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What are your favorite open-source games?
    • Endless Sky -- open-source space game. I actually contributed to it back in the day; a date format option and a full-blown storyline about an author. Unfortunately the storyline is in development hell cause I lost motivation to work on it.
    • OpenTTD -- really awesome, with NewGRFs and mods you can have a somewhat "realistic" rail experience (as in, using actual real-life trains. Obviously a pixel game isn't the most "realistic" with graphics)
    • Mindustry
    • Pioneer Space Sim
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    Anyone got any thoughts on, praises of, and criticisms of Njalla?
  • And I don't check my email every single day. Scary.

    Nitter ended up getting their domain back though.. However, the good ending doesn't always happen.

    Thankfully I don't have anything "controversial" on my website.

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    What Do You Use Your Personal Website For?
  • Just basic information about myself and maybe a thing or two I've done on the Internet.

    Someday if I get the time or the server resources, I'd add subdomains to it to host other stuff, for example "", while "" would just be the basic information, and probably a directory to all the other subdomain stuff.

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    Is there a way to contact a mod about a post deletion?`
  • Okay, doing more research; I now understand what the unintended consequences of the question were, so thank you for the explanation.

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    Is there a way to contact a mod about a post deletion?`
  • I understand why you feel that they are "phishing questions", but:

    1. The question was using Katrina as an example to further convey what it was that I was asking about.
    2. Someone replying to the question could have not provided a name at all; only their feeling about having the same name.
    3. With eight billion people on Earth, there are bound to be hundreds of thousands of people with that name, making any form of tracing highly difficult and impractical.
  • Is there a way to contact a mod about a post deletion?`

    If someone's post is deleted, and the modlogs don't specify who performed the action (instead it is a generic name like "admin"), how can the user discuss that deletion if they have a rationale for why it should not have been deleted?

    Anyone got any thoughts on, praises of, and criticisms of Njalla?
  • Actually, you need to go build a time travel machine and recreate the Internet and all its infastructure from scratch if you want to have true ownership of your domain. Or you know, just reinvent the Internet in a premodern society or something, idk.

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    Anyone got any thoughts on, praises of, and criticisms of Njalla?
  • Did Njalla keep the domain forever or did they not renew it such that you could simply go straight to the registrar to take it back?

    Additionally, what did you do exactly with the domain that may have motivated Njalla to just.. do such a thing?

  • For those unaware, Njalla is an anonymous domain registrar though I'm hoping many of you already know.

    What are your thoughts on Njalla? I've got a domain with them already and renewal is coming up this August, but I'm kinda feeling doubt with their Trustpilot reviews.

    1. Is Trustpilot even accurate?
    2. Who are all those one-star reviewers?
    3. Is Njalla a scam? Has anyone here had good experiences with them?

    The website there is just my personal website. There's not much "shady" stuff on it (

    Has any scientific breakthrough come out of the Folding@Home project?
  • If 10,000 people work one hour in one day, then that day still had 10,000 hours worked even if a day is only 24 hours. Same with CPUs, many of them run on more than just one core.

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    Do you ever feel the "dormant person feeling"?
  • Nothing really, all the rabbit holes I've went down are all in English or conlangs whose documentation is in English. And for search resources - all you really need is Google or DuckDuckGo, a couple hours, patience, and basic knowledge of OSINT

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    Do you ever feel the "dormant person feeling"?
  • I'm not really interested in tracking you, lol.

    You don't really meet the criteria - I already know from you replying to this thread and my comments, that you are still well and alive - and determining that is the main goal of an investigation. So it would be redundant.

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    Do you ever feel the "dormant person feeling"?
  • Who knows, maybe the dictionary is wrong, but I guess it wouldn't be wrong to extend the meaning of usyoso. Yay for language evolution

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    Do you ever feel the "dormant person feeling"?
  • That's just the act of lurking, it doesn't say anything about the feelings you get while lurking.

    I am a Tagalog speaker too (but I had to look usyoso up in the dictionary lol)

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    Do you ever feel the "dormant person feeling"?
  • I've gone on goose chases all over the internet and done "dormancy investigations" of sorts in ways similar to you (though I'm unsure how similar exactly). I have a wiki on my own computer where I store the findings of these investigations alongside other unrelated things.

    I’ve spent a lot of time trying to develop roleplay contexts to understand people that make and seek out connections like this or various other ways.

    What exactly do you mean? On my "dormancy investigations" I have a rule for myself where I only lurk, read, and dig - I do not try to contact the person, ever. Though before I set this rule for myself - I remember actually reaching out to one of them and got a positive reply but I probably got lucky on that one, not chancing things now.

    I struggle most to understand boundaries that other people have. I try not to pry, [...]

    Yup, I just try to dig through the Wayback Machine or what's left of the website, to me, trying to contact the person or asking anyone who may be related to the person who the person is, is "prying".

    And I suppose that I just have a nostalgia of the Internet that was. The internet of the early 2000s. I was not alive when the 2000s Internet was at its peak; well not old enough to know how to use a computer let alone even read. So.... I don't really know what else I can say.

  • The dormant person feeling is a feeling I find myself having on the Internet often. Casually browsing the Internet, I find myself reading through threads and websites that don't look like they've been updated since 2009, or 2010, or ${currentYear - 10}. Profiles that haven't posted in so long either.

    When I see just how long ago their last activity was, it gives me the feeling, which I can only describe as a mix of concern, curiosity, and empathy. In my head, I go "I wonder how they are doing now", and "are they alive and well?". Sometimes I find myself "investigating" them or looking them up to see if they are still alive just so I can satiate this feeling of mine.

    Do other people experience the dormant person feeling too? Is it wrong to have such a feeling? But hey, if I feel the dormant person feeling, it does show that I do have empathy for strangers, a good quality, I suppose.


    Like weird place names on Google Maps, as an example.


    Hi, I'm a casual linguistics nerd (no degrees), speaking Philippine English with heavy American influence.

    My accent of English has pre-nasal /æ/ raising and I've caught myself raising it in other places like before /g/.

    When I look at English language learning videos (out of curiosity) I have not found anyone mention /æ/ raising in them.

    Why is this case?


    I have started listening to random American city council meetings lately for white noise. Since they're all bureaucratic-flavored boredom anyway.


    missing posts on front page

    why do i only see two posts on my end even though the sidebar says 7 posts?


    Hey chaos_a, want mod rights?

    Just leave a comment here so that Lemmy shows me the "appoint as mod" button.

    In the meantime, I'm proud to welcome chaos_a as one of our new moderators! A moderator from r/wellthatsucks to guide the reddit refugees.


    This streamer sent 500 people to the wrong person


    guess i won't be getting my preferred username on discord anymore

    Fuck Discord and their shitty new username system. BRING BACK THE DISCRMINATORS, WE DEMAND IT!
