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Series: What are your ADHD Tools of Thumb?
  • Write it down/put on your calendar now. You're not going to remember to do it later and then you'll completely forget it. Even if you're sure you'll remember it this time, you won't. Just write it down. And make a habit of checking your calendar frequently. Like multiple times a day. Putting it in your calendar and never seeing it again doesn't help.

    Schedule just about everything. Even the things you didn't think you'll need to schedule. Schedule what time you're going to work out, or play video games. Put an event in your calendar to make that phone call to your insurance company at a specific time instead of remembering to do it after they're closed every time.

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    IL marshmallows are a 4000 year old food beginning in ancient Egypt AND originally they were made from the sap of a mallow plant…that grows in marshes…
  • This is the recipe I use to make them:

    You can use pretty much any herbal tea in the place of the mallow root to make different flavors. I usually dust mine with coconut powder instead of arrowroot, too. Mallow powder can be found at most health food stores, but you can also forage your own Mallows or cheese weed to make your own if you know what to look for.

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    i'm 40 years old and just had ALL my teeth extracted in one go. The pain is excruciating. Any tips for pain relief?
  • No need. They work on entirely different mechanisms of action and are metabolized differently as well. They actually work synergistically when taken together with no increased risk over taking them separately.

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    i'm 40 years old and just had ALL my teeth extracted in one go. The pain is excruciating. Any tips for pain relief?
  • Max dose of acetaminophen and max dose of ibuprofen does a good job with oral pain. Usually with that baby extractions the Dr will write a prescription for some opioid or at least toradol for a few days.

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    Fuck both of us
  • Very big bullet, much recoil. Very ouch. They're rough to shoot in a heavy rifle, there would be consequences shooting then out of a light pistol.

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    Fisker reaches end of the road and files for bankruptcy
  • These electric car companies are so blind to what people want. The market is already saturated with $80k+ gizmo-laden spy mobiles. Where are all the true economy electric cars in the US? Detractors point to these failures as "proof" that electric cars are doomed and nobody wants them, but it's just that nobody wants or can afford the crap they're throwing at us.
