can I overcome this CPU bottleneck?

    Edit: I tested with PyTorchProfiler and it was because of old ssds used on the server


    The host is Archlinux with virt-manager. Desktop environments are Fedora spins. Virtual machines are given 5.7 GB. If you want any other test to be run let me know!
