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Chromium Adds Support For FreeDesktop Secret Service & Better Wayland Window Dragging
  • Yeah, I mean Google caring about Linux isn't exactly breaking news. We knew that already. Android and ChromeOS both exist and as web company they kinda have to care about the OS that by and large runs the web. But this is Phoronix and they'll make articles about anything as long as they think as it'll get engagement. "Chromium" and "Wayland" are pretty good buzzwords as far as that goes, thus this article. My point is more so that maybe it isn't productive to have every acknowledgment of Chromium's continued existence be overwhelmingly negative regardless of context.

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    Chromium Adds Support For FreeDesktop Secret Service & Better Wayland Window Dragging
  • This isn't something to complain about, IMO. Chromium is a popular app and it is a good thing to see work on supporting FDO protocols and improving Wayland support. I prefer Firefox myself, but it's nice that Linux support isn't just an afterthought for Google either and more importantly it trickles down to the countless apps on Linux that depend on Chromium in some form (usually through Electron). I personally use several, including but not limited to Slack, Discord, r2modman and VSCodium.

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    AI Artefacting
  • I see. Will avoid, then. I don't like lucid dreaming, always wake up right away. Whenever I notice I'm dreaming it becomes hard not to notice that I'm in my bed and that I can feel my covers and by that point it's all over, so whenever I notice I'm dreaming I just cut the crap and open my eyes for a couple of seconds to wake myself up and then close them again so I can get back to proper sleep.

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    AI Artefacting
  • Is this really useful? Like, is this something people ever need to do? I don't do lucid dreams very often, but the rare times a dream has lead me to the thought of "hold on, am I dreaming?" were basically immediately answered by just, uh, vibes, I guess? Like, it's always just been instantly obvious that I'm dreaming the moment I'd start questioning it, no tests necessary. At worst I might have to try to remember what I did the day before and what I was supposed to be doing that day and see if that is at all compatible with the scenario I'm dreaming about, which it usually isn't.

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    Elasticsearch is Open Source, Again
  • Do you... not know how multi-licensing works? You can use the project's code under the terms of whichever license you prefer, you don't use all three at once. Simply putting the AGPLv3 does remove unfair restrictions, because it means you don't have to use either of the proprietary licenses the project was previously only available under.

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    Elasticsearch is Open Source, Again
  • I don't follow. ElasticSearch was only available under proprietary source-available licenses. Now, it's also available under the AGPL, which is open source, meaning ElasticSearch is now open source software. What part of this is deceptive or contradictory?

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    Figure it out, you self-righteous hack.
  • Goober is a term for peanuts in general, it's not specific to African peanuts. It can indeed be used colloquially to refer to a simpleton or silly person, but it doesn't have any particular racial connotation.

    The only connection to Africa I could find is the etymology, as the word was borrowed from an African language. Considering 75% of English's vocabulary (including swear words) is borrowed from other languages, I don't think this is a particularly pertinent thing to take issue with. I mean, unless you have a source showing I'm wrong. No source I could find points to any racist connotation for the word "goober".

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    The problems and shortcomings of Cosmic (According to Hyprland Dev, Vaxry)
  • Uh, Cinnamon does not need a compatibility app to run Qt apps. No desktop environment does. You mostly just need to be X11 or Wayland compliant. The same is true with GTK.

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    will ad-blockers in chromium follow suit when chrome discontinues them?
  • MV3 doesn't make adblockers impossible, only less effective. It's important to note that MV3 has changed a fair bit since the initial controversy and isn't quite as limiting as it used to be. The fact that adblockers will lose some functionality at all is still a dealbreaker for me and many others which I thankfully won't have to deal with as a Firefox user, but it isn't going to kill adblockers on Chrome and most users will probably just install an MV3-compatible adblocker and move on with their day.

    uBlock Origin's developers don't seem to want to make a proper MV3 port, which is fair because they'd probably have to rewrite most of the extension, but they did create the far more minimal uBlock Orgin Lite, which a lot of people have taken to be an attempt at porting uBlock Origin to MV3. It isn't that. On top of MV3's limitations, it also makes the decision to work within these self-imposed restrictions:

    • No broad host permissions at install time -- extended permissions are granted explicitly by the user on a per-site basis.

