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[POLL] Do you use/require a headphone jack on your phone?
  • Admittedly I tend to always see as a bad thing whenever I see phone models without headphone jacks, that said for the last five years I've been using phones without headphone jacks and using the wired headphones they came with is enough for the few times I need to use them.

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    Che browser consigliate? (E perché?)
  • Io uso Firefox con le impostazioni di Betterfox e alcune estensioni per me indispensabili, ed esclusivamente in modalità compatta. Li avrò provati un po' tutti ma alla fine, per quanto le decisioni di Mozilla mi lascino spesso perplesso, ritorno sempre su Firefox: non mi sembra di avere vantaggi da Brave che non avrei con la mia configurazione di Firefox, mentre Vivaldi mi piaceva e per un po' l'ho usato come browser principale ma in preparazione dell'impatto del Manifest V3 sui browser Chromium, ormai un anno fa sono ritornato a FF (con Gesturefy per sostituire la navigazione gestuale, che per me è la cosa migliore in assoluto di Vivaldi).

    Su Android uso Mull, mentre quando avevo ancora iOS usavo Brave perché era l'unico con cui riuscivo abbastanza a bloccare le pubblicità.

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    Be honest, do you still use reddit?
  • There are just two subs I check about once every two days, but I'm yet to log in again after I disconnected my account last month. I used to only visit it through Libreddit as the UX is better anyway but now that one's gone too...

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    Official Diagnosis Yesterday!
  • Congratulations! I'm about to try to get a professional assessment, although in the particular region of Italy where I live it's a long process for adults that involves getting appointments with two doctors before going to the "Regional Autism Centre". That has discouraged me for quite some time but this sort of limbo sometimes is hard to bear and now I just want to know it for certain...

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    What are your favorite browser extensions?
  • I use the following ones (on Firefox), except for uBO the others are just for conveniency:

    • Bitwarden
    • Gesturefy (for some time from early 2021 to late 2022 I used to use Vivaldi as my primary browser and now if I'm using a mouse, not having gestures in a browser feels odd...)
    • LibRedirect
    • Plasma Integration
    • uBlock Origin (middle mode and with some additional lists)
    • User-Agent Switcher and Manager (if I find a site that says it doesn't work with Firefox).
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    Lemmy Apps
  • Same, I'm especially hoping to see Infinity for Lemmy someday.
