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Is Ryze Mushroom Coffee Just Another Craze?
  • for me, it is a craze because the food is not tested enough for its marketed effects.

    sure, many other people also claim to feel its benefits but the numbers just ain't enough, for me at least.

    then again, not all people are the same. you can give it a shot for science. nothing wrong with trying.

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    Nvidia CEO: "We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence"
  • Most people prefer more fps over image quality, so minor artifacting from DLSS is preferable to the game running much slower with cleaner image quality.

    I don't think we're not much different in this portion. AI upscale is passable enough that gamers will choose it. If presented with a better, non-artifacting option, gamers will choose that since the goal is performance and not AI. If the stat is from PS data, and not from a poll, I think it just strengthens that users want performance more.

    There will never be a set performance target again.

    It's not that there's no set performance target. The difference is merely one, on the CounterStrike era, vs. many, now. Now, there's more performance targets for PC than Counter Strike days. Games just can't keep up. Saying "there will never be a set performance target" is just washing hands when a publishers/ directors won't set directions and priorities which performance point to prioritize.

    It might be that your point is optimizing for scalability, and that is fine too.

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    Nvidia CEO: "We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence"
  • the premise seems flawed, i think.

    i feel what he's saying is: we suck optimizing gfx performance now because gamers deem ai upscale quality as passable

    this feels opposite to what the ps poll says that gamers enable performance mode more because the priority is more stable frames than shiny anti aliasing/post processing.

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    Is "retard" a slur?
  • fair point, and I totally agree. calling people names they do not consent is crossing the line.

    in the medical side of reality, the target of this is never the person but the situation or the problem in question.

    for the other side, the target is never clear and would mostly cause confusion.

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    Is "retard" a slur?
  • Yes, do not use it.

    Language is naturally evolving and changing. I used to use it before because there was a legit biological/ medical/ psychiatrical usage of it (short for "retarded mental growth"). Now, that legitness got buried in the common hate speech we knew today.

    To avoid confusion, better just let it go. OR, use it only in convo with a group of med- /bio- nerds.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • thanks for sharing!

    that's probably a good reason i only watch it on planes.

    i'll also check out twbb. maybe it's another cannes entry.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • i just read the plot. this reminds me of how we get our other senses boosted if we shut off our dominant sense(mostly eyesight).

    it looks promising! i'll be sure to check it out in the weekend.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • shouldn't that be what challenges do to you? like if it's not something uncomfortable to you then you aren't challenged enough?

    now, I am also curious what makes that a one-and-done for you?

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • graveyard of the fireflies.

    i don't usually rewatch, but if the plane has it, i challenge myself. again. and again.

    this time, i won't cry

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    What is a product that sounded promising but ended up being very underwhelming?
  • These ones I think had drummed up a lot of hype but failed to deliver:

    • "ai" a.k.a. "Plagiarized Info Synth System". the magic is gone. it doesn't make decisions. hallucinations show how limited it can and doesn't match how it was marketed.

    • "smart" cars. all the powers (and tracking) of smart phone apps inside your car.

      • "smart" ref/ fridge/ icebox. plays skyrim. supposedly orders for you when eggs go out of stock. tracking. dedj in a year or so.

      • "smart" tv. more ads. more tracking.

    • NFT. owning the "receipt" of a digital resource is a funny idea. as long as you aren't the one owning.

      • digital ownership. those online and cloud libraries of your music, books, etc. I have seen news of amazon, steam, and others de-listing items here. if you own one of those, they're gone.
    • "google+". touted fb-killer. nobody was there.

      • which leads to: any google product that was scrapped. because google killed it.
    • hyperloop. vaporware. I mean, we can dream.

    below are products that are solely in my opinion and YMMV:

    • 4D movies. oh, seat is vibrating. i got wet.

    • 1gb/2gb/4gb internet. promises up to advertised speeds. flat payment as if said speed was delivered.

    • iphone. all the bright colors and jumping people on the ad. I don't see iphone owners being high as that. imo, the money i dropped on it is stockholming me -- i love it.

    • salad. what's all these girls smiling and laughing at their salad?