    • Entirely declarative for reliability and CPU/memory efficiency.

    These aren't MV3 limitations, just a thing Gorhill decided to do. See the FAQ. You can get much closer to uBlock Origin within MV3's constraints than uBlock Origin Lite does. Right now, the best option appears to be AdGuard, which has been making a true best-effort attempt at porting their adblocker to MV3 pretty much since the announcement.

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    Calligra Office 4.0 is Out!
  • Whoa, I was convinced Karbon wasn't going to see any further Calligra releases. Seemed to have zero maintainers last I checked, thought it'd go the way of Braindump and Author.

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    Calligra Office 4.0 is Out!
  • Huh? That's the best thing about Calligra by far. Why waste valuable vertical real estate on toolbars and ribbons when you can shove a sidebar in all of that empty wasted margin space? Plus, the whole thing is customizable. It doesn't have to be a sidebar if you don't like sidebars.

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    France's longest border is with Brazil
  • The map only includes land borders. St Pierre and Miquelon are islands, so they have none. France has several small islands scattered around the world as legacy of the French Empire which are also absent from OP's map for the same reason. Saint Martin on the center left is a notable exception, since it's divided in two between France and the Netherlands.

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    Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon
  • So... why are people upset about this? I'd say it's about damn time. Having two settings apps is pretty ridiculous and it's honestly crazy it's taken them this long to ditch the control panel. I still remember people making fun of Microsoft's inability to drop control panel in the Windows 10 era. Is there anything special about the control panel or uniquely terrible about the settings app that would warrant this kind of negative reaction? Is it because of the settings that aren't available in settings? If they're preparing to drop control panel that probably means they're going to add whatever settings are still stranded on it to the new settings app, unless there's evidence that they won't do that.

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    Bypass Paywalls Add-On Takedown Notice
  • Dunno. Regardless of the method used by the extension, I think any extension called "Bypass Paywalls" that does what it says on the tin can pretty unambiguously be said to be designed to circumvent "technological protection measures". In this case, it circumvents the need to login entirely and obviously it circumvents the paywall.

    Though as you said, these guys should probably be sending DMCAs to the Internet Archive if they actually want to stop their paywalls from being bypassed. I know they do honor takedown requests. Maybe is the problem? Maybe they don't honor DMCA requests. I very often see them used on Hacker News whenever someone wants share a paywall-free link to an article.

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    Forgejo is now copyleft, just like Git
  • You can do that with permissively licensed software too. Except with those, the party distributing their repackaged version doesn't have to distribute source code alongside it. A lot of companies avoid copyleft software because they don't want to or cannot deal with stricter licensing terms. If you're a company creating commercial software which you intend to sell, you don't want to use any GPL code, because you want to keep your software closed source to avoid exactly what you described from happening.

    This can be exploited by primarily licensing your open source code using strong copyleft (like the AGPLv3) while selling commercial licenses to businesses that don't want to comply with the AGPL and are willing to pay up. Qt is able to successfully use this even with weaker copyleft (LGPLv3) because it's used a lot in embedded systems (like smart cars) which cannot comply with the LGPLv3's anti-tivoization clause.

    This means copyleft licenses can make it easier to profit if you're the author of the code, but of course third parties can more easily profit from permissive licenses.

  • KStars 3.7.2 Released

    KStars v3.7.2 is released on 2024.08.03 for Windows, MacOS & Linux . It's a bi-monthly bug-fix release with a couple of exciting features. A...

    0 Amarok 3.1 "Tricks of the Light" released!

    The Amarok Development Squad is happy to announce the immediate availability of Amarok 3.1 "Tricks of the Light"! Coming three months after 3.0.0 and two months after the first bugfix release 3.

    1 Kate and OrgMode

    Gamedev, FOSS, programming, stuff.

