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The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves: Cohost and the Fate of Centralized Platforms
  • Hell, trolls could go around and recreate accounts on the top 100 instances with the same username users have on other instances to prevent them from reusing the same username elsewhere, just that is a weird concept to explain

    Yes but that doesn't mean you should get automatic dibs on a name everywhere. It's just a name. If you are Joe Bill at, that does not give you any rights over the name Joe Bill all across the world. Statistically speaking, there's at least 18 thousand other Joe Bills around at this very moment.

    Like, this is something that is already solved by the instance's moderators.

  • Jump
    Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • Well, what’s stopping someone else from adopting

    There's over 1400 people solely in the US named Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks The Celebrity does not get patent rights or trademarks or copyrights on the name.

    Wanna know which is the Tom Hanks The Celebrity? Check if their profile is authenticated against their personal website, à-la-Mastodon.

  • Jump
    Lemmy wouldn't really takeoff to replace Reddit until it's content is search indexable
  • Sounds like a good idea in theory, but in practice would kill the entire usefulness of the subscribed view if people have to subscribe to entire magazines / communities / whatever only to vote on one particular stuff in them that is relevant to them.

  • Jump
    Lemmy wouldn't really takeoff to replace Reddit until it's content is search indexable
  • Oh, and for the record, linux is ALSO a confusing hot mess for the average person. But until linux developers accept this,

    I've heard the same kind of stuff about lots... lots of things that "will never catch on". Every one of those doomsayers were wrong. Some of them unfortunately, but still, they were all wrong.

  • Jump
    Lemmy wouldn't really takeoff to replace Reddit until it's content is search indexable
  • God I wish someone went and finally fixed that. It's incredible that of all the FOSS and community stuff you can find on the internet, lemmy is the big one that can't even remotely be browsed via w3m / elinks / anything-without-Javascript.

  • Jump (Mastodon Instance for the Emacs community) will shut down.
  • If this later returns as (more streamlined and lightweight, minimal featureset, perhaps not even the ability to store remote files so as to avoid the CSAM issues, etc) it'll be The Day.

  • Jump
    Giving C++ std::regex a C makeover
  • This is cursed in a cool way, and viceversa.

    (Me, I'm just using POSIX / regcomp; dunno if there's a handy C++ wrapper for it)

  • Jump
    Newgrounds is considering adding activitypub support but is concerned about hosting fees for serving images to millions of people
  • I would hav thought stuff like Lemmy would have configurations to eg.: not allow to upload images locally, only hotlink.

    Anyway, an alternative is "zero knowledge" storage, where you don't know what you are storing (hence, you can't "choose" what to host or not host either). Another alternative is disjoint storage, where two different servers store different halves of a file (eg.: an Odd Bytes server and an Even Bytes server), but this means now it's necessary to hit more servers to recover a file.

    But the sensible thing to do IMO is to apply "common carrier" concept. The water distribution company is not, to my knowledge, held liable when something happens like you fill a bucket of water and share it with someone else.

  • RFC 9557: Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps with Additional Information

    This document defines an extension to the timestamp format defined in RFC 3339 for representing additional information, including a time zone. It updates RFC 3339 in the specific interpretation of the local offset , which is no longer understood to "imply that UTC is the preferred reference point fo...

    RFC 3339, the "alternative" to ISO 8061, was extended to RFC 9957, which also allows adding interpretative tags.

    Sounds like unnecessary complexification to me. What is wrong if anything with "2024-04-26"?

    Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace
  • All that is needed is a way to find what you want and a solid system of building trusted profiles with ratings and such.

    Wouldn't the second part require a trusted means to verify that a given profile actually sold you the promised thing, as well as some trusted means (two-party signing, maybe) to announce that a payment actually took place?

  • Jump
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's certainly and obviously not, but:

    • YT is not anywhere near the "literal only possible way". Heck, air TV still exists!
    • even tho it isn't, I don't see you nor anyone acting to that extent, instead you go on a self-defeatist-for-everyone attitude.

    Does Youtube have a monopoly and network effect? Sure, absolutely, and someone's gotta correct that. But it's not a complete monopoly in the sense of "if you don't eat you die". If the main supermarket in the area doesn't like me because "boobs" or something, I can still go to a minimarket.

    ...Look, you really get tiresome. I'd ask if you are fine but honestly you are not my problem. If you need serotonin or something, get you seen; don't try to drain mine.

  • Jump
    A symbol for the fediverse ⁂
  • "Fedi"

    Already more than 50% shorter.

    In comparison, asterism symbol (and any proposal that further extends into Unicode's emoji area) still spends three, maybe four bytes.

  • Today in our newest take on "older technology is better": why NAT rules!


    Hey everyone I was wondering how do you spice up your cursors, icons, themes, etc., In particular for desktop environments such as XFCE, Mate. Are there any good repositories to use?

    I've taken a look at a number of apparently cloned sites like "", "", "", but while they seem to show a wide offering of themes, it seems downloading from them is blocked via uBO since it reports a "fp2" fingerprinting script without which apparently downloads are not enabled. Are those sites trustworthy? They seem to be associated to a "OpenDesktop" initiative of which the only reputation I can find is that they were added to EasyList Privacy blocklist.

    If there are other alternative hubs or repos from which to theme a distro (as agnostically as posisble) that'd be welcome info.

    Cheers. Thanks. Et cetera.


    Standards shouldn't be behind a paywall

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:

    > - ISO 8601 is paywalled > - RFC allows a space instead of a T (e.g. 2020-12-09 16:09:...) which is nicer to read.


    Anything of interest happen in 9-11?

    I've seen the Wikipedia article on year 9 doesn't mention anything of relevance happening during November. Closest thing seems to be September. Since people around have spent a few years making lots of ruckus about how the date with "9, 11" has some sort of importance as a date, I was wondering if I'm missing something here.


    What is the need of T in the new (2019) time format?

    Basically title. 2019 edition of the Standard denotes the "T" prefix to time as mandatory (except in "unambiguous contexts"):

    01:29:59 is now actually T01:29:59, with the former form now designated as an alternative

    But date does not have a "D" prefix, not even in "ambiguous contexts".

    1973-09-11 never needs to be something like eg.: D1973-09-11

    Anyone know the reasoning behind this change and what is the intended use? The only time-only format with separators that I can think would be undecidable in ambiguous contexts would be hh:mm which I guess could be mistaken for bible verses?


    2023-08-13: Kindly proposing a logo / banner for this community

    I mean, it's the obvious choice. So why not? Maybe we can do with the zoom on the cat if there is a better version.
