J'aime beaucoup ce que tu dis, et j'ai le travers de faire ce "voyage annuel qui vaut les heures de boulot en récompense". Pour moi c'est surtout deux choses:
L'aspect collectionnite: je connais, j'ai mangé, j'ai vu, j'ai échangé. Et je veux y retourner ou pas. Y vivre aussi est une question.
Trouver ce que je trouve pas ici: en tant que plongeur, c'est trouver des choses que j'ai pas sur place. Donc loisir+dépaysement.
Fenton! Fentoooon !
For me, they did "the cube thing" -again- and i like it. It's what brought me to linux in the first place: boasting to my friends that i could do this and that, and they couldnt.
Lost a few fights, around compatibility and reach.
But hell yeah do i love that damned cubed desktop come back around: moar kiddos, moar future. And feel more hopeful about the curre t state of open source when the mass discovers it because its kewl.
Wooooooooot !
That's what brought me to linux back 200...4 ? 5?
Then it disappeared because (not sure here:) canonical wouldnt support compiz/beryl... or was it gnome2 ?
But now you tell me it's back and you made my day
alias !="cd .."
Works wonders on azerty keyboards, where ! is close to return key. I guess you could pair another key with ctrl for the same effect ?
I use #syncthing as an alternative to cloud services. Share two folders, no matter where they are, on what device etc, provided the device can run a version of syncthing.
And its not only notes: pictures, movies and whatnot.
I transfered 60gb of pictures from the family oc to my phone with that
No ads ! If i'm not wrong, windows comes with news, weather report, cortana, flickr ... they even plan on adding ads in the explorer iirc.
This ! Wiped my windows install last month, so far so good. Still have some glitches in kde/steam/proton where the window blinks like crazy.
Also agree with previous post: in my early days of IT, my school laptop (thinkpad t42p) was starting to age, and debian gave it a seco d life, out of the box. I was "forced" to use it, but never regretted it, except when at thw time support for xls, doc wasnt so good, not to mention gaming