    1 Breeze Icon Updates for April 2024 – with a Little Heart for You!

    Hey everyone! Here is a new video explanation of the changes we have done. This time we tackled Labplot, maps, and media icons! Can you believe it? We are now officially past the mid-way for the ic…

    1 Amarok 3.0 beta (2.9.82) out now!

    Hi everyone, long time user, first time releaser here. I am happy to announce the immediate availability of Amarok 3.0 beta (2.9.82)! This is the next step towards a proper KF5 based release. Although there have been some functionalities lost during porting or due to changes in external network s...


    Amarok was KDE's flagship music player during the KDE3 and Plasma 4 days. For Plasma 5, a new music player called Elisa was created with Kirigami which is the current KDE flagship music player. The last full release of Amarok was 2.9.0 in 2018, still targeting Qt4. A Plasma 5 port was started with the intention of being released as Amarok 3.0, but despite a usable alpha 2.9.71 release in 2021, the full 3.0 release was never completed. Outside of the occasional odd pull request, the project was essentially dead and was listed as unmaintained by

    Two weeks ago, occasional contributor Tuomas Nurmi, author of over a third of these pull requests, made a push to become an Amarok maintainer, starting this thread in the mailing list:

    In the thread, Tuomas expresses his desire to revive Amarok. He believes a second alpha for 3.0 can be released in mid-April and a full Plasma 6 port could be completed within 2024 after the release of 3.0. Tuomas has since created a fair amount of merges and fixes in preparation for 3.0 and has shown no sign of stopping.

    This is very exciting news. For many, Elisa isn't a satisfying replacement for Amarok. It simply doesn't come close to matching Amarok's power and features. It also has the drawback of being a convergent application, meaning compromises have to be made to make the interface work well on smartphones.

    It's also victim to the many drawbacks of Kirigami. Theming is worse since Plasma has to convert QtWidget themes to QtQuick themes, which works great for Breeze, but meh for everything else. There is no good equivalent for KStandardAction/QAction, KHamburgerMenu or KStandardShortcut. Any Kirigami app that wants customizable toolbars and shortcuts need to go out of their way to implement them, while QtWidgets apps just get them for free. You also don't have a good QDockWidget equivalent that I know of. Apps that do bother to reimplement some of these features (Haruna is the only one I know of) still don't have toolbar customization to nearly the same extent QtWidgets apps do. Most Kirigami apps don't bother with this at all and lose a lot of customizability in the process. Elisa is not Haruna, tho. There is no shortcut customization, there is no toolbar to customize and that hamburger menu can't be turned into a menubar.

    For years, the solution was Strawberry, a fork of Amarok still under active development. Thing is, Strawberry is a fork of Clementine, itself a fork of Amarok 1.4. That's old. That's 2008 Amarok, not 2018 Amarok. Clementine had its first release in 2010, when Amarok was still going strong. It was for good reason, Amarok 2.0 introduced a very divisive redesign of the interface, which prompted a fork. But this means 2.0+ Amarok and Strawberry are actually very different beasts. For those who were using Amarok 2.9, switching to Strawberry meant switching to a new music player, making it far from an ideal successor. So I'm very much excited for the return of Amarok, the best music player KDE has had.

    15 Breeze Icon Update March 16, 2024

    Hi all, I am back with another update for adapting icons to the 24px grid and doing some larger edits. This week, I worked on 3 rows, which is great, and was able to hit just past the 50% mark, it …

    1 KDE Plasma 6.0.1, Bugfix Release for March

    Today KDE releases a bugfix update to KDE Plasma 6.

    5 Icon Updates for March, 2024

    Hey all, I have been away for a minute but wanted to give you an update on the work so far in updating and adapting Breeze icons to the 24px grid. Check out the video below.

    1 MOTIS support in KPublicTransport

    Two weeks ago I showed a screenshot of initial support for the MOTIS routing engine in KTrip in my FOSDEM 2024 report. Driven by the Transitous work this is ...

    0 Making way for Wayland in KdeEcoTest

    Improving KdeEcoTest and making it compatible on Wayland systems

    3 Plucker/Palm support removed from Okular for 24.05

    We recently remove the Plucker/Palm support in Okular, because it was unmaintained and we didn't even find [m]any suitable file to test it. ...
