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But my WiFi is just fine!
  • I have zero experience with networking hardware. How hard is it to recable an apartment for a newb like me? How does that even work, do I gotta pull wires out of the walls?

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    Anyone who downloaded the GOG Baldur's Gate 3 release from 1337x, scan with Malwarebytes asap!
  • Ah thanks for explaining! Yeah the inability to purchase it directly on local exchanges is a bummer, although if localmonero vendors are available in your area, you may be able to pay them using your local bank account too.

    These days you definitely don’t have to download the entire blockchain to use it; you can just connect to someone else’s node. But if you want to restore an old wallet, you unfortunately do have to run through each blockchain transaction after the wallet was created, to see if any of those transactions belong to you. There’s also a mobile app nowadays called Cake Wallet.

    All in all, I agree that it’s not the friendliest crypto to use, unfortunately. Its main selling point is privacy, and criminals are more incentivized than others to protect their privacy, so I’m not sure how it’ll ever shake off that image.

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    The invisible laws that led to America’s housing crisis
  • Ditto on pushback coming from private citizens rather than big corporations. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, NIMBYs in my neighborhood killing a proposed denser construction project. The “greedy” development firm wanted to build, the NIMBYs killed it. The article itself even mentions this, this is democracy doing its thing:

    Homeowners wielded huge political influence to block any changes they believed could hurt their property values.

    Blaming corporate greed is a stupid take. If only we relax NIMBY zoning laws, then the “corporate greed” of developers would automatically incentivize them to build all the dense housing we need (they are in fact very happy to build denser smaller lots if allowed to, contrary to what fire retardant claims), and finally start increasing the supply of housing in order to lower market price.

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    Thousands of authors demand payment from AI companies for use of copyrighted works
  • No, there shouldn’t because that would imply restricting what I can do with the information I have access to. I am in favor of maintaining the sort of unrestricted general computing that we already have access to.

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    Thousands of authors demand payment from AI companies for use of copyrighted works
  • Only in the last few comments, because unlike me you continually refuse to engage with more constructive content. But from reading the rest of the thread, I see you’re always like that once you run out of talking points.

    Ah well, gotta feed the trolls once in a while!

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    Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.
  • The Universe doesn’t give a fuck about your summer home, nature doesn’t give a fuck that you worked hard to get it.

    Nor does the universe care about your sense of fairness or lack of understanding of econ 101. Keep restricting supply while demand increases, and watch what happens. Oh wait, we’ve already seen what happens, and yet we refuse to acknowledge it.

    So be it. A population deserves the problems it gets.

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    Thousands of authors demand payment from AI companies for use of copyrighted works
  • Um, you implied it when you said the other guy was agreeing with you, when he was clearly not? How else could you possibly think he agrees? Piss poor reading comprehension perhaps?

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    Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.
  • Vacancy rates in the places where people actually want to live are really low. Besides, are people not allowed to have vacation homes?

    Market price is a function of supply and demand. We’ve been under building housing for years.

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    Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.
  • The most important part of what you said is that you’d build “SO much” housing. If we’d just let the free market build all the housing it wants without letting NIMBYs get in the way, we’d have largely solved the housing crisis.

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    Thousands of authors demand payment from AI companies for use of copyrighted works
  • Dude, they said

    If AI is just blatantly copy and pasting what it read, then yes, I see that as a huge issue.

    That’s in no way agreeing “that’s it’s a massive clusterfuck that these companies just purloined a fuckton of copyrighted material for profit without paying for it”. Do you not understand that AI is not just copy and pasting content?

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    Thousands of authors demand payment from AI companies for use of copyrighted works
  • I think it would be much worse if artists, writers, scientists, open source developers and so on were forced to stop making their works freely available because they don’t want their creations to be used by others for commercial purposes.

    None of them are forced to stop making their works freely available. If they want to voluntarily stop making their works freely available to prevent commercial interests from using them, that’s on them.

    Besides, that’s not so bad to me. The rest of us who want to share with humanity will keep sharing with humanity. The worst case imo is that artists, writers, scientists, and open source developers cannot take full advantage of the latest advancements in tech to make more and better art, writing, science, and software. We cannot let humanity’s creative potential be held hostage by anyone.

    That could really mean that large parts of humanity would be cut off from knowledge.

    On the contrary, AI is making knowledge more accessible than ever before to large parts of humanity. The only comparible other technologies that have done this in recent times are the internet and search engines. Thank goodness the internet enables piracy that allows anyone to download troves of ebooks for free. I look forward to AI doing the same on an even greater scale.

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    2 female hikers found dead in a Nevada state park amid heat wave
  • Oh wow, yeah ducking wouldn’t help so much if you’re ducking to be at face level with glass 😬

    Hopefully we’ll never have to find out. Chilling in an interior room is probably a good call, the closest survivors to the Hiroshima ground zero were cocooned inside a bank vault.

  • Nova Scotia: Four missing after extreme rainfall hits Canada

    The Canadian province of Nova Scotia is experiencing its heaviest rain in half a century.

    Extreme heat in Arizona, extreme flooding in Canada. El Niño is really gearing up.

    6 In a Texas City, Heat Proved Deadly Even for Those Long Used to It

    Extreme heat killed 10 people in Laredo, a sign that the eventual death toll from this year’s widespread heat waves could be substantial.

    Fatalities are likely to be increasingly common in coming years
