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Videos show Israeli soldiers in Gaza burning food, vandalizing a shop and ransacking private homes | CNN
  • In other words, they’re only interested in punishing the ones that get caught, and they’ll only process it well after it’s happened so they can just deliver a slap on the wrist.

    By definition, you can only punish the ones that get caught.

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    How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone?
  • I don't.

    I'm a bit clumsy (ADHD) and having a cable attached to my body attached to a €1000 device is asking for trouble. I hate the cable getting tangled up, caught on things etc.

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    There is no such thing as "unskilled labor"
  • None of the icons in this meme are classed as "unskilled labour".

    A farmer? a bricklayer? are you fucking joking?

    Do you have any idea how much a bricky gets paid. Probably more than you.

    Another classic case of arrogant internet socialists with zero real world experience letting the mask slip.

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    There is no such thing as "unskilled labor"
  • OK, but why do you think you're paying teenagers to work in McDonalds and not courting the best neuro-surgeons and rocket scientists?

    What is it about their relative skillsets?

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    There is no such thing as "unskilled labor"
  • Except there are plenty of jobs where ten years of experience doesn't equate to ten years better at the job.

    There's an upper limit to how efficient you can become at say - cleaning offices or picking up litter, or picking apples.

    The cost of a new hire versus someone with ten years worth of experience just isn't worth it.

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    Trump says he'll indemnify “policemen, precincts, cities, and states” from any police brutality lawsuits
  • What about if instead of giving police a free reign to commit brutality, he said something like "we're going to vastly increase the funding that goes towards quality training; we're going to reduce reliance on old military weapons and tactics; there will be less lawsuits because our police will be given a quality education."

    How about wanting the police to be the best at their jobs, rather than the most brutal?

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    20 countries from four continents launched the Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy by 2050
  • Good. We should be in the nuclear age now with an electric infrastructure already in place and looking forward fusion and renewables.

    Trying to go from fossil fuels to renewables is too difficult a step.

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    Walmart says it is not advertising on social platform X
  • It's weird that he thinks of it as "blackmail" though, and a thing that's happening to "him".

    Blackmail is when someone has damning evidence against you and they threaten to release it unless you do what they want.

    We saw the damning evidence. It's been released. This is the reaction.

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    Disney CEO Bob Iger says company's movies have been too focused on messaging
  • When he says “messaging” I know he means the inclusion of those minority characters because he referenced Black Panther as a success.

    No, he doesn't mean "inclusion of minority characters" - by the way - women aren't minorities.

    What he means - is that they did it in a shitty and clumsy way and a way that was not good quality.

    Do you not understand the difference between "including monitory characters" and "making including minority characters your primary focus to the detriment of the quality of the story"

    Because apparently "including minorities" alone just isn't enough to keep audiences interested.

    Of course, since you only have one interest it's impossible for you understand the bigger pictures.

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    Anon searches for normal politics
  • True. But it was left wingers who killed millions of Russians in gulags, who committed the Cambodian genocides, the long marches and purges of Maoist communism.

    So maybe there's something to be said for moderation eh?

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    Disney CEO Bob Iger says company's movies have been too focused on messaging
  • He's not blaming poor performance on the inclusion of underrepresented groups... Talk about putting two and two together to make five.

    He's saying that they spent too much time focusing on "the message" and not enough on good stories. He also blamed it on just making too much crap.

    Did you even read the article or just the headline?

  • Disney CEO Bob Iger says company's movies have been too focused on messaging

    Disney CEO Bob Iger acknowledged his company's movies have been too focused on messaging rather than strong storytelling.

    Elon Musk on X antisemitism controversy: “Don’t advertise. Go f*** yourself”
  • Jesus fucking christ mate turn it in.

    He did a comedy show where he repeatedly professed respect fir trans people but criticised the way some people behave, and you're acting like he "isn't fond or minorities getting rights"

    It's just fucking psychopathic gibberish with you lot.

    If this guy was white he'd be racist against blacks.

    What the fuck does that even mean?

    He's black.

    Calm the fuck down.

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    Anon searches for normal politics
  • It doesn't even matter. Hard right and hard left are all just fucking nut job low IQ idiots with different flavours of asshole populism.

    Horseshoe theory is as clear as day to anyone not on the extremes.

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    Be yourself and be true to who you are. Don't let neurotypical conditioning define your identity.
  • I don't think they are all the same, and not all of them cause "offence".

    "using the wrong tone" is by definition wrong, so of course it will cause confusion and irritation.

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    Anon searches for normal politics
  • I've only ever heard left wingers claim that compromise is 'blasphemy' or that "center politics" is just for people who are too afraid to admit they are right wing.

    Fuck, there's even memes abotu being centrist is being OK with half the holocaust or the KKK.

    Your comment is exactly the insane shrill partisan hackery that is the problem.

    BAM - just immediately guns blazing accusing the other side of what your side is guilty of.

  • So my Home display will start playing a video (the news in the morning as part of my morning routine)... Then stop then minutes or even hours later continue.

    I also find that it's losing connection to the WiFi very often.

    Maybe it needs a reset or refresh... But I'm worried about labour losing all my device connections.

    Any advice?


    I seem to just open tabs and never close them, and then go through a cycle of anxiety wondering why I kept them open.


    I see these constant horror stories of having to pay to print, silly ink prices, having to log onto a web server etc.

    Is there no company that just makes a printer that works, does what it's supposed to, and doesn't play bizarre games?

    I think a printer might be useful in my life right now.... but, I'm actually just scared.


    I feel like some beers just have such a terrible negative affect on me, that profoundly surpasses what most people meany when they dicuss the negative effects.

    Whenever I try and look into it, I just see the standard "top ten hangover symptoms" or whatever.

    It's increasingly hard to find useful information on the Internet.

    Is there a difference? Or are we all allergic to alcohol and just the symptoms vary?


    I realise I can have a shopping list, but sometimes I want to have some items as a binary option, yes or no.


    I have been struggling to decide what to do with my old rendering machines.... But they are getting less useful for rendering by the day.

    I encountered some Ukrainian refugees in my language class, and some of them don't have PCs.

    It must be hard for them to look up information etc.

    I want to clean up my old machines and donate them... But won't have a Windows licence. I'm also not sure the best way to install Windows if they will be using Russian or Ukrainian language.

    Is there a cheap Windows licence or free for Windows this situation?

    In the old days I would have pirated it but I don't want to put them in that situation.
