Best way to actually clean my glass shower door? 1
And if you're lazy, you can basically buy this already made as Dawn Powerwash. It really works great.
Bridge between US and Canada closed following explosion. (Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls) 11
Except it sounds like they closed them all due to this. Tons of families probably not going to get home for Thanksgiving, sucks.
New parenting strat just dropped 18
"please don't show me that at this point in time"
don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, 39
Washing dirty dog paws. Fill it with water, put the paw in, spin it. Actually works great.
Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay? 9
WFH, no question.
What is going on with beehaw... again? 1
Seems they are helmed by some minister/preacher who wants to protect his flock from the naughties of the internet by way of heavy handed moderation