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  • The directors of the matrix are both trans, and confirmed that it was an allegory. Trans people are usually faced with the dilemma of repressing their identity (blue pill) or transitioning (red pill).

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    NATO official: Ukraine has legal right to strike deep into Russia
  • Slow down. I merely clarified the matter being discussed. You might have a clear opinion on that matter, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a dilemma without a simple answer.

    Also note that the US was attacked and got directly involved in the war mere months after the lend-lease act was signed. That is what NATO is trying to avoid. The difference is that the Nazis did not have nukes and were already fighting a two-front war, so they had little power or incentive to escalate.

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    NATO official: Ukraine has legal right to strike deep into Russia
  • That analogy is faulty. It's undisputed that Ukraine can use its own arms. The question is about whether they can use the other arms given to them by NATO countries for there purposes.

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    Queen behavior rule
  • Women can choose to wear a hijab, just like women can choose to be a stay at home parent, out of their free will. But pressuring them one way or the other is cringe.

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    Maced rule
  • Leftists fighting leftists would be pretty on brand, but in that case they'd both call each other fascists. So you're probably right.

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    Australia's internet watchdog says she received "death threats" and that her children were doxxed after she was targeted by Elon Musk for attempting to regulate Xitter
  • I don't see how this is so difficult. Given the choice between a narcissistic billionaire or an independent, accountable government commission that's bound by the rule of law, I'll choose the latter every time.

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    Moet erfbelasting omhoog? | De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach
  • Wat ik me kan voorstellen is dat als je "enkel" een huis erft dat je dan opgezadeld wordt met belasting die je niet kunt betalen tot je het huis hebt verkocht;

    Daar zijn al regels voor. De termijn voor het doen van aangifte voor erfbelasting is ten eerste erg ruim (8 maanden). Daarbovenop kun je nog uitstel krijgen (4 maanden standaard, of zelfs meer dan een jaar als je een woning erft).

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    Zuckerberg expressed regret for not being more vocal about "government pressure" to censor COVID-19-related content
  • They are not above the law, because these is no law in the US that regulates how social media platforms should be moderated. This is new territory. The EU only recently passed the Digital Services Act that broadly deals with this topic.

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    Down with under-screen fingerprint sensors!
  • I don't have an opinion on the matter being discussed

    You know it's an option to just... keep scrolling right? This isn't high school, you aren't obliged to leave a comment.

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    Legality of OSINT and Data Aggregators Hoarding Leaked Data?
  • Obviously acquiring publicly available data is legal

    Under the EU GDPR it is often not legal. Controllers need a legal basis, which only exists if there is an appropriate relationship between the controller and the data subject.

  • The best part of the fediverse is that anyone can run their own server. The downside of this is that anyone can easily create hordes of fake accounts, as I will now demonstrate.

    Fighting fake accounts is hard and most implementations do not currently have an effective way of filtering out fake accounts. I'm sure that the developers will step in if this becomes a bigger problem. Until then, remember that votes are just a number.
