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  • There is absolutely no scenario in which Trump decreases funding for Israel. He was in many ways the most Zionist president to ever exist.

    When he handed Jerusalem to Israel, he broke with decades of strategic resistance from the US because he didn't understand the instability it would create, and wanted to give Israel whatever it wants.

    His current position is that Netanyahu is to blame for allowing harm to come to Israeli civilians. Not that Israel is bad for genociding Palestinians for 75 years. His fear is that Netanyahu is reckless and creating instability that might result in Palestinian liberation rather than their slow, competent strangulation by more "liberal" Israelis.

    I know he's not the President now, and Joe Biden is evil, but can we at least try and remain committed to the goal of independent working class power? We didn't tail Biden in order to "stop Trump", and we shouldn't tail Trump to stop the Democrats.

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  • Thank you for clarifying! So basically he's continuing to side with the secular, Ashkenazi, Israel lobby contingent as he always has, even back when he was a democrat. Blaming Netanyahu for allowing Israeli settlers to be killed, not for genociding Palestinians. Just like Netanyahu's domestic opposition have already been doing.

    Hopefully this is an indicator that the domestic situation in Israel is too polarized to form a unity government tasked with effectively wiping out Gaza, as some are calling for.

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    Amerinazis lost in Afghanistan, can't wait to see them lose in Ukraine
  • Hopefully constructive critique:

    This just sounds like a mirror of American exceptionalism. Down to the portrayal of your human enemies as subhuman. More extreme rhetoric cannot be traded in for a quicker path to socialism, especially if it comes at the expense of oversimplifying Marxist strategy.

    Defeats of the hegemonic empire are good, but they are not an unqualified good. Keep your agitation focused on US defeats, not on the triumph of warlords.

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    Why PSL’s Brian Becker is wrong to oppose multipolarity: it’s an essential step in ending the USA’s global reign of terror
  • I think he's fully delegitimized among those who know his name. The problem is that he's not gonna stop posting literal made-up bullshit and new people will upvote and uncritically consume it because he uses headlines like "Why Anti-Imperialism is Good". While I will bully him at every sighting, I can't commit to being online as much as him.

    As long as it's confined to the infighting comm I don't think it's a problem. But he's clearly strategic about where and when to post each article to trick the most people into reading.

    I don't think my proposal is unreasonable. This site is not a big tent, there's already a separate site for that.

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    Why PSL’s Brian Becker is wrong to oppose multipolarity: it’s an essential step in ending the USA’s global reign of terror
  • I mean, most of any audience is going to be workers, they're 99% of the population. That's never going to be sufficient for determining whether an action is worth supporting. This event was paid for by GOP-aligned billionaires. You couldn't pick a less favorable environment for worker outreach. You could go up to random people on the street and ask them how they feel about the Ukraine war, and you'd have a more serious anti-war movement than this in a month.

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    Why PSL’s Brian Becker is wrong to oppose multipolarity: it’s an essential step in ending the USA’s global reign of terror
  • We didn't fail to support the event. We rejected the event emphatically. It was a right-wing event.

    The general message is not remotely the same. There is a difference between organizing workers in an imperial country where all non-explicitly-communist institutions are reactionary to some degree, and organizing with the fascists self-consciously responsible for making it that way. If you're genuinely confused about that, you have a lot of reading to do, because even the democrats are better at recognizing their enemies.

    The libertarian party is both fringe, and the most ideologically anti-worker organization in the US. It's impossible to be further away from union organizing. You think they want to end the war and spend that money on healthcare for workers? They are literally repealing child labor laws. Some of them think slavery should be legalized.

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    Why PSL’s Brian Becker is wrong to oppose multipolarity: it’s an essential step in ending the USA’s global reign of terror
  • I'm not trying to be pedantic here, especially since I'm new to posting here, but I have to ask: why can't we just ban them? Would we not ban Matthew Heimbach just because there's a picture of him holding a communist flag? To anyone paying attention, Rainer Shea has been a long-standing problem in virtually every active communist community on the internet. He polemicizes anyone who doesn't support allying with the US far-right. I saw this post 2 months ago and he's gotten so much worse since:

    Do we just not have the resources to enforce a ban? I think he should be treated the same as Wisconcom.

    I also support a wiki page and would contribute to it.

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    Why PSL’s Brian Becker is wrong to oppose multipolarity: it’s an essential step in ending the USA’s global reign of terror
  • Rainer Shea is a patriotic socialist who made a hard turn to condemning the PSL at every opportunity after they failed to support his "anti-war" rally with Tulsi Gabbard, Jackson Hinckle, and the Libertarian Party USA.

    Brian Becker is one of the most principled communist leaders in the west, and is so frequently portrayed as a "Russian asset" by liberals that the underlap with Rainer's claim here is just funny.
