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  • I can't taste the breed in market milk, but I could differentiate most cows just by taste of milk from my family's farm. I can still tell the difference between brands and seasons.

    Market milk tastes kinda devoid of personality. But it is still milk. Just that milk from hundreds of cows gets mixed together

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    new preference war just dropped
  • We need a new framework, one that allows universal lookup, and makes life easier

    x =
    y =
    z =
    a =

    Once done, the formatter simply changes everything to

    Let's get this done JS peeps


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    The NYTimes is once again trashing the most promising mobility innovation of the 21st century
  • The OP is correct wrt powerful e bikes sharing space with pedestrians and normal bikes.

    They are a different beast, heavier and noisier. They have much higher speed limit, and require less effort (some models need no pedal power) to travel. This, alongside the rise of delivery services, encourages people to overspeed (more than 20mph).

    15mph is roughly the limit of what makes bicycles safe for mixing with pedestrians, but beyond this speed, they aren't that different from a motorbike in terms of road design considerations.

    At least they are better than cars and SUVs

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    U.S. screens record 2.95 million airline passengers in single day
  • It's pretty natural not to reserve seats on shinkansen, because you can find seats unless you are travelling at peak hours (and there are trains every 20 minutes or better)

    The travel time to and from airport, and the baggage+security easily eats into the 1.5 hour savings. Same day fare on shinkansen remains constant, unlike 30k+ that flights demand.

    On shinkansen, you have lots of leg room compared to LCC seats. There's also enough space to move, talk and option to reconfigure the seats for a group of 4 or 6 travelers. There's cell connectivity (and decent wifi onboard) so you don't have to pay through your nose for in flight WiFi. The toilets are spacious. There's dedicated place to talk on the phone. Less noisy and fewer bumps than a flight.

    This makes the bullet trains really attractive for business and family travels (with kids). You don't need to plan beforehand and there's less inconvenience compared to flight. Moreover, the cost also balances out if you're traveling to a smaller city with poor air connectivity.

    These kind of options actually allow spur of the moment travels over such distances.

    I know plenty of people who plan and use bus and flights due to the cost benefit, but also tons of people prefer the hassle free travel on shinkansen

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    Fanless linux laptop
  • If it's a revenue generating machine, the impact of 10 or 20% improvement in day to day could recoup the additional cost in a few months or a year.

    Similarly, for someone who travels a lot, having a useful battery life of 8-10 hours of internet+video playback allows a work routine that is worry free wrt charging and this allows tighter travel schedules.

    Ofc, this isn't the case every time, but this creates anchor effect on several segments of the market. This also doesn't include the extra cost of "luxury" aka thin and light or small bezels.

    350 USD is perfectly fine if you don't need a ton of battery life or color accurate screen or multimedia or multicore workloads. If you need any of this, most of the options get pricier than 700 USD. It's not uncommon to have to shell out 1500 USD or more for the desired specs.

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  • Looks good (the extension). Any other good tiling extensions with keyboard and GUI support? I would like to explore a few to see which one works well for me

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    Closing in on a COSMIC Alpha
  • Flameshot works on Wayland (atleast on KDE)

    Gnome is just being stupid in hardcoding an exception for only its own tool under the guise of privacy.

    And yeah, it's complicated, but it's fast for power users. Maybe it's no frills design makes it appear more complicated and as a other comment states, maybe there's a way to uncomplicate it (but I totally understand if you don't want to use it)

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    Closing in on a COSMIC Alpha
  • Zero mentions of rust or that cosmic is engineered from the ground up.

    And ofc, absolutely no links to any explanation about cosmic.

    I'd give it a 6/10 for an update blog. Rule 1 is to always assume this is someone's first encounter with your blog

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    Quack makes a Swift escape
  • It might be something built using digital payments with no transaction fee (and a percentage for currency conversion)

    Not possible globally, but in India and the Nordics, such standards are already in use. (No private apps like venmo which can't inter-operate don't count)

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    Quack makes a Swift escape
  • Without context this link is just bad. Plant growth will not reduce CO2 levels because biosphere is temporary store or carbon (since it is a part of the carbon cycle)

    We are putting carbon (into the atmosphere) that was previously buried. So putting a tiny bit of it back into plants doesn't help because:

    • those plants will die and release the carbon back
    • the number of plants added is inconsequential compared to the deforestation
    • the number of plants needed to offset additional carbon is humongous
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    Oklahoma proposal would make watching porn a felony, ban sexting outside marriage
  • That's still a bad example. We don't say that "I drive a XYZ car" since car is implied and we can just say "I drive a XYZ"

    Check with any XYZ standing for a manufacturer like Toyota, Tesla or a model like Corolla, 911, etc.

    If there's enough understanding of the concept, no need for clarification. Everyone knows naan is a bread. Unless you are asking a question in Japanese, just drop the bread (and law for Sharia)

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    xkcd #2878: Supernova
  • At some distance, we can no longer see the stars or even the galaxy. A supernova will allow us to see in really distant past, maybe at the first generation with some really good lensing.

    Think ereandel but older

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    Thoughts on this?
  • X code is convoluted, so much so that the maintainers didn't want to continue. AFAIK, no commercial entity has put any significant money behind Xorg and friends. Potentially unmaintained code with known bugs, unknown CVEs and demands for permission system for privacy made continuing with Xorg a near impossibility.

    If you don't want new features and don't care about CVEs that will be discovered in future as well as the bugs (present and future), then you can continue using Xorg, and ignore all this. If not, then you need to find an alternative, which doesn't need to be Wayland

    Oh, and you might need to manage Xorg while other people and software including your distro move onto something else.

    So yeah, "xorg bad" is literally the short summary for creating Mir and Wayland
