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No, thank you
  • My dentist has started texting about appointment reminders and reschedules. It's an automated system but also a person can manually jump into the conversation. I love it because it means I don't have to talk to them on the phone.

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    What has been the biggest surprise about getting older?
  • I've felt the same about tablets since at least when the MacBook Air first came out⁰. I was in my early 20s. I don't think that particular opinion has much to do with age. Tablets are a compromise device. They're in between a phone and a computer but they're worse than both.

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    Great talk
  • It's probably due to my age but that would be super weird to do with my peer group unless using it ironically. I'd sooner go with "well" or "so..."

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    ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K
  • Honestly I'm not surprised, it looks like something out of the mid 2000s. That's not to say something bad about it. Graphics don't make a good game on their own.

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    Tel Aviv Beach
  • I've often thought that we can squarely blame Western Europe for the proliferation of suits being the normal business wear. It makes sense for them because have you visited the UK in summer? Or northern the northern half of the continent? It's downright cold sometimes. In the middle of summer. It makes sense for them to wear all that crap all the time. I do wish we weren't influenced so heavily by that to the point that we don't have any real alternatives when it comes to formal and business attire.

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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • Well actually I've got one in my laundry room too and that one hasn't failed either so it's really a sample size of two. But either way if you don't like it that's why I said for what it's worth.

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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • For what it's worth I've had one of those integrated overhead fixtures in my kitchen for about 6 years. It hasn't failed yet. The overall shape of the fixture which we like also wouldn't be possible if the bulbs were replaceable.

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    So proud
  • Don't even need virtual box. You can just install Linux directly on Windows using what they call "WSL" (Windows subsystem for Linux)

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    How does everyone feel about Samsung phones?
  • Good thing the EU is making it so we're not going to have to worry about that for much longer.

    Also it is possible to change the battery in your device it just takes some effort. Ifixit has replacement batteries, the needed tools and good instructions for many devices.

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    How does everyone feel about Samsung phones?
  • That also happens to me sometimes with my note 10. I think it has something to do with the weekly automatic reboot I have scheduled.

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    Dogs vs Cats
  • For two of my cats I agree but the other one definitely shows remorse when he's being scolded. It may not be genuine but he's certainly pretending he's sorry.

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    How did become more popular than
  • RIF specifically directed me here. I didn't join one before that because I didn't know which one was "best". I honestly don't care which one I joined, I just wanted to be on the one everyone else is on. I know this mindset somewhat defeats part is the purpose of the federated communities. I don't care about that in the slightest I just want a clone of Reddit.

    Also "world" sounds more generic/standard than ml. Most people probably think it's a military website or something.

    You'll probably find 90%+ of casuals are in the same boat as me.